Youtube dcuo "hacking" videos

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Saiyan King, Jan 23, 2015.

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  1. SILENTX New Player

    Guys like that r trash
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  2. Peach4saints Committed Player

    Wow this is just sad.If this is real just wow,this type of behaviour is just disgusting and what makes it even worst is all the people in his comments on youtube,praising him and asking him for some of the stuff he stole.SMH
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  3. Cable Committed Player

    I'm hesitant to believe it as he didn't actually do anything in any of his videos. On the other hand I personally have had my account hacked and had to start all over from scratch because of it. These people are straight up cancer.
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  4. drkhrt1 Well-Known Player

    Pathetic. If this is happening on the USPS then they need to block out people's PSN ids as I would think that is part of the way this is being done.
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  5. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Same thing happened to me.. 3 times.
    I know exactly what that feels like
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  6. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Well now i know why he hasnt uploaded any videos. :(
  7. Peach4saints Committed Player

    That actually happens?I cant imagine having to start back over all the time and work i put into my character :(
  8. GuyverVII Well-Known Player

    This make's me question PSN security even more... I get it the dev's will do all they can but this 'Hacker' got access to his PSN account and that is extremely serious he could have looked at so many details and spend money (if SP has those details on his PSN) but let's be honest hack Sp who is like BFF with the devs is rather stupid, what's that saying about the bird that flew too close to the sun...
  9. MusicNotez New Player

    Remove the ability to see PSN ID's on inspection. The way this guy is hacking people is by getting close enough to see PS ID's, then contacting Sony support and faking like the account belongs to him but he forgot the password and email. Sony isnt big on confirming account ownership. Remove the ability to see Psn ID's, boom. Problem solved, one less annoying kid on the internet.
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  10. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    All the damn time.
    had a whole sh*t ton of stuff deleted. My nimbus auras were stolen, plasmics, and my slim auras.
    i used to run a service for the premium players and such and they were all for those players. I got hacked.. bam. All my stuff deleted including my main's gear. I was told nothing could be done.
    Till this day, I fear opening up that service

    I had 5 bank alts that had money, R/D materials, Mods, Rare items and stuff but they were all deleted.
    I was planning ahead for this DLC so I could take a break then come back fully prepared and just gear up..
    The first time my character was full 88 (when OC was top end)
    I got hacked, everything got deleted.
  11. just an honest dps New Player

    that's definitely not what's happening but i agree with hiding PSN ID's anyway.
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  12. MusicNotez New Player

    Its happened before. Thats the most common way of hacking on this game. But if theres a different way, Ive never heard.
  13. Peach4saints Committed Player

    Omg thats horrible and nothing could be done?Hopefully since it appears to be happening to more people the devs or whoever deals with that stuff,tightens up and fixes it.
  14. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    I hope it does get straightened out.
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  15. Cable Committed Player

    If that's the case I'm honestly somewhat impressed seeing as how when my account actually did get hacked I got nowhere with the customer service. Although one thing that still doesn't add up is I believe he would still need to know the email address associated with the PSN account and then access to that email account wouldn't he? I know when my account was hacked the guy had access to my email account and that's how he locked me out of my PSN account. In any case, I agree with your solution. It should be an easy enough fix.
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  16. Veritech Loyal Player

    Watched one out of curiosity. What's he even babbling on about? The trashy music is too loud..
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  17. High Troller Loyal Player

    Everybody hates super patriot?
  18. MusicNotez New Player

    But I could be wrong, and there are different ways to hack, in which case my solution wouldnt completely solve these issues.
  19. GLJett New Player

    I was reading the comments on one of the videos and they are requesting Britteny to be next. This is messed up. I hope they find a way to stop all this and give everyone being affected everything back that they lost.
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  20. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    I would of kept bothering soe and playstation until you got everything back or some type of compensation. All that time it would of taken you.

    People that do this stuff need to be black listed so they can't even use a computer or gaming console again.
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