why do we have to flex after getting getting back up?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Pink Revenge, Aug 30, 2015.

  1. Veritasum Loyal Player

    The why and the who. Is that the only knowledge you seek? Or is there a problem or bug?

    I cannot help you with the why and the who and the animation is not a problem. So I guess I'm of no use.

    Carry on.
  2. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Better question:
    Why do we have to get stuck in Block animation randomly when getting up?
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  3. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Even solo, you're not worth anything to anyone knocked out again.

    Also, even solo, you're still not as important as you think you are. The reason solo healers are even viable is *because* people can live so long without a healer. The size of the soders, the supply drops, the accomplices/sidekicks, the stronger stuns, the abundance of power to supply tanks and stuns, improved tank abilities make it possible. That, and your strong HoTs.
  4. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Jump cancel the animation and while doing so pop a soda that cancels the JC animation and go above your business....

    See, JC still can be used in game and people say it is dead.
  5. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    This must be a PS thing. I'm on PC, and I drink a soder at the same instant I get up. I can also roll at the same instant I get up; I've managed to get out of a couple of black holes that way.
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  6. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    It's also about the intimidation factor, see:

    If i headshot someone, that person goes down, then gets up and flexes...i'm going to need a spare pair of pants.
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  7. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    You can drink a soder while while you flex. I mean, I don't know how, it's probably one of the super powers that came when you created your toon, super-speed-drinking-soder, but you can do it actually. Rolling.....now that can't be helped.
  8. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    i'm worth more TRYING to get up than not trying. many times it's fine. the times it's not... it's infuriating. some of us healers actually care whether we heal you guys or not. ;) and no... that's not the reason for the solo healer. it's to pack crappy burn from crappy DPS into something approaching a decent burn. and still struggle. there's no thought for the group.
  9. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    i'm gonna try that. does it work for you on PS[4]?
  10. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    i've never ever ever in 4 years of being a healer seen this to be the case. the soder part.
  11. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    I do it all the time. I see my character getting up with the green and blue bubbles from the soder.
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  12. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    is that the lingering effect from having hit "drink soder" just before dying and it does nothing. surely you've seen this wonderful bit of lag right? kinda like how dying during after supply drop, RE-drops it but nothing happens. just visual effect and no actual results? i've seen the latter [fake supply drop] but not the former [any affect from soder] but suspect it's possible for same reasons.
  13. megamanexe Committed Player

    even dead things can still serve purpose. mmmm wormfood ☺
  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    so….baßicly if you don't agree, don't comment.… just wait and then soda, there is no issue here
  15. Anima Committed Player

    Yes, you can.
  16. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    if someone can't comment without the tired, tired "don't die, problem solved" [because everyone's dying on purpose and all] or its sibling "don't pug, problem solved", yes. those comments aren't really comments. they're smug responses from people who just want to join in the conversation without adding anything.
  17. Rammy Well-Known Player

    I promise you that you can drink a soda the second you revive if your soda is'nt on cooldown. You really should listen to Drifting Dreamer on that. Seeing how our league motto is "Keep calm and pick up MidKnight" (his character) I think he would know a thing or two about that. :p
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  18. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    I do know how to Rally!
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  19. Crzyrazr Well-Known Player

    I have seen the #rallylikeapro! in action and it truly is a sight to behold!
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