Fire Tank healing is too high in pvp..

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by CosmicIV, Jan 15, 2015.

  1. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Pretty much everything but Celestial.
    Currently most powerful being Nature.
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  2. Zylo Committed Player

    Am going to chalk this up as a lie. If this was true then where the heck are they in 1v1s & 2v2s? Same goes with these amazing OP fire tanks. Where are they? For me what am seeing they must be all these HL users in disqies as fire.
  3. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    I have run into healers all the time and go against Fire Tanks back to back.
    You sure your PS3 is not rendering them?
  4. Zylo Committed Player


    I see a healer once every 10fights. A controler? LOL!!! Never. They went extinct. Tanks? Just like the controllers, never. Last Sunday i played pvp all day and done about 35-40 matches of 1v1s and 2v2s. Nothing but DPS and only saw about 2-3healers the whole entire day. Zero tank. Zero controllers. Is that suppose to be normal?
  5. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Yea, based on this I can chalk you up to not playing against even half decent 5s teams. Also I'm nearly constantly running into Fire tanks in 1v1 and 2v2 arenas whenever I bother to queue up for them.
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  6. Zylo Committed Player

    We must be livening on diffrent part of the planet then. Am going to try to say this as nice as I could cuz it seems when say what I feel and the truth, it gets taken down and am either am troll or being uncontructive....w/e it's called. So here goes.....

    I don't DONT GIVE A CRAP about 4v4s and up. Am complaining about 1v1s & 2v2s and how every dps wants to nerf the last remaining class that plays in there roll in that "PATICULAR MODE"

    I pug 90% of pvp and it's mainly 2v2s or 1v1s and everything I've been saying over n over is the truth by what am expeirience. If you are playing right now. Do 10straight 2v2s. At the end how many of each roll type did u see. I'll bet 90% will be dps. Am trying to save w/e left of the player 10% or less that play in there roll in 1v1s and 2v2s. This game can't be just about who kills who the fastest.
  7. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    The game can't be have a power that can completely ignore counters and play without a care and still win.
    Fun Fact: I am a Fire Tank in PvP. Fully modded CR 100 Fire Tank. I know very well and so do you on how absurd Fire Tanking is.
    Also to note powers are meant to be balanced a 4v4/5v5 standpoint since it was a standard set by the Devs and is the most competitive Arena environment.
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  8. Zylo Committed Player

    Then you can agree how OP damage can be from dps such as HL and rage can do doing 8k to nearly 10k. Do you think that's fair? The way fire heals are right now is the only way to stand up to that punishment. Nerf fire then they better do the same to DPS damage as well. Who knows....maybe controllers will finaly come out of w/e hole there hideing from.
  9. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Fire Heals don't "stand up to the punishment" they ignore it completely.
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  10. Zylo Committed Player

    Which is the exact same thing ice, earth and rage should be doing as well. It's what there suppose to do. It's what being a tank is all about. Putting dps i their place and watching their world implode in frount of their faces.

    You can't blame me for defending a roll thats suppose to do what its ment to do in the 1st place.
  11. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Not even close. Tanks are meant to have a higher surivability then a DPS, not be immortal.
    You are defending a power which you personally are and are being blind to how absurd fire tanks are.
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  12. Deamonox Well-Known Player

    I've been fire forever and honestly it was better b4 gu 43 because it took skill. Now anyone can fire tank when it took me 2 months to actually master it. They need to bring the tanks back! Not to fires levels but to about 75% dmg obs or healing with health/defence buffs back. But for fire bring it back to the way it was b4 gu 43. This will mean fire won't have the constant 1-2k heals so their health will go down and not stay 100% but our health buff should stop us from being dropped in 3 seconds. The only thing they don't need to change for tank powers is the dps survivability because that was stupid that the dps could use tank moves and they would be just as effective as tank role, leave it at 25%. This should fix tanks.
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  13. Zylo Committed Player

    You know what? Am done. Do w/e you want. Nerf fire. Make the last remaining class that plays in its roll and force it to be another DPS just like everything eles. Now the game will definitly be called DPSunivers in 1v1s and 2v2s. Congrats.

