Name Validation And Cross Play

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 27, 2015.

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  1. Skidmarc Committed Player

    @Mepps or Captain, what if we play on both the PS and PC servers using characters with the same name? On the PC side, I have a few characters with mirrored counter parts on the PS side. Will I have to change my PC toon names prior to this event to avoid the underscore and numeral being attached to them? Not a big loss since I am primarily a PS player but just would like a bit of direction with this one as well to plan accordingly. I understand this is all still a WIP and all. Just trying to gather a direction : )
  2. Kensama New Player

    And about the cash..Millions earned, spent. gave away.. The people that make money will always know and find ways to
    Make more..
    Rare collections, bytes, rare styles, planz and mods...The rich will always stay rich..
    Cheers M8's..:p
  3. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    oasenhoheit said:
    “I just got a visit from a GM ingame.
    He refunded me the money for the token into my SC and deleted the token from my inventory.

    Thanks for that, SOE.”
  4. Eminence Dedicated Player

    I see what you're saying, thanks for the tip, but 2 or 3mil would be a disaster on usps.
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  5. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    One year from now? You have some info in your secret info place about a time table? A year from now we may still be waiting for it to happen. I hope not, but I haven't seen any info about an eta at all.
    Other than that I agree.
    Can't wait to get my evil on with CC and Apathy!:)
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  6. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    I couldn't imagine that if they do a money grab thing that they would knock anyone down that low. Even on USPC 2 or 3 million is pretty low. I hover between 2 and 3 million usually and I'm kinda poor compared to a lot of folks.
  7. Eminence Dedicated Player

    Sorry, but just because someone is good at something, doesn't mean that it's ok to force them to do hours and hours of work again to get back where they were.
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  8. Eminence Dedicated Player

    Right, I think economy issues will be their biggest hurdle.
  9. Sore Steadfast Player

    I'm being optimistic. I don't have any secret knowledge. If I'm commenting like that and Mepps hasn't had an official statement, you can be assured I'm speculating. If I did know something that detailed, I wouldn't even bother making any comments like that at all. I don't toy with the NDA like that.
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  10. Harlequin_Nox Committed Player

    I don't believe anyone has asked for this yet, so I'll go ahead and do so....

    Is there any chance we could get a WIP Thread on the topic of Cross Play? Or if it's too far out from being a reality, could we please get one when it's closer to fruition? Clearly there's an interest. Either way - thanks. :)
  11. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    Cool, I'm not going to hold breath or nothing. Of course I'd love to see it sooner than later.

    It seems like the info we have gotten was more of a crowd control device than a planned "Hey we have good news we want to share" sort of thing.
    It'd be pretty cool to get even a rough estimate of a time table.
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  12. Victor99dcuo Well-Known Player

    Perfect i been waiting for Cross play merger, will we merge with the EUPS, if you can pass the lag problem one Day. [IMG][IMG][IMG]
  13. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Ok, devs, just implement a "Name"@account name system. Because after this, you're inevitablely going to merge all systems and regions and have to deal with the name issue again. And it saves from having to deal with name reclaims every couple of years, and name squatters and so forth.
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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    Wait, what? This is such an economic fail. I mean I'm sorry to call you out on this, but you can't just dump the economies together and expect it to work out, saying it will simply be "an initial sticker shock" is rather narrow-minded.

    It isn't just prices that suddenly change in the broker, if you dump the over-inflated USPS economy onto the PC you're immediately devaluing the value of the dollar on the USPC server, it's effectively an inflation skyrocket. even a poor person on the USPS server is exceptionally richer than the PC equivelents, it's why you see the likes of auras going for ridiculous prices.

    I don't know how anyone on the USPC server could be particularly happy about this decision, I mean you're welcome to give me some actual data if you think I'm wrong, I say this with all due respect but it's not just as simple as you're portraying and I think you know that.
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  15. AllanPage Committed Player

    Our cries did not go unheard it seems. Thank you Mepps for posting this amazing news. I have been begging for cross platform ever since replays and other things damaged the game population and the villain population to be specific. Sure Playstation servers are still crowded but its a different thing on USPC and EUPC. Also I noticed there was a stability in the broker for PS. I was expecting smoke aura to be 100s of million in broker there I went on PS last month and it was around the same price as USPC.

    More people in Cross Play to play with which ultimately means more queues popping and reduction in timezone issues that people like me have. I wanted to stay loyal to my faction for as long as I played the game and it seems I can continue to do so without having to make new characters just to get feats from Hero faction.

    All in all great news and I will keep up with any updates on this you post!
  16. Proxystar #Perception

    Can you go onto the USPS server and take some current screenshots of some exobit stacks for me and any expensive auras, as well as say Captain Cold Hood?
  17. Predicament Well-Known Player

    Aww man hopefully that no will change to a yes later one, remember No really means "Try Harder Stupid" - Hitch(Will Smith)

    What about the current economy difference between PC and PS?!!! PC has had it's economy intact since launch while PS has went through multiple dupe issues its hundreds of thousands vs millions for items
  18. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    The USPC did have a money dupe incident, but was caught early on. The EUPC from my knowledge, has its original economy intact since launch.

    I would like to avoid USPS inflation. I would like a money reset or have the devs wipe out excess money after 20 million on each character.
  19. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    Yes if a PS player can get a price check of the following items:

    - A stack of aggressive bits
    - Captain Cold Hood
    - Scott Free and Barda's Wedding Announcement
    - Smoke Aura
    - Green & Red Nimbus Auras
    - Aquarium
  20. Sbel Devoted Player

    20 mil seems a bit low. I have 25 million on USPC.
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