Throne of the Dead getting shut off!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Norwegian ninja, Feb 16, 2015.

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  1. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Another reason to be incensed over this. The cheaters have lumped honest players in with them.
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  2. rolando nacanna Well-Known Player

    i heard a lot about people getting cr 115....and cr 116 people?in the usps there are 3 people with cr 116...

    no doubt here...usps is the glicht server:rolleyes:
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  3. MagnaStrike Well-Known Player

    Actually, if you out of combat mode, you can put the vote to kick someone its already in combat, how i know?

    Long time ago, when son of trigon dlc was the new thing, i was as an earth tank practically soloing the first boss on trigon prison cause the other players come to close to the aoe and the others cant do pick ups when i was taking the bosses far from the dead bodies, i was surviving the most i counld after a bit long list of people before me leave the instance and a new guy that get in in a brag tone saying to me to wipe, when the last boss out there has less than 10% life (surviving with counters, supply, soda and sidekick was really good that time, still no wm to faster the stuff) then in a second i was out the instance, so in fact, you can kick someone in combat mode
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  4. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Hence why there needs to be a blanket adjustment of 101 to 100.
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  5. Glacier Extreme Well-Known Player

    What's really funny is your the same guy that ninja looted me of the Tank neck brainiac drops in BC3 over 3 yrs ago...good to see your at least keeping consistency over these years! ;)
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  6. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    There's actually 5 people with 116CR in USPS....

    There is definitely no doubt that the USPS was the bulk of this, but there have been people in here saying the glitch spread to USPC...
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  7. Delta795 New Player

    Yeah, it's strange how people at 113 w/ 97 gear have 2 & 3 pcs of elite gear? Hmmmm
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  8. Delta795 New Player

    Very true
  9. CdnAtheist Well-Known Player

    Of course it's about money. As it should be. It's not a charity. It's a product offered by a for profit company. I do not think there are any grounds for suspension or banning. DCUO released a substandard product. People paid to use that product. End of story.

    With respect to the gear; this is DCUOs and a subset of the players own fault. The latter wanted content and gear that was just for them. The former obliged in this DLC. Do you think people would have been exploiting the glitch if there was no elite raid and/or if 100/101 gear was available from the vendor?

    It does not bother me that people glitched; to each their own. What bothered me is that it was impossible to get into a raid for throne lol. Everyone wanted 1 tank, 1 heal and 6 quantum. Or they asked if you had clown box. Or you were in a group and a 114/115 quantum showed up and then started telling the group to get more quantum or respec into clown box or get trolls with high dom and the group would fall apart lol.

    I will say though that the LFG shouts did make me laugh. I think quantum appeared more times in LFG shouts this last wend than it does in physics journals :)
  10. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Regardless there is no justification for cheating. This is an absolute.
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  11. Craven Green Loyal Player

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  12. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    I'm also very curious for those with high moral outrage regarding the glitching if any of the following apply:

    You know someone who glitched
    Know someone or several someone's in you league who glitched
    Had a league leader or ranking league official take league leader into throne to glitch
    Know someone who changed to quatum to glitch
    Have clown box as a purchased skill right now
    If any of the above apply still talk to, run with, or stay in a league with such players:

    This behavior is systemic on USPS and I'm fairly certain most who take issue with the cheating know someone or is Ina league with someone who is or was glitching
  13. Enzan Committed Player

    As I posted before, a solution to finding glitchers, and people trying to glitch can be using the chat logs. Do a quick search for keywords such as Quantum, Glitch, Elite etc.

    People are being blatantly obvious about wanting to glitch, as well as some who gloat about getting glitched gear in the chat, so it shouldn't be to difficult to find the glitchers, instead of punishing everyone.(Although that would be easier lol)

    I'm hoping they do something, but I'm doubting anything will be done to anyone.
  14. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I agree... I don't know him, but he posts frequently on here, all I see is that he's now quantum and has multiple pieces of Elite gear with the rest being a mix of 97 and up stuff... So people see 114CR and think he's just full bought gear or 100 gear when he actually has 5 elite pieces but the rest are lower...

    Same goes for the other 114CR quantum guy in the league....

    Did they do it legit? I dunno, but them not having even all 100 gear but a handful of elite pieces doesn't look good IMO.
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  15. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I agree,
    I think some number shuffling...
    96 gear drops (in DLC13) becomes 98
    98 jumps to 99
    99 jumps to 100
    100 jumps to 101
    new gear 101 with slightly better stats.

    and pull all OP masks that dropped in the elite version
    Remove any wrongful obtained feats from the glitchers
    Issue 5 day ban to glitchers.
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  16. Solmes202 Loyal Player

  17. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    Exactly my thoughts !
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  18. Norwegian ninja Well-Known Player

    That is funny that they have 97 and 101 gear. Mepps said the elite raid was made to be done only if you had all 100 gear.
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  19. Dom-Eon Dedicated Player

    This is why we can't have nice things.
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  20. Gokaigerbay New Player

    Despite news spreading like fire that the instance is getting turned off today, all the glitchers are actually working harder trying to squeeze in as many glitch runs as possible because they don't believe the devs have the balls to take their gear away.

    Please prove them wrong.
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