So, Skill Points are going to matter again -

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kimone, Feb 22, 2016.

  1. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    In light of this fact, what were your favorite Feats to accomplish as a character?

    FYI, mine were Races and School of Hard Knocks.
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  2. antonius New Player

    i would have to say the style feats and the exploration feats, it made me feel immersed in the world my character was in when i was strong enough to venture out and explore without dying constantly.
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  3. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    oh i hated the races. i loved the solos tbh. real pride in those.

    fun but not fun was getting the treasure chests feats back in the day when only the opener got credit. i was so close for a long time and leaguemates thought it would be funny to race me to them. lol
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  4. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I'm still working on the 250 chests feat.
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  5. Derio 15000 Post Club

    All the year 1 pvp feats.

    The prime battleground feats at launch. And of course all feats from AF2.
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  6. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    i've got legends pvp and pve to work on now. gross. i really hate legends. mebbe though now that we can practice with them, it'll be better.
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  7. metalfenix Committed Player

    The feats at the T3 courthouse alert, before it became unplayable at GU 47. Ah, and the races.
  8. Proxystar #Perception

    Destroying villians to get my 250 pvp bounty sets.

    So much crying their tears literally sustained me. :)
  9. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    they're all fun. i think i like the ones i get as happy accidents the most.
    i also appreciate the grindy feats. i like planning.
  10. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    The accomplishments I'm most proud of tend to be things you don't get feat/skill points for. LOL
  11. hoaxone Committed Player

    Wait...when did skill point ever really matter?
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  12. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    The most rewarding for me was "Crush Your Enemies and See Them Driven Before You" and "Pro Athlete".
  13. SSB Active Player

    25,000 exos. I made a ton of cash from that feat.
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  14. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    That one was probably the most personally satisfying, yes...

    *bounty hunts for jabba hutt to finance my Vette*
  15. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

  16. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Prior to the CR change they did a year or so ago Skill Points and Modding mattered because you didn't get stronger just from gaining CR. You were only stronger based on your actual stats.
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  17. Phill Committed Player

    and to add to what Brother Allen said...your gear mods added CR to your gear. The CR of your gear was actually what it said when you first had it drop or bought it not some CR 12-15 above what it says like now. You had to mod your gear to get the CR to be as it shows now.
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  18. Phill Committed Player

    I just hope this is not some pathetic attempt to keep from addressing the real issue of marks relevancy. Players are still going to skip content after they get bumped out of tier from a loot drop. Then they will still not run the lower content because they will not get marks. Plain and simple.
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  19. Ichiro Loyal Player

    LPVE were my favorite;) - jk

    I don't really think any of them as favorites but I do have a least favorite list.

    1. Anything that was random like villains on parade or similar where you had to run it daily hoping to see the right character of thing that was totally random.
    2. All of the group no death feats
    3. LPVE General feats
    4. Central City bounties
    5. Gather 25000 exos
    6. All PVP feats because I hate PVP
  20. TroEL Dedicated Player

    Wait, what did I miss?
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