My Proposal

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Master Play, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. champdogz New Player

    in most part i agree with alot of this post, however i actually like the one set of gear set i don't have an issue with that at all as your are free to mod your gear however you choose, so i feel that can be left alone. the pvp outside world really does need spicing up . Again you need to dedicate a worker or workers strictly for pvp . as for as creating characters in pvp phase i believe that was changed due to numerous complaints of people being attacked, and not being able to finish missions, or missions taking too long to finish because of that, lol go figure so that wont work nor is it the answer. In order to maximize pvp the devs need to listen to the large part of the pvp community and really make changes to existing open world content ring war/diamond heist make the reward worth wanting to do the content, also maybe think about some open world arena section in the essence of what rw/dh were intended to be, find a way to encourage base raiding and outside world combat
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  2. Master Play Committed Player

    So do you really thin it can't/wont return back to that state? I believe it can, if we can get developers to realize that open world is just as important as arenas to the PvP community, even more important to some. Open world is a stepping stone to becoming a great PvPer in this game.
  3. Master Play Committed Player

    No one forgot any of these issues you've listed.

    Issue # 1 - If you're fighting a person who doesn't care if they get lunged at and they beat you, that is not a problem with the damage from your punishment, that's a problem regarding your skill level. Unless you're fighting a fire tank or a healer, you have no excuse not to win if you're out-countering a player. Once CC's are fixed, wm combos will be harder to get off and easier to punish. The main reason why people are even being hit with weapon mastery in PvP is because of the fact that every weapon mastery does a CC before the big hit. That CC will sometimes prevent you from countering it, allowing it to hit you.

    Issue # 2 - Just because all powers don't have a viable AM in PvP yet, doesn't mean that the devs can't began to fix PvP. There are other things that they can and are starting with, like counters and CCs for example. You have to understand that with every change to powers intended for PvE, PvP is drastically altered as well. This is hard to prevent because some of the changes meant for PvE are needed for PvE and it's hard for the devs to keep PvPers in mind and figure out to work-around for those PvE changes. I'll admit, they do need to put in a little more thought for how certain PvE tweaks will affect PvP. Most powers are going through revamps as of now also.

    Issue # 3 - The whole PvP community is already aware that CCs are being actively worked on. If you read my whole thread you would have seen the part where I stated that.
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  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    New PVP feats are definately overdue. There are no rewards for pvp now, especially once you have all the feats.
  5. Wanning Comet Committed Player

    Make the bounty mission auto renew, for one, then remove the lockout on ring war/diamond heist and make those events reward 100-200 marks per completion of the mission--the mission for them should also auto renew.

    Maybe add in a sort of area heuristic so that only the mark reward scales from like 70 up to 200 marks depending on if there is actual fighting during the event.

    I see these two changes as QoL improvements and ways to encourage open world pvp again.
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  6. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    If they're going to introduce more feats into PvP they should be based around the mechanics, such as block breaking, block countering and interrupts since they're really pushing the mechanics now. This would encourage more players to try to figure out how the combat system works.

    EDIT: Obviously other types of feats can be added in, but those types I listed above should definitely take priority.
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  7. Wanning Comet Committed Player

    Just as long as they aren't uninspired grind feats like the ones in Legends PvE: Successfully Block Break/Interrupt/Block an enemy attack 10 000 times. No thank you :p

    Honestly, I'd rather have something like the current win feats added to the "new" maps when they're added. I wouldn't mind doing like 50 wins in Arkham Arena or Ace 2s for both Legend and Arena. I would not want them to go to something like 100 wins on Australia or 100 000 player KOs, though.

    It's just my personal preference that grind feats shouldn't be extended if people have already maxed them in game since it feels like you lost progress for being at max grind count when they add the new levels since if you were at max you probably kept playing for marks or fun.
  8. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I think this might actually be one of the few grind type feats that might be good. And this is coming from the guy who just stopped bothering after he figured out how high the gathering and paradox reaper feats went. I don't want them to be too ridiculously high, but I also don't want them to be low enough where people can get them by accident either. Enough so people actually figure out how these things work and then want to get better at it so they can get the feat faster.
  9. Wanning Comet Committed Player

    Feats for counters might not be bad if it was counters in general and not specific counters, but I could see the number being set either too low, and people getting it before they really understand what they're doing to get the feat, as you say, or too high so that people feel they have to farm the feat just to obtain it; though people will farm it regardless, fewer people will go hardcore farm on it if the number sounds realistic.
  10. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    My worry about non-specific counters is players who come in from PvE and just spam block breakers. Eventually they'd get it. Maybe have some that involve countering opponents with specific ones, then have a slightly larger number that will give a feat for any counters completed.
  11. Chungweishan New Player

    Yes I really do think that because of what I'll restate: Open World is unregulated in terms of balance. Nothing is clamped. Every max-geared player is a solo-ing powerhouse.
    1. No Cash PvP Gear: a new player would have to progress to the first Tier of Armor in Arenas or Legends.
    2. If the New Player does have PvP-Gear, they still have to consider the other unregulated advantages: Home Turf, Exo/Synth Mods, Consumables, Skillpoints for WM and Innates. By the way, this also means anyone who wants to be in Open World PvP means they have to be at least Premium, as Free Players cannot progress their gear (which I also believe is another reason why PvP-Open World is so vacant).
    3. Even with the CR100 PvP + Exo VI + Home Turf IV Mods/Trinkets + Belt + updated Expert Soders + other Consumables, they still have to deal with the glass-cannon CR112(?) PvE players with the same amount of extras.
    Currently, the community as a whole does not consider Open World as a stepping stone anymore. I rarely saw anyone duel, even though it progresses basic combat skills, players would rather gain rewards at the same time so they do Arenas/Legends 1v1 (or 2v2s).

