Survival Mode: Fortress of Solitude Server Firsts

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Apr 2, 2015.

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  1. Flightboy New Player

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  2. Flightboy New Player

    Actually, USPS raised the bar...
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  3. IamZACH Well-Known Player

    Agreed, always has
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  4. Kyzax New Player

    Good Stuff!
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  5. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    Couple league mates, 2 pugs, and myself just beat round 10 not too long ago. Was pretty awesome and now we're all styling with our platinum chests.
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  6. Craven Green Loyal Player

    Congrats Villains first
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  7. Longshot Well-Known Player

    I wish more check points would be added after round 9. I have heard adding more check points is being looked at, but wish they would come sooner than later.
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  8. Craven Green Loyal Player

    Hey verify One Pieced's achievement already and give them credit for being the first to beat round 17. Big props to Villains smaller population killed it.
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  9. DancinViper New Player

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  10. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    Good job villains lol.
  11. MeloMan New Player

    Yea not sure why they didnt put checkpoints in after round 9 from the start. Seems very odd. Its gotta suck to get to round 14+ and wipe and have to start at 9 again.
  12. BigDaddyDru New Player

    This is precisely why I personally, and some of my people as well, haven't been too focused on Survival Mode since our US-PC R11 Server First. There is just simply too much on the horizon (DLC, Game Update, Episode and Loot Changes, etc.) to be wasting time wiping on higher Rounds and starting all over from R9.

    Major Props to all my fellow Elite & Competent conquering and tackling those Big Rounds in SM. But for me, 1 Progress Point at Round 15 would be more than acceptable. It would provide the most Dedicated SM groups with a goal and an objective (to get that R15 Progress Point) while not wasting precious time starting all over again.

    I strongly believe just adding a Progress Point at R15 is acceptable and no more is needed. You have to ensure you are playing with the Elite & Competent to get to R15, and of course any further will require the very same group atmosphere.

    Until then, best of wishes and luck to all the Dedicated Elite & Competent SM players out there. I'm always checking this thread to see what kind of talent is out there in DC Land for me to be abreast of. ;)
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  13. Eminence Dedicated Player

    SF Jesus
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  14. the duqu Level 30

    Pwny SlayStation® EUPC finished R17
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  15. President Rufii Level 30

    Zod hits like a truck!
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  16. Skeptikraze Well-Known Player

    An epic congrats to an epic milestone homies!

    As enough have stated, after breaking round 11 (numerous times), the "fiery" desire to get back in there went from 100% to -99999% due to the lack of progress points beyond r-9. A progress point at r-14 or r-15 would definitely get me back in there.

    Nonetheless, good luck to all of those dedicated to breaking r-20!
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  17. MeloMan New Player

    Finally was able to take down doomsaday 2night. Havent been able to run it as much because of people and timezones or people would have to go at round 5 or 6. Was kinda frustrating but very happy to finally get it done 2night :) Thanks to all that were in the group :)
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  18. the duqu Level 30

    Video from Round 17 is up, not really a smooth run with Ursa, definitely she is selling repair bots :)

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  19. DJM GAMING Level 30

    Very Impressive guys!! I know it had to have been an adrenaline rush towards the end there with 3 down lol. Congratz!!
  20. the duqu Level 30

    Yes, we needed to repair and she almost wiped us because of repair bot. :)
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