Downtime Server Downtime - March 25, 2015 - Game Update 46!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 24, 2015.

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  1. babyz wife New Player

    well it would be nice to just get a extra day of legendary since we werent able to play
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  2. Wonder Gyrl New Player

    I completely agree with this. I have been watching all day for news that it is back up for US PC and nothing. This is ridiculous. Come on already. I just reached level 30 and want to start earning some cr so I can get some things that I want to complete my look and yet I can't. Grrrrr! So frustrating.
  3. Goldstomp Active Player

    Am sorry for your loss... the real world will be back shortly.
  4. Bojoe Level 30

    catwoman has graced the USPC
  5. TAVelcro New Player

    The Story So Far!!!
  6. MeloMan New Player

    Considering uspc players are going to lose an entire day now i want my legendary to reflect that. Logging in at 10pm doesnt mean i got play time 2day. I usually log off between 10-11pm when i play so this entire day is a loss for me. I understand downtime is expected for GUs but not this amount of time. We are at about 12 hours now. Add 2-3 hours to that and its 14-15. 15 hours downtime imo isnt something i expect for a GU. I know its a hardware issue. Imo the hard drives should of been copied and use the backup to start the game. Not sure exactly what is going on 100% but i would think its an option for problems like this. Either way it would be nice if there was backup plans for kinda stuff and not just always waiting til it happens. Just hope it gets fixed soon. No fun at all to plan on playing a few hours and you cant log in and the other 3 servers can :(
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  7. SenseIess Well-Known Player

    Daybreak HQ right now:

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  8. xbas New Player

  9. Helderman Dedicated Player

    EUPC is back but my character was deleted. I'd be mad if I weren't planning to start over.
  10. Bojoe Level 30

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  11. Shark Boy New Player

    just to say this, if were gonna work on a power tht people would Actually enjoy. i would consider a black lantern powerset.
    heres my idea in a nutshell.
    like rage, it relys on power output and after a period of time without using your necrotic abilities or if you use them wrong you will loose life, and when you/ if you use specific powers before your hit counter goes below 5 you gain health back from the move you used.
    a supercharge could much be like mages with pools on the ground for healing, except this lanterns would be tombstones coming out of the ground in a circle( gaining life from reviving there lifes. also using the ability to call upon zombies to attack with you much like a minion, giving small health back and power back. of course there is the problem of being over powered which is where my next idea will come into play, but i will keep that under wraps for now.. sorry if i look like a troll but if you read all this. thanks, and i hope people can branch off on my ideas!
  12. BreedingHateBass New Player

    can I play on the EU server too?
  13. Lycanthropus24 New Player

    Nothing else to do but waiting :(
  14. Offensive Security New Player

    GeeEli has alot of info ont he matter tell us more GeeEli =)
  15. KidSuperBoy Well-Known Player

    USPC up on DCUO website!:)
  16. Morcra Committed Player

    idk. iy says u can but can u?

    obviously yes
  17. SenseIess Well-Known Player

    It's just World Down.
  18. EctoLantern Active Player

    And now for something completely different....
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  19. jedirobb Well-Known Player

    To everyone out there in free-day-of-legendary land, shut up.




    Stuff happens. They key to this is that they are improving the game. It's one thing when forces outside their control, such as a DDoS, hits us... maybe then we should get something. Even then SLAs probably cover that much outage.

    The alternative is for Daybreak to start saying the game will be down for 24 hours while we update. So that your childish expectations are met.

    Believe me, I hate when the game is down; I play every day, but this is not the end of the world.

    We will get through this. I have faith.
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  20. Natimorto New Player

  21. metalfenix Committed Player

    I agree.
    • Like x 1
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