    When the time comes when you and everyone starts to complain that no one plays in their roll in pvp. I will be around and say......

    I told u you so.
  14. Cam22 New Player

    I am a HL dps PvP 100cr fully modded prec and I can say that HL is to over powered... And that's coming from someone who is using the power... Yes there are some points that are being made that you can counter HL easly but one I figure out that you know that I usually use whip thrash after ram then I can garentee you that I'll be using fan next... If I counter you once then that's the end of it your heal will go down while you are trying to get up and honestly some times I try and avoid going all out with My constructs just to get a 'fair' fight... With all that being said even modded with prec in all mods I do have trouble with Fire tanks in 1v1s and most of the if the guy is modded with resto I will loose, in scrims we don't even bother with the tank to be honest I focus is on the Opposing HL guy because there is always at least one, personally I think HL for sure needs to be nerfed and as for fire tanks I have been back and fourth on the idea because there is almost nothing the devs can do without messing it up for the PvE guys but if they do manage to say something like resto will be reduced in PvP by what ever figure we all know that they will over do it to please everyone and destro Fire completly because it's usless dps wise, PvE wise they don't have a range pull so I rather run with any other tank but fire so really the only thing it has going for it is tanking in PvE... But all that aside fire tanks are OP in 1v1s but HL is OP in everything from 1v1s all the way to scrims
  15. Cam22 New Player

    Please excuse all the mistakes I am trying to do this on my phone I hope you guys can make out what I'm trying to say
  16. Ex lightbringer New Player

    Fire tanks are in no way immortal I fire tank PvP I get k.o'd just like everyone else it just takes longer because guess what I'm a fudging tank and as one I should be able to take your hits tank you, play smart and out last you and I agree fire and to some degree rage are the only true PvP tanks to Nerf this power down would be the same as saying tanks have no place in PvP because a Nerf would make fire no better than a dps you are probably saying I'm power biased I am not, I would like to see my other tank brothers and sisters get buffed so that can be the anchor that holds the node,the force that keeps the enemy at bay,I would like to see PvP tanks of all powers make a comeback,because if we continue down this path,the game will get even more DPs biased.
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  17. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Wait you get KO'ed in PvP as a Fire Tank?
    I have not lost a single 1v1 match after Gu43 hit and pretty much all the wins were 1000-0. In a 2v1 Fire Tanks can pretty much hold 2 people off while the partner dies 7 times and comes back. [Personal experience].
    I also want to see other Tanks being buffed, not no way anywhere near to where Fire is right now. They need to buff other Tank powers to an adequate levels and drop Fire to that level also.
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  18. Command Overlord Well-Known Player

    Fire tanks in pvp are the only thing keeping fire in pvp cause we all know fire dps is weak and it is mostly dots which do nothing in pvp anymore. With my experience as a fire tank this is the most heals fire has ever had but if you look at the gear the toughness is all the same which evens it out. If a fire tank doesn't use a tank power or if out of power it is no different than a weak dps.
  19. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    It is perfectly fine, because right now fire tanks can absolutely heal through that damage, and they can also take out most of someone's health bar with a good precision based WM combo too. Fire tank self-healing could be nerfed some and still make the tank role worthwhile; other tank roles are currently useless in PvP.
  20. Ex lightbringer New Player

    Yes I do usually in 4v4,5v5 and a lot in 8's lol first thing I imagine the enemy leader saying in 8's is KILL THE FIRE TANK!!! In 2v2 I found something interesting the powers that hurt me the most are hardlight,celestials,rage and quantum I'm being honest here these are the ones that nearly k.o me or k.o me or annoy the hell out of me but that is what makes it fun the challenge.