How is Quantum compaired to other balanced powers?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by RLManuel, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    I've been using the robot sidekick and running the tb-dw,tb,ts rotation with reasonable results. Do you think switching the bot for wb would make a difference? The bot puts out consistent damage where I tend to get stunned out of rotations.

    I always have qt on the loadout
  2. The Anxient Loyal Player

    There are many that can go into much more depth than me with quantum, so take what I say as just advice not the end all be all. I believe you probably would see much better damage with warp barrage instead of the rsk. If tunneling is a must for your build put it in place of temporal vortex in the loadout i posted earlier. I have never had room for rsk on any loadout with any power. The damage increase is very minimal and can actually net a damage loss if you keep having to respawn it bc of it dying. This is just my. 02 as I know some dps swear by it.
  3. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Does preloading TimeBomb with Warp Barrage still work or is that a no go now?
  4. Delta796th Loyal Player

    It works but its situational as to when you can do it
  5. Delta796th Loyal Player

    TB Dw WB Tach
    TB WB Tach Time Shift (repeat this rotation 3x) then reapply step #1

    Use temp vortex as SC. This is pretty much the standard DPS loadout and rotation for Q DPS. There are a few variations where you can use Warped reality or.pre load with Warp Barrage but this usually the go to.
  6. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Quantum and Celestial are powers best for parking in one place. If you are moving in hallways and have a tank that keeps moving and pulling adds to max range you will lose damage. Quantum benefits from a complex rotation. There was a time when players didn't mind that but it's in the past.
  7. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    So the preloaded Warp Barrage is no longer OP rotation now huh.

    My wife's rotation is this.....

    TB WB DW TB Time Bubble Robot Sidekick

    She rarely plays now but that is her loadout. Same with another league mate. They both like having a shield and a side kick.

    What do you think of this as a loadout for a shield and sidekick?
  8. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Get rid of RS and at least add Time Shift = more damage
    If using Shield for survival sure, but I would replace with Temp Vortex or use 2 armory type setup and have Temp Vortex in 2nd armory.

    Typical would be TB DW WB Tach / TB WB Tach TS (repeat 3x)
    You'll see much higher numbers using this as you only use DW every 4th rotation and you add in TS which hits much harder. If they really want to maximize numbers use consumable instead of DW as a clip then you can have RS and SC in same loadout.

    The drawback to this would be solos and duos as DW still stuns A LOT and keeps adds at bay
  9. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Like I said it is for my wife and a league mate. They die a lot without a shield. Even after showing my wife how important positioning is, blocking, etc...she still dies a lot.

    As for her loadout she rarely plays DPS. She trolls mostly. Her troll role prior to her membership running out is 147. Her DPS side is I think 140 or 141. She rarely plays as a DPS.

    When she plays, that is when I get to play as a DPS on Hal. :) And my damage on my HL is better than her damage on her Quantum. I'm fully modded and have almost 3x her skill points.
  10. Delta796th Loyal Player

    At least get rid of RS and add TS, use the rotation and numbers will go up.
  11. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Tankless alert runs she uses that loadout, that is pretty much the only time she DPS. If she does DPS in other instances she uses Temporal Vortex in its place.
  12. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    Keep Calm...and Buff Quantum...oh, those were the days
  13. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

  14. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    I tried this rotation and found the results to be less reliable. The robot sidekick deals consistent damage, splits incoming damage and does some mini tanking. I've had good success using him with QT and the TB, DW, TB, TS rotation but I'll be playing some alternate setups to try things.
  15. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    The rotation I use:
    Time bomb, Distortion wave, warp barrage, tachyon blast.
    warp barrage: Time bomb, tachyon blast, warp barrage again, and time shift.

    And then finally on the last time bomb: Time bomb, warp barrage, tachyon blast, time shift.

    Rinse and repeat this until adds are dead, and also throw in Temporal vortex whenever you can(Preferably as the 1st power or 2nd power during time bomb's firing)

    Robot sidekick can be in the rotation, and it's preference.

    It just doesn't buff time bomb or helps with time bombs dps as much as Compared to Temporal Vortex.

    Also: You described your robot sidekick does some mini tanking, so what content are you running , Solos, Duos, etc?

    Credit goes to Absolix as that user taught me all about time bomb's mechanic and how it works.

    Here is the guide by Absolix if you have any further questions:
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  16. Max Maximus Well-Known Player

    At moment, my loadout is Time Bomb, Distortion Wave, Time ****, Tachyon Blast, Warp Barrage and Temporal Vortex. The rotation is simple, 12345. When Temporal Vortex is complete then, use all trinkets, 1266 and again.

    Everbody say, this loadout is slow, but it have best performance then other loadouts. I tested this loadout with rotations like 51234 - 1534 - 1534 and repeat. I tested loadouts with Warped Reality too. And 12345 win, always.

    The difference beetwen my rotation then orthers is something like 2k ~ 3k at 1 min.

    Now, I will try use Robot Sidekick.
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  17. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Play how you want my man. FYI that rotation that you found to be " less desirable " has been tested and shown in.parsers to do the most DPS.
  18. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Quantum works fine - if you're comparing its damage output in Duos, don't. Its rotation takes a moment to execute, but it still hits like a truck in Raid content (I know this because my main DPS also hits like a truck in Raid content and I've seen quantum users keep pace with that output).
  19. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Since everyone is discussing loadouts ... wanted to throw in something I saw someone do with relative success ... they were clipping with Quantum Tunneling to maintain a close (slightly shielded) range to the target for the increased proximity dps.
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  20. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Isn't QT the combination aggro drop / shield / teleport skill?

    Because I'm in favor of any defensive Ability in a loadout being used to increase offensive yield by insuring survival or superior positioning. Also -

    Robot Sidekick is a wasted space. It may do an extra 500 damage a second while it's alive, but you do 0 damage per second while you're dead. Put a shield in there folks.