Stat're losing money

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Burnt, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. QuagmirePrime Well-Known Player

    I just had another fun run on the seasonal. I pugged with a 102, 11, and 12. Somehow the "experienced" 102 died at the time the first presents dropped and I didn't have a chance to pick him up. The 11, 12, and I had no problem finishing off Larfleeze and they both got the speed feat. They quickly learned what to do.
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  2. Supergeon Well-Known Player

    I agree, I mean we worked (literally) for our CRs and gear, I don't mind the seasonal just don't understand why we are being punished with clamps.
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  3. nohealhere New Player

    its not a hard seasonal. once people learn wtf to do its easy :)
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  4. Omega Boy Committed Player

    I wouldn't expect adjusted rewards. I believe that the rewards will be the same, but stat-clamping will be purely optional outside of the seasonals. The open world seasonals have always been sort of stat clamped with our weapons only doing 1 dmg so it's not that much worse.
  5. Gokaigerbay New Player

    the 'predetermined' stats are bogus.
    as a healer, I'm struck at a max of 66 precision, as dps, its capped at around 140. no buffs or trinkets help.

    Come on, tier1 trinkets alone gave more than that.

    item level 34 trinket alone gives +165precision buff, more than our max capped precision.
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  6. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    I've only run it with you once... So that run is atypical.

    Never said it was hard. It just takes about 5 or 6 minutes too long. Where it should take 1 or 2 minutes, it takes 6 to 8 mintues. That's 4 times the time I want to spend in there, or more...
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  7. DialH New Player

    I'd rather not wait and see. The seasonal clamping has already revealed that the plan is a complete disaster and an insult to experienced players.
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  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    this is for the greater good so player can experience the content, rather then walk in kill 20 sets of trash mobs then walk out without a feeling of accomplishment, im fine with a a global stat clamp under current content
  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    its not, it just shows so unwilling players are to meet a challenge, or spend any length of time doing something.
  10. DialH New Player


    I'm all for a challenge. What I'm not for is having no choice in my gear, SPs and progress being flushed down the toilet for an instance that I need to complete in order to finish some feats. I have run this seasonal all three years, so please DO NOT presume to tell me what I've spent time on and what I haven't.

    If people want a challenge and a time sink there's Survival Mode. This is a fricking seasonal. It should be fun, not a chore.
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  11. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    We respectfully disagree on what's fun then. I don't find face-rolling content fun. That's part of the reason 8 months ago I had stopped running a lot of PvE content. Most of what we had at that point was a tank and spank, or a "melt it with your lasers" dps fest as I like to call it.

    It was just doing the same thing with different scenery mostly unless we actually need to learn the mechanics. That's what actually makes it all not the same thing every time. Now that we aren't melting this boss I'm finding it way more enjoyable, and it's not that it's hard either.
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  12. DialH New Player

    Was someone stopping you from taking a piece of gear or five off if you were looking for an extra challenge?

    I don't think ANYONE is saying that the seasonal is hard. It's not. The mechanics are simple. It's just a drag to do it for the third year in a row with your stats clamped against your will.
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  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    you play a MMO its designed around being a time sink. Blowing through the boss in 10 seconds is fun!? how is that fun for any player that would be new to the seasonal knowing you walk in, and just as fast you start the fight its over and you have to leave?
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  14. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    You mean all the people one-shotting the boss due to having an excess of skill points or gear? Yes. And before we get to the "make your own group" this is a quest meant for everyone to do on equal footing at a set difficulty level, hence the stat buff everyone has gotten this year and has gotten in years past.

    It's a few extra minutes of your time to help a new player possibly learn something so they may be better off later on in the game.Not to mention this is an MMO, a genre built on keeping people busy for as long as possible until the next piece of content is released. People need to stop playing this game like a job they hate and just have fun with it already. If it isn't fun, don't play it. That's what I've done previously.

    You must have missed the other thread where the guy wiped 8 or 9 times :p
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  15. DialH New Player

    Yes, actually it is fun. It's fun to measure, in part, your progress from the amount of time and effort you've put into the game by beasting out on lower level bosses. I don't expect to faceroll brand new content and I loved the challenge of survival mode. Seasonal instances are the perfectly wrong place to perform this horrible little experiment on the DCUO population.

    Sub-30s already get put into groups together for the seasonal, there's no, NONE, ZERO reason why the queue system couldn't simply match similar CR-players rather than punishing veterans with this insulting stat clamping.

    And yes, mmos are time sinks, but artifically stretching out old content is not the way to go. There are tons and tons of new feats to get in Legends PvE, that's the sort of time sink I can get behind.

    See above re: queues, new players etc.

    I would be ok with the compromise of giving stat clamped players a huge additional number of awards. ie if their clamped to have only 20% of their stats then they should get 8x the drops and marks for the instance. That would at least make it worth the irritation.

    And if this is such a wonderful idea, why not make it a toggle on/ toggle off option? If it's so loved and everyone is all about helping lowbies, surely everyone will toggle it on and it will be a wonderful success.
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  16. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    This isn't a "lower level boss". Seasonals are not tied to progression in the same sense solos, duos, small and large group content is. Which is why stat clamping in seasonals will not be optional as Spytle already clarified in the other thread. So you don't need a rewards increase, nor should you get feats without some minimal effort.

    They already went over the idea of toggling, ironically Sptyle was actually responding to you.

    To further support this, the reason why we don't have access to so many PvP maps at once is because it slows down queues. The same logic applies here with a toggle.
    Finally, as I stated earlier, having a toggle would only give new players an option to earn rewards with minimal effort.

    And yes, I read your reply to Spytle and I heavily disagree with it. I wanted to particularly touch on this part though:

    I was pretty darned active here when GU36 was announced. The development team got death threats. After EVERY major change to a game there are people who make forum accounts just to come on here and scream until they're purple.

    If an idea really isn't good, you will see a lot of more well known people here (speaking of those who have actually been around for a long time, no just got the the 250 likes or whatever it is now) will be complaining about whatever it is that's going on (Look at the original Deathstroke legends PvP design for an example where it was near 100% of people hated him).

    TLDR: Don't use initial forum feedback to judge something.
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  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    thats 15 minutes of fun, the fun doesn't last, and newer players have no fun since all they did was hit things a few times and move on to the next one rinse and repeat until instance complete. Not being able to tell trash mobs from boss. I remember beating prime was something to be proud of, he dies so fast now youd think he was an add in his own raid
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  18. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I joined up with a group the first time I ran prime and didn't realize everyone was over qualified for it. It has been a long time so I may be wrong here, but we ended up finishing in less than 10 minutes. I think it was somewhere around 7 (mostly because the guy somehow found 3 trollers). I didn't learn a thing from the raid due to not having a clue what happened and I didn't feel like I actually accomplished anything either.
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  19. SilverwingsZOE New Player

    Yesterday I did FoS2 with a nearly CR80 troll that was in a league,with a mix of T3 and probably T4 or Ancients armor,sockets with precision mods til I noticed that his armor was the right armor for the controller role and not the usual dps in troller role and for the entire raid he didn't give recharges or potted.

    I will never grow tired of saying this why in this world I should help him?He's in a league probably they carried him through everything but really if this is the new generation of players ffs I really do want portals to solo stuff or run it with the current group without having to deal with this kind of people
  20. fkeidjn Level 30

    If there's going to be stat clamping in seasonal instances, how about allowing us the option to use legends characters? Just a thought