Roll back Cheater toons to Feb 3rd & return replays: it's fair

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TKMcClone, Feb 17, 2015.

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  1. LogicLaughable New Player

    Well , I'm not projecting, but I think the level of anger and things some people are saying regarding bans roll backs and equating this to robbing a bank are completely ridiculous.

    The best solution isn't the one where ppl are 'punished' but one where the imbalance and integrity is restored, the least amount of players are lost, and fairness is brought back. I don't think that solution is one that involves roll backs or bans.

    I'm not looking for an argument btw. You post one thing on this thread and you'd think I had sex with your wife the level of anger ppl are responding with. Which seems awfully funny over PVE gear in a video game
  2. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Terms of service are guidelines players need to abide by... we actually don't even own our toons. The Developer is not bound to any TOS... it's intended to absolve them and give them control. Your TOS to the Devs is in your wallet
    • Like x 7
  3. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Just because they didn't punish before ( which they actually have) is no reason not to do so now. If you get away with running a red light once, the cop lets you off, should you get off again?....NO!
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  4. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Amazing how the cheaters and apologists pretend that the TOS is optional.
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  5. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    The best way to punish players is to turn vendor gear into 100, the dropped gear into 101 and re releases throne elite with 102 gear. This way all the cheating that happened would be a waste. The devs punishing players who cheated just seem wrong. The devs track record of making money of glitches is long, and i don't think DBG expected players to be this mad about the glitch. If the community didn't get upset about the glitch imo DBG wouldn't have done nothing as usual. The glitch would have lasted another week or 2 before it was patched in a hotfix.
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  6. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    And you are? Cuz, I smashed all those raids with OP gear.
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  7. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    One is honest or they are not. Even in the little things.
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  8. Giggles Loyal Player

    If this were my game, I would not only post a list of the character names whom were found to be cheating to publicly shame those players, but I would do something much worse than ban the account in addition to publicly shaming those players.

    If this were my game, I would permanently make the characters involved CR0 and make all armor unequippable and strip them of all their armor, weapons, etc. and permanently make it so those characters had 0 SPs and could never earn another feat. I would also disable the ability to change that characters name, and disable the ability to delete that character. This way that character is unplayable AND most importantly, a constant reminder for that player that they lost all that invested time because THEY CHEATED. Then it also sends a message to other players whom ever even consider to try and cheat/glitch/exploit/bug that the punishment for doing so is extremely severe.

    However, I am pretty sure the devs are not bold enough to make this punishment as harsh as the one I listed above, so personally, I think all the people who were involved in the cheating/glitching/exploit/bugging should have all their accounts banned, at the very least. As far as the MC refunds go, those people participated in a act that breached the EULA therefore SOE/DG would not have to issue refunds for MC, because it clearly states in the EULA that they can terminate/ban your account at their sole discretion. The fact is, each and every time anyone clicks "Play" or signs into the game through PSN, you are agreeing to these terms as per the EULA.

    Also from a business perspective, those are the type of customers I would not care if I lost, or care if they left. Like any MMO, new players will take their place in due time. Cheating is cheating regardless of how anyone tries to spin it. The fact is, we all know right from wrong. No matter what way these people try to spin cheating/glitching/exploit/bug as, they knew full well what they were doing, when they were doing it. :)


    I find it funny how many "new members" exist in this thread. I am pretty sure that if those people logged into their real forum accounts and tried to defend the cheaters or the fact that they potentially cheated and felt they should not be punished, they would lose everyone's respect. ;)
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  9. kawe Loyal Player

    Oh yeah, forgot about that. That current CR thing is stuck in my head now.
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  10. LogicLaughable New Player

    I said they have before, two instances specifically. But they were not end game content pve gear exploits, which I listed a ton that went unpunished. Some actually still exist. However, discipline is something that should be handled consistently in order to work, to enforce this as the instance would be inconsistent with past history. This it would be deemed unfair by many. (I know, not by you)

    I think the best solution doesn't involve punishment, Dcuo needs its players and esp. the paying ones. Ppl need to get off the DCUO needs to... And think past the fact they YOU want them banned. It is still a business, and the decision must be the best one for the business, not either of our opinions
  11. Sbel Devoted Player

    I disagree.

    They might quit the game if they lose the gear and don't get their replay badges back, but if they do get their replay badges returned to them, I can't imagine many of them would quit. They're basically not losing anything except a bit of time.
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  12. LogicLaughable New Player

    Nobody is surprised that this is your opinion
  13. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We noticed the issue Monday. It took calling people in and cancelling their holiday to get work done, and the disabling went out Tuesday. We'd like to not ever have exploitable content, and we'd like to plug the holes as quickly as possible when we do. That said, neither have anything at all to do with a player's choice to abuse the exploit once it is there.

    While we're frequently available, working, and communicating on the weekend, you shouldn't expect it.
    • Like x 21
  14. kawe Loyal Player

    That's really interesting, but is that already some kind of action by the devs? I hope we will hear some kind of answer from them if and what type of action in general they gonna make.

    And yeah, I derped. Overall CR can't be changed anymore. Current equipped CR was in my head.
  15. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Iconic Powers
    • Clown Box is now a 35% supercharge and the box can no longer be picked up.

    Amazon Fury Part II

    Throne of the Dead (normal & Elite)
    • Re-enabled Throne of the Dead.
    • During the Hades fight in the Elite version, a player in Zealous Shade Form will do additional damage to Totem Master and Zealous Shade NPCs when using the Blissful Lamentation ability.
    • In the Normal version, the additional damage done to those NPCs by the Zealous Shade Form is unchanged.
    • Hades will no longer have a chance to banish a pet/npc instead of a player.
    • While in Zealous Shade Form you will be immune to Rage Crash.
    • Hades has agreed not to transform someone who is being banished into a Zealous Shade.
    • During the Hades fight, after players are banished and defeat shades in the outer hallways, portals back into the throne room will appear instead of doors being opened.
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  16. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    I never said I wanted them banned. I want the 101 rolled back. Life involves consequences, even gaming. You enter into an agreement when you okay the game . Breaking that entails consequences. And the argument that the cheaters might quit is an empty one. It is equally likely that honest players will quit if the cheaters aren't punished. Please take a look at the TOS for the game and tell me if the Dev's are not justified in taking action.
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  17. Prosser Dedicated Player

    if nothing else, due to the people having to cut their holiday's short, I hope there is some form of punishment. I've had to cut holidays short before, it sucks :(
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  18. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    No those people are still playing no action taken its probably more of a reduction so they aren't flsmed sorta thing...
  19. LogicLaughable New Player

    I don't think you know the scope of this exploit. Players were staying up at night for days replaying this and the scope was so bad on ps you couldn't find an honest throne group. I think plenty would quit, which I know you may not care about, but DCUO's wallet will
    • Like x 1
  20. Sbel Devoted Player

    Only if you're calling them out on the forums. You can do whatever you want with the info in the game or anywhere else.

    True, but if people are punished this time than far fewer people will do the glitch next time. The only reason it got so bad this time is because the devs have a rep for just letting it go. Like I said, currently glitching is the smart choice. No one gets punished and everyone keeps the gear/feats. I want it to be a risky choice.
    • Like x 5
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