    Mid-Tier players aren't as interested in protecting new players, as they are more interested in progressing their gear/SP instead. This left the new players helpless against Max-Tier players. Which is why New Players were shunted into the PvE World.


    Every time the game introduces new Feats, that doesn't help new players either. It's just going to make the high-SP players stronger, as they more than likely can complete those Feats faster. Since it's still PvP, those same high-SP players can essentially halt any progress for new player just like they did in Arenas when there wasn't any loser-marks.

    If they sell Cash Gear again, they still run into the same current problem of Feat-Purchased Veteran Alts taking advantage of their high-skillpoints (WM and Innates) to eliminate brand new players. So if I was a fresh Level 30 in my Cash Gear attempting to duel a Veteran twinked out Level 30 (180SP + Mods + Trinkets), I'm very sure I know the outcome is I'll lose.


    This only covers Gear and Stats, not actual combat. Besides all the problems with CCs, Breakouts, Lag, and whatever else people like to blame their losses, it's the actual learning progression of being good with PvP-combat. New Players have to learn WM-combos (to counter them) even if they don't have the SP to use them. That's a huge problem to me. Whatever combos or rotations they were used to while leveling up/questing, it's all for naught as they have to relearn different WM-combos using unfamiliar weapons and/or AM-rotations useful for PvP. None of the this can be learned in Legends.


    Basically, DCUO progressed to a point that it's impossible to return to. It works out okay-ish for those same players that tend to always start off their posts bosting "I've been here since Beta." because they're used to how the game progressed with updates, fixes, nerfs, changes to gameplay and combat, and rechanges to gameplay and combat when the previous changes weren't working out so well, and then more changes again for good measure. But any new player or players like me returning from a hiatus, it's just a huge confusing mess.

    I haven't played since the Mental AM change and the Acrobat Backflip change. I just don't feel the need to re-learn and adapt again. I was barely getting by with figuring out WM, I still don't have a clue with AM, while I'm glad HT is out of Arenas, they're still used in Open World. While there's no role-advantages currently, that basically proved how stupid it was wasting time developing Movement Debuffs. It's just a mess parsing through what's current and what isn't nowadays.

    And I know that Forum Members hate Free(loader) Players, but I still believe we did serve a major purpose: populating the servers. I can't progress my PvP-character unless I pay, that's fine... I'm just one less person populating the world. But when I looked at USPCs Open World, apparently when only 6 people are huddled around the Villain Nightclub, one player makes a huge difference.
  12. iYaYa_ Well-Known Player

    Remove WM and AM
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  13. MusicNotez New Player

    Since I cant say remove wm from pvp as that would outline some weapons as being clearly better than others in pvp, I'll settle with -

    Bring back role debuffs
    Decrease power costs
    Fire tank healing bonus down to 45%
    Cleanse duration to 5 seconds
    Support role stat caps REMOVED
    Fix CC.

    Thats all I can think of off the top of my head. This would :
    A - Make tanks useful again in pvp
    B - Fix fire tank healing
    C - Make pvp more enjoyable without the ineffectiveness of breakouts being a factor
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  14. Gurps New Player

    some great ideas here! I really like your idea on the gear sets and having the hybrid set added as an additional set along with the normal gear pre gu41
  15. DG-MOD-04 New Player

    Cleaned out this thread. Please be constructive and on-topic in posting.


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  16. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Pssst, change your signature :p

    EDIT: Huh he actually listened.
    Well they can adjust AM damage separately in PvE from PvP. So it depends on how they handle it. Some are more PvP friendly than others.
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  17. Apocblessed New Player

    As a person who pvps like a mad man i think that the pvp in this game is very stale at this point and with the devs taking away all the base mods and stuff from pvp it feels like they only take from us i have so many friends who quit because they use to enjoy the pvp but now it seems like the counters are off and there is nothing for world pvp i think you need to look into hiring some pvp dedicated people that had more experience with the pvp side like the fact the devs have this giant world for pvp and they've had ring of war and diamond highest four years. the last for years could you guys do something as simple as returning something like influence points and giving you exclusive styles and items for pvp not just w.o.r and d.h hell at he very least add new styles to that.You could make Strong holds in the different cites that open up and the villns and heros and villns and fight over them maybe the different leagues i would like to see every one doing stuff in open world pvp but if you never do anything with it but take from it no one would be interested but i hope you guys think about this and think of taking another serious look at the pvp in this game 4 years strong and Im still playing but idk for how much longer if yall never truly look at world pvp and do anything with ive been hoping and waiting and i have a ton of friend that quit that said they'd come back if you guys do something with the pvp matches are great and all but there only so great and srry about any bad grammer and spelling
  18. FuryFireTank Well-Known Player

    As a Big Fan Of Uspc PVP, I Halfto Agree 100% with what you're saying. We need Big Changes to the Open World PVP Phase. It Has Literally Become a "Ghost" Phase. Guys Lets Make Some Change Happen!
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  19. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    DCUO PvP is a small pond with a few big fish. It would take a miracle for all the small fish to mature and be on any competitive level.
  20. Apocblessed New Player

    Its just like doing pve all it takes is puting in the work but there is no real incentive to do so it is a samll pond but that is the devs fault hate to say it ring of war and diamond highest for the last 4 years and all they did is take from them change them ooooo a mark of valor and the same styles for the last 4 years no incentive to do it see my point how many dlcs have they come out with in the last 4 years and not one of them came with world pvp stuff