Survival Mode: Fortress of Solitude Server Firsts

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Apr 2, 2015.

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  1. kajutsu New Player

    Hello mum!!!!!
    i'm on you tube! XD
  2. Flight Avails Well-Known Player

    thats absolutely crazy to watch and I'm sitting here trying to picture myself fighting through that round with out having the bulk of my vocabulary be expletives. lol
  3. Patches New Player

  4. Patches New Player

    Come on, update server first already. :rolleyes: Geez
    • Like x 1
  5. Snix Dedicated Player

    Congrats all.
  6. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    Just accidentally fled after being revived on round 14. I want to kill myself.
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  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Server firsts updated. Round 17 down.
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  8. Ultimate BioHazard Well-Known Player

    Well done guys. Congratz!
  9. the duqu Level 30

    EUPC R16 is not correct, that is second time when we finished R16 and in same run we finished R17 (maybe script is bugged on your side), this is correct one:

    President Rufii
    Shayk Thabet

    we also have a video when we finished R16.

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  10. Lightws Dedicated Player

    But not having checkpoints and not going in there and getting far proves some aren't as you say "Elite & Competent ". Just saying because you keep bringing it up for no reason. Yet you don't go in there and actually do anything in there.
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  11. the duqu Level 30

    Pwny SlayStation® EUPC

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  12. kykyguy New Player

    Please, dear devs, notice this: twitch,tv/presrufii
  13. the duqu Level 30

    Pwny SlayStation® EUPC



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  14. SenseIess Well-Known Player

    Watch it live! Grats guys!
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  15. the duqu Level 30

    And one more :)

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  16. Speed Mcnight Active Player

    Ehh its just pc players.
  17. the duqu Level 30

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  18. Scepter New Player

    EUPC are the best :D 09-20 in one stream.
    It was a hellova run but fun to complete it now as well
    • Like x 4
  19. OnThatHype New Player

    Now I will never go to that SM again :D:D
  20. AD|VENT New Player

    Could you not? Be better than that.

    Hats off to Pwny Slaystation. You guys were great today.
    • Like x 6
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