Hero League The Protectorate is recruiting on the USPS3/4

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Kaidan, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. Trog for New Player

    That's great! My toons name is Trognormous. See you in game!
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  2. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    We look forward to meeting you!!
  3. Kaidan Committed Player

    I tried adding you to my friends list but it says you don't exist. Are you on the USPS servers?
  4. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    Hello everyone! Welcome!
    We are The Protectorate; the critically acclaimed, #1 Helping League on the USPS!
    (All claims of greatness are purely based on opinion and in no way reflects factual collected data)
    (Though, we are amazing!)
    (No, really, we rock!)

    We are a fun, safe, and care free environment for Heroes on the USPS server!

    We have but 2 rules:
    No Discrimination – very self-explanatory, don’t ever do it, at any time, to any person, for any reason.
    Respect the Community – whether in game, on the forums, where ever, we all have opinions, we don’t have to agree, but we must respect each other enough to listen, at least.
    Our leaders have added a third rule – No singing over mics … however, it applies only to me :p
    We do not have CR or SP requirements to apply or join. Please, come one come all!

    About the applying and join up process:
    We like to chat before we recruit. This way, you can gauge us and we can gauge you. How well do we fit with your personality? How well do you mesh with our other members? Also, we are very much against just inviting people. You will never get a ninja invite to our League.
    After the invite is sent, you have a one week probation period. If you don’t like us, let us know and ride out. There will be no hard feelings and I and others will work to find you a better fit. After all, a good League can make this game, a bad League can break it, completely.
    After this week, we will let you have an Alt Hero invited to the League AND invite a villain alt into our Villain League, HeIIbound.
    After a month you will be given withdrawal access to our League Bank. This is to insure we are not robbed by a day 1 recruit. If there is anything in the bank you need/want, let one of the Officers know. We are happy to withdraw anything you need!

    Now, on to our schedule of events:
    We run feats on Fridays, we call it FEAT FRIDAY. Any feats; doesn't matter how grindy. Yes, this does include the Reaper Feats in CC.

    Saturday Nights are PANTY RAIDS. Yes, I said it, Panty Raids. If you've never beaten a Raid in a pair of Flash Boxers, you've never really beaten a Raid, then. Have you?

    Sundays are BOUNTY(FUL) FUN DAYS! We run the CC Bounties and go from there. If you need classics, cool, just ask and we got you! We also will Raven if you need, and Misted Iconics and Dr. Light!
    If we sound like your kind of league, here's how you can contact us:
    You can reply here on our thread or send a PM (Private Message) to me “Drifting Dreamer” or “Kaidan”.

    You can put in an app on our site:
    (Which you should use; it is a wonderful tool for the League.)

    You can also contact us in game via a Tell or a game-mail to any of the following members:
    Kaidan Alenko or Lantern Leraje
    MidKnightTitan - me

    Is there anything else you want to know? Ask us.
    You can ask us questions about the league in the same way you can contact us for recruitment.
    Good luck in your search for a league!!
    Happy Smashing!!
  5. Kaidan Committed Player

    To be fair, I did offer you a million ingame dollars to not sing for 5 minutes.
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  6. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    And I made it, what, all of 2? :D
  7. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

    Nexus does that to the best of us with all the cut scenes.. I just mute my mic. My wife tells me all the time I can't sing as I belt out out of tune and don't know the words to the Canadian national anthem during hockey games. One day.. Maybe Saturday I will treat you all to that amazingness.

    Let's just hope no new members are on.. I might scare them away.
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  8. Nightdove New Player

    Hello all!

    My name is Adam. I am 23 and I live in Hamilton, Ontario. I am a returning player to DCUO and am getting the hang of things again. I used to be a very active controller, and I hope to be that once again! My character has a CR around 90 and 96 SP. I sent an app on the website that is exactly this message :p

    Hope to see you all in-game!

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  9. Crzyrazr Well-Known Player

    Couldn't pass up the opportunity:p
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  10. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    Nice to hear from you! I'll check out your app and add you to my friends list when I get home. Look forward to meeting you!
  11. The Atomic Tuna Well-Known Player

    I can teach you the words in english and french;)
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  12. Rammy Well-Known Player

    Why? Why would you encourage torture? We're supposed to be the good guys remember?
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  13. The Atomic Tuna Well-Known Player

    True, true. But once he mentioned the Canadian anthem and hockey it sparked my patriotic nature. As a Canadian, hockey and national pride go hand in hand. I couldnt help myself.
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  14. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

    Feats Friday let's get some of you/us the feats.. and then some Raids tomorrow ( with the potential of Karaoke )... I mean come on peoples this is something we all love.

