Quantum is very unbalanced at this moment !

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Green Lantern Fadi, Feb 18, 2015.

  1. Skirmish Well-Known Player

    Earth is heavily reliant on Weapon Mastery + Reinforce to perform in the top level raids but it isn't completely useless, Crystal however is absolutely awful as it drains its power bar in 2 seconds flat and fortify golem simply isnt enough to keep it powered. If it's not crying in the corner, it's most certainly pissed off with how bad the AM is.
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  2. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    No if they buff HL then there is no balance between other powers , I want them either buff everything or balance everything
  3. Xibo Loyal Player

    I saw 1 guy on youtube taking 136k on TD using Temporal Vortex in the rotation.
  4. shiny mackerel Committed Player

    Multipliers themselves scale off damage modifiers now so that's sounds about right. I did some testing now that the combat log is back on the test server and that rotation has a 4.72x multiplier at close range with supply drop + max dmg. But for some reason your hit didn't get capped as expected, which would've been 107k at 7800 might. Instead it got capped as if you had around 10k might (cap as far as I know = ~2.9 * multiplier * might).
    So either the cap bugged somehow or the cap is different on those mobs for some reason. But I tested on different types of sparring targets so I can say it doesn't depend on defense.
  5. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Probably because of my trinket and supply drop then.
  6. Ogat New Player

    A dummy test does not reflect on real time raid situations, the encounters with trash mobs in the raids are almost never that long, both Nature and Elec take time to reach their full dps potential, where as quantum does not, that's the main advantage quantum has- the aoe is monstrous and really easy and fast to reach it's max damage potential vs the other powersets that may even have the posibility to come close, but it takes them far more time to actually do it.
    The dummy tests are nice, flashy and entrtaining, but they're not really a good comparison, possibly a showcase what a power can do under ideal conditions in a sterile enviroment, actual gameplay is different.
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  7. Ogat New Player

    Are you quantum, and if so are You calling people playing other powersets EZ-mode badwagoners? Really?
    one... two.. three..four...five *whistles*
  8. Humane Committed Player

    My alt has been Quantum troll since I created him, and I decided to save up 98 items to try out the dps aspect.
    While it does hit well, I personally don't like clicking the same buttons over and over non stop.
    Don't know about people saying they hit for 100 k, I have personally hit 70 k but then again I haven't used the dps very much, perhaps my loadout is not optimal, but I much prefer my Nature main.
    I think the only thing that is unbalanced with Quantum dps is that you really don't need a troll, the power return is over the top, but then again, without the power return Quantum dps would always be out of power and be far less effective.
    I suggest people stop concerning themselves with the scoreboard and simply play the game. If you are having fun, then who cares if the other guy did more damage?
  9. Sore Steadfast Player

    I haven't checked. Is it possible Core Strength is better? Maybe it makes for a bigger multiplier and/or cap which compounds it's value over Penetrating Strikes? (Spitballing here)
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  10. zeroman New Player

    Its about time quantum gets some love. I just hope with all the complaints it doesn't get nerfed as fast as gadgets did. I give this thread a 1.
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  11. Trial 1 New Player

    It seems that this post is now primarily focusing on it's crit ability (the magic 100k number).

    I have issue with parameters regarding how these crits happen and Quantum's power set design.

    There's many variables.

    What was hit? Trash mob? Boss?
    What's it's resistances to Quantum based powers?
    How close were you to the mob?

    Anyway, when it comes to high crits VS higher damage over time I'll choose damage over time every time in PvE.

    So, of the numerous people on this thread that have engaged in a dialogue about Quantum in comparison to other power sets there is one critical (see what I did thar?) question that no one has asked but me... and no one has answered yet.

    Who has recently performed a test of all power sets in a controlled environment and has the analyzer data to back their claims (either for or against a "nerf") ?

    Conversations without it are fruitless ventures that go nowhere.
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  12. shiny mackerel Committed Player

    Interesting... I think it is, or at least not worse than PS. Since the multiplier scales with your damage modifier, your amplified Time Bomb damage would be boosted twice with Core Strength - once for your power damage and again for the Time Bomb multiplier. This would be enough to put CS over PS in most situations.

    The multiplier scales linearly with damage modifier, but the y-intercept is so low you could just say that an increase in damage modifier is approximately proportional to the resulting increase in Time Bomb multiplier. So if you had a 60% damage modifier, adding Core Strength would increase your damage by 6.25% and your Time Bomb multiplier by approximately 6.25% (but actually a tiny bit less, depending on the combination of powers used).

    Assuming regular 15% defense npcs + max damage mod (so PS increases damage by 8.8% and CS increases damage by 6.25%),
    Letting power dmg be total Time ability damage and time bomb dmg be regular Time Bomb power damage,
    the total rotation damage would be

    w/ Penetrating Strikes:
    1.088 * [ power dmg + time bomb dmg + (power dmg * multiplier) ]
    = power_dmg * (1.088 + 1.088 * multiplier) + 1.088 * time_bomb_dmg

    w/ Core Strength:
    1.0625 * [ power dmg + time bomb dmg + (power dmg * multiplier * 1.0625) ]
    = power_dmg * (1.0625 + 1.13 * multiplier) + 1.0625 * time_bomb_dmg

    This is pretty messy so I'll just skip the remaining details and say that Core Strength ends up barely better than Penetrating Strikes in pretty much every situation. The difference is small though, mostly in the range of +2-3%. The Time Bomb amplification damage is a lot higher, but the lower power damage outside of Time Bomb offsets this a bit. And since CS also raises the cap a bit, you'll also do more damage when you occasionally hit the cap with Temporal Vortex.
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  13. damnedant New Player

    quant not only imba atm but also lil unstable . usually it crits(my toon) 18-30k sometimes 40-50 but can also do 100k+ hits crits wish i know from what it depends such differences
    Antoinete's Time Bomb damaged Mister Miracle for 99993
    it is not crit btw^^^ just find at log for today
  14. Steel Glove Well-Known Player

    "Keep up?" Yeah right. Nothing can "Keep up" with Quantum. Show me nature or HL doing 31k effective DPS on test targets with under 8K might.

    Protip: you can't
  15. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    HL does not work that way as an example hl wil get 8-12khits off each combo and that adds up to the same or more damage as quantum in the same amount of time ,quantum will get 3small hits then 1 big hit but hl will get 4 average sized hits in a row it would look something like this ;

    quantum 1000,1000,1000,30000 =33000
    hard light 11000,11000,11000=33000

    at the end of each powers rotation would be the same in the same amount of time and if the hl player adds in clipping to shorten the time he could do more damage than the quantum player because he could get a 4th or even 5th hit in the same amount of time it takes the quantum player to do his rotation
  16. Command Overlord Well-Known Player

    HL does not hit even close to what Quantum is right now. I have ran too many raids with Quantum dpsers 2 to 6 Cr below top Cr HL, Rage, etc (minus Celestial atm) and the damage Quantum does is greater still.
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  17. Reaper501 Well-Known Player

    ^^^^^^^^^Time to change the story, yesterday seen a battle between two Q and C same CR (114) both very good players, Q with 203 sp and C with 168 sp and C was on top all the time. At last boss C was leading by 600K, he ended beated by 800k because died and can't be pick'd up cause green and red things on players.
  18. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    And yet quantum is still unbalanced :(
  19. Thedumme103 Well-Known Player

    The way I view this is that the devs are making all of the powers more viable in new content and changing each players' loadout to prevent the game from lackluster while at the same time improving them for the modern game mechanics.
  20. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    dude i know its so stupid i gatta drnk a buff soda just to keep up and berly keep up