The Shadows Of The Night (USPS Hero/Villain)

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Red Jenni, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. KillSwiich Well-Known Player

    Ima roll with u guys
  2. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Alright. That's good to hear. Both villains? When do you get on? (include time zone)
  3. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Or maybe its a different alt?
  4. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    You can check out our site by clicking my pic. We accept all members. The only rule is "Don't be a d**k". If you want an invite just let me know.
  5. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Been a while since I bumped this.
  6. Red Jenni Loyal Player

  7. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Borrowed from the league Apathy: "We are a casual league set up for everyone that isn't looking for the hardcore/job experience a lot of leagues have. All levels are welcome. We have many members all in different states of progression. We all just want to play and have fun, but on our own terms. Think of it as a group of PUGs hanging out together, helping each other out once in awhile." We have only two rules:
    1. Don't be a d**k. Not to other Shadows and not to other people. We don't tolerate d**ks. That means absolutely no intolerance.
    2. Don't EVER kick another Shadow from an instance. It seems like that falls under rule 1, and I can't believe I have to say it separately, but unfortunately I do.
    If this seems like your play style, and you are looking for a relaxed environment, we might be the league for you! We have players at all tiers of the game. We're a very large league and we're always looking to grow larger. But we can't do it without YOU. Mics help communication, but not required. No cr or sp requirement. This is a league for people who like to help others.
    I believe that all toons are created equal. All Shadows are just people trying to have fun playing the game they love. No one is above anyone else. We all have access to the league bank. We all can decorate the league hall. There is one league leader, for the mundane stuff, but all of my alts bear the rank Shadow, the same as everyone else. New members are dubbed Shades until they prove themselves in mortal combat. The Shadow Council, well they're just like everyone else, folks trying to play a game. Their just really helpful people. Need help? Have a question? Ask one of them. Or ask me.
    What will be asked of you?
    1) Don't be a d**k.
    2) Don't EVER kick Shadows from an instance
    3) Be helpful if you can.
    All of this sound good? Click here to visit our web page.
  8. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    • Like x 1
  9. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Is there a new Bombshell Pat Benatar raid? lol That really takes me back. Thanks, Little Sister.
    • Like x 1
  10. Red Jenni Loyal Player

  11. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Looking for fun members.
  12. Red Jenni Loyal Player

  13. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Tired of being held down by Ares and being forcibly taken from behind by a minotaur while Cerberus poops on your head and sets it on fire? Join me and we'll beat them together.
  14. Red Jenni Loyal Player

  15. Red Jenni Loyal Player

  16. drdeerbra New Player

    Next time your on I would be interested in joining your league please pm me in game thanks
  17. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    What is your toon name? Hero or villain? And what time will you be on (including time zone)?
  18. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    I haven't seen you buddy. When do you get on? Or have you made other arrangements?
  19. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Are you tired of queuing up for fos 2 and ending up with a bunch of kids, and you can't get past the boss at the end because 2 of them are wearing pvp gear and don't realize that pvp gear is disabled in pve, and you're in there for an hour and a half because people keep leaving and you've STILL only got 5 people in there? If you're over 21 and have a mic, you're in luck! We will run ALL content and have members in all tiers of the game. Check out our forums at
  20. drdeerbra New Player

    I thought about That later I am villian and I am on daily after 6 to 7 eastern time