    We also don't take ourselves or the game to seriously. Fun is key to the league. We all love the game, but having a bunch of weirdos like ourselves to joke, talk and play with is even better.

    Give us a try.. we promise it won't hurt.. that much :)
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  15. StormPoet New Player

    Curious about how many active members you have right now? And by active I mean whats the average number of members that are online at one time. I've been away from the game for a while and considering coming back but how active I am depends on me finding a league where I feel I fit in.
  16. Kaidan Committed Player

    It varies. Members have various commitments to families, work, school, etc. We have more members on during the evening hours than during the day and that can vary from 2 to 18 some nights (some nights being the weekend).
  17. StormPoet New Player

    Thanks for the info... I have applied to the league website.
  18. Kaidan Committed Player

    Not a lot of time today so I'm stealing MidKnight's post.

  19. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    Well, after a week’s hiatus to deal with family tragedy and what-not, I have returned to tell you about The Protectorate!

    Who we are and what we’re about:
    We are a helping Hero League on the USPS server.
    By “A Helping League” I mean a League specifically dedicated to helping its members and, on a grander scale, the community at large.
    We do not have any CR or SP requirements to join up. It’s one of the things that makes us awesome. Reason is, we wouldn’t be much of a Helping League if we didn’t Help :D
    You don’t have to have a mic either, but, please, when running with the League, at least turn on voice chat. This will keep you on the same page for feats and stage strategy.

    We do have 3 rules:
    We are an adult League and can not accept any potential member who is under 18.
    No Discrimination – of any kind, for any reason, at any time, ever. Just don’t.
    Be Respectful – of League Mates, other players, and posters on the forums, if you decide to post.
    We pride ourselves on being a safe, fun, friendly, and family style environment.

    About the applying and join up process:
    We like to chat before we recruit. This way, you can gauge us and we can gauge you. How well do we fit with your personality? How well do you mesh with our other members?
    After the invite is sent, you have a one week probation period. If you don’t like us, let us know and ride out. There will be no hard feelings and I and others will work to find you a better fit. After all, a good League can make this game, a bad League can break it, completely.
    After this week, we will let you have an Alt Hero invited to the League AND invite a villain alt into our Villain League, HeIIbound.
    After a month you will be given withdrawal access to our League Bank. This is to insure we are not robbed by a day 1 recruit. If there is anything in the bank you need/want, let one of the Officers know. We are happy to withdraw anything you need!

    Now, on to our schedule of events:
    We run feats on Fridays, we call it FEAT FRIDAY. Any feats; doesn't matter how grindy. Yes, this does include the Reaper Feats in CC.

    Saturday Nights are PANTY RAIDS. Yes, I said it, Panty Raids. If you've never beaten a Raid in a pair of Flash Boxers, you've never really beaten a Raid, then. Have you?

    Sundays are BOUNTY(FUL) FUN DAYS! We run the CC Bounties and go from there. If you need classics, cool, just ask and we got you!

    If we sound like your kind of league, here's how you can contact us:
    You can reply here on our thread or send a PM (Private Message) to me “Drifting Dreamer” or “Kaidan”.

    You can put in an app on our site:
    (Which you should use; it is a wonderful tool for the League.)

    You can also contact us in game via a Tell or a game-mail to any of the following members:
    Kaidan Alenko or Lantern Leraje
    MidKnightTitan - me

    Is there anything else you want to know? Ask us.
    You can ask us questions about the league in the same way you can contact us for recruitment.
    Good luck in your search for a league!!
    Happy Smashing!!
  20. JimmehJam744 New Player

    I've been looking for a new league for a while ive recently gotten back into dc and want to learn and play like I do on any game i want to become very reknown with the game and its mechanincs I am 19 from Texas and my toons name is JIMMEHJAM (main toon) made him back in highschool hes a 52-54 CR and im a healer just want to level my CR up more and getting T3 suit i will be online tonight on my ps4 and will try to get a hold of someone if a reply is neccesary than i will wait I am just excited to leave my old league which no longer plays.
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