Throne of the Dead getting shut off!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Norwegian ninja, Feb 16, 2015.

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  1. Joemomma421 New Player

    Roll back = nerf
  2. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    People who glitched, regardless of wether or not they got 101 should be punished. Cheating cannot be tolerated. Even failure cheats
  3. HersheyKiss New Player

    U can find it hard to believe all u want. Its not able to be done on pc. Me and a few people tried it just to see if we could reproduce it. And now we didnt try it to do the glitch. I have never glitched any content in this game and certainly wont start now. The people doing this glitch imo are just sad and have no skill at all. If they did they wouldnt be doing this and instead be trying to beat the raid the legit way.
  4. Joemomma421 New Player

    Pulled three off page one thats just this thread so who trollin who
  5. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Yup. No one who glitched can be allowed to profit
  6. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Actually it does
    1) Cheating will change the CR expectations on LFG, if the rewards are not addressed.
    2) Cheating has caused the raid to be shut off because cheaters can't control themselves
    3) Cheating is against the spirit of the game - it is detrimental to the moral of honest players if dishonesty is profitable.
    4) Letting the rewards stand casts doubt on the product integrity and the ability to provide an fair game play experience for all players.
    etc etc...
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  7. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    So what. Screw those people. They KNOWINGLY EXPLOITED A GLITCH TO GET THE BEST GEAR IN THE GAME. I know of several players who obviously exploited it to such a degree that they are almost full 101 in the time span of JUST 1 day. It is absolutely sickening. Players who exploit such glitches are scum and deserve no less than a ban for at least a month and all the gear they stole to be stripped away. While we are at it, they should flat out lose any feats they stole while performing those glitches too. I'm willing to put all my current in game money betting that not a single player on the playstation servers actually finished the elite raid legit as well, not with all the bugs that have been in both versions of the raid. If you exploit glitches in such a way, you do NOT deserve to even be playing this game. Those of us who have worked hard and take our characters seriously are now looked past because we chose not to glitch. It's appalling. You want to cheat? Go play a single player game.
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  8. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    yes. it goes down at restart I believe.
  9. HersheyKiss New Player

    Seriously just stop with that. The abusing has nothing to do with the am. Its in line with the gadgets am. Ive played quantum for over a year and had to sit back and do garbage dmg compared to all the other powers bcuz we got our am last. STOP asking for nerfs. And im not sure why so many people people care so much about being #1 on the scorecard. When u get your special gear or prize for being top dps let me know plz, bcuz being top dps is 100% meaningless. And i dont see ya asking for a nerf to gadgets. When that am hit live it did more dmg than any other pwr.
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  10. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    LOL One of my league mates was in a Labyrinth run earlier in the week with what appeared to be an obvious glitcher. Guy had a 102 face and not much else in the way of gear. It's certainly not just the 115s that need to be looked at here.
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  11. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player


    I'm to casual to glitch. Leave me with my 98 gear and some things to do my tier level and im happy.

    I never understood the reason of maxing out CR as quickly as possible, and modding gear with millions of dollars worth of EXO's after how consistent content is being released. All content can be done in 97 - 98 Gear. You'll most likely be able to move to the next Tier/content with the 98 Gear.

    If people want that extra umph from 100 / 101 plus. Let them knock there selves & replays out. If some glitched to get MAX CR, I personally am edgy about it. Dont want another OC content dilemma when people were excluding others because of CR.
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  12. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Are you kidding me? If they knowing participated in an obvious glitch, they NEED to be punished. You know what HONOR is? Geesh.
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  13. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Another punishment option would be to roll back the offending toon to Feb 4th.
    Wipe all their progress since the DLC went live and refund any replays (not money).
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  14. MrBeefCakes New Player

    Lmfao honor and video games? Please stop.

    Did this glitch ruin the game? Nope. Did the Dox glitch ruin it? Nope.

    Btw I have more honor than you ever will and this is a video game. So please don't overreact over something so small.
  15. HersheyKiss New Player

    Considering that all quantum got in the gu was its AM and the AM has nothing to do with quantum tunneling which quantum has had for almost 2 years so id say no its not convenient. The AM has nothing at all to do with what people are using quantum for to do this glitch. Imo your statement makes no sense and is just trying to stir up some weird conspiracy theory. People are teleporting thru the doorway and then dpsing from there and taking no dmg. No other power has a move like tunneling, thats why people are using quantum.
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  16. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player

    Roll back all the cheaters that just made DCUO staff bank from replay badge sells and **** these players off.

    Yea..... They'll do that.....

    I sure as hell dont like the exploiters myself, but I dont see one damn player getting rolled back.
  17. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Obviously you have no honor whatsoever if you encourage people to exploit glitches in a video game. Let me correct your answers for you.

    Did this glitch ruin the game? Abso-freakin-lutely it did. It's a game breaking glitch that has allowed certain players to have full 101 gear in LESS THAN A DAY. Did the Dox glitch ruin the game? Absolutely. Not only did it allow everyone to be full traces in less than a day, but it also gave them the hardest feat at the time and they got all of it with zero effort.

    You may laugh at honor and video games, but honor goes with everything, video game or not. I laugh at people like you who encourage such scum behavior. Cheating in an MMO just to get the best possible stuff available just to brag about it later is just sickening, period. I mean, I was in LW earlier in the week with a pug who bragged about how easy Throne is by glitching it. I was in Throne earlier in the week that I didn't finish because someone came in who said let's just glitch it right when he came in. He had like 5 101 pieces too. Obvious glitcher no doubt. And he was actually BRAGGING ABOUT GLITCHING. I was like screw that and left. Players like you are who give good, honest players a bad rap and it needs to stop.
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  18. Simple Answers New Player

    No wonder so much people in the chat box was thirsty for Elite resets. I've actually made quite the money today since the demand on resets were so high.
  19. MrBeefCakes New Player

    Where did I say I encourged it? If so I would be looking for exploits and spamming it. I said I don't care and don't see the huge fuss. No it didn't ruin the game since people are still playing. Since your on USPS you should do a better job of reporting these glitches. People forget that only 5-10% of the community actually post on here and a lot of people in game on the USPC server don't really care.

    Btw it's a video and not real life. Go do something worthy enough to actually know what honor is.

    Awwwww someone base better gear than me *cry*. Please grow up up stop making silly assumptions about people you have never met.
  20. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I think most PC players are going to be surprised when / if cross play is a thing... :D USPS is the wild west.
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