Game Update 43 Now Available, Featuring Legends PvE!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager


    Game Update 43 Is Now Available!

    Game Update 43 launches today, featuring the introduction of Legends PvE events, the return of the winter seasonal event Season's Greedings, new advanced damage mechanics for Ice, Mental, Hard Light, and Nature, the new Undersea League Hall theme, and more! Read on for details!


    Legends PvE Events!

    Play as your favorite iconic Legends characters in PvE events! About every month, we will have a new Legends PvE instance to play through in the Events tab of the On Duty menu. Players can queue up for the instance with any legends character they already have unlocked. The first event will feature the South Gotham Courthouse Alert. As we make more content for the game we will convert some into Legends PvE events as well, so look forward to seeing all your favorite alerts make an appearance!

    Look for Legends: PvE South Gotham Courthouse under the Events tab in the On Duty menu!

    Member Benefit: Unlock Legends Characters!

    As just one more ongoing benefit of being a member in DC Universe Online, members will now be able to unlock all existing Marketplace Legends in-game using Marks of Legend. Unlocking a Legends character with Marks of Legend in-game is on a per character basis. The Marketplace version remains available for all players, and is redeemable for every character on the account.


    Legends: Deathstroke!

    Make quick work of all your contracts as the deadly assassin, Deathstroke. Deathstroke utilizes an array of weaponry and special attacks to bring swift destruction to any opponents brave or foolish enough to face him. Members may purchase this item in game for Marks of Legend on a per character basis. The Marketplace version of this item is redeemable for every character on the account, and is not tradable.


    New League Hall Environment: Undersea!

    This new League Hall environment offers a unique look and a choice of two new Terrains: Trench and Reef. Players can now create League Halls with this new environment or choose to relocate their current League Hall to Undersea!

    Display of Equipped Combat Rating!

    Players will now see Equipped Combat Rating (Equipped CR) in the HUD where player level was previously displayed, both for themselves and for other players. Player level has moved to on top of the role symbol. Equipped Combat Rating is the combat rating of the gear that a player currently has equipped.

    Reset Content Loot Locks for Group Members!

    Players now have the option to use their own Replay badges to reset loot locks for other players on their Friends List or in their Leagues! Players will now see this option, when they are grouped with eligible players, in the On Duty menu and in the scorecard menu. When choosing to Reset Content Loot Locks, the player is given a choice to reset each player individually, by name, or to reset all eligible players on the list by choosing "All."


    Season’s Greedings!

    Larfleeze is back! Find and recover the stolen gifts in Metropolis and Gotham City before it’s too late! Look for “Yuletide Fear” (Villains) or “Winter Plunderland” (Heroes), “Season’s Greedings,” and “Ring in the Holidays” in your Mission Journal. Players must be at least level 10 to participate.

    Plus, don’t forget to shop at Skeets’ Workshop to get the latest winter clothing, holiday goodies, and festive base items! Skeets’ Workshop is located in your HQ and inside the Secret Research Facility.

    Log in today for everything Game Update 43 has to offer, and happy holidays!
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  2. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    Mepps, if we relocate our League Hall, will all of the placed decorations be returned to our inventory and have to be replaced?
  3. lukelucky Devoted Player

    the legends pve is a great idea. i often say dcuo lets us op to long leading to bad habbits or lack of development. lol 2 groups i have tried the legends pve and did not reach first boss. lol embarassing i know but people we not staying close ever to get any role buffs. if i run it with people i know then no problem i bet. pugs so far. i think people will learn or cry nerf. dcuo i say good job on this 1
  4. Redman_x Well-Known Player

    I think if you could raise the damage out on the legend characters then the new legends instance wouldn't be so bad. I mean, we are suppose to be a legendary superhero.
  5. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    Nice rant there.

    I don't think the balancing ideas so that lower level characters have a chance to participate and make an impact in content are a bad idea. I understand that L337 players are always going to want to L337, and they are always going to complain when they can't trash content like kicking back a sodar can.
    Thanks, DEVs for making this first step in balancing out content so that higher level players aren't stomping all over lower level players trying to participate and learn from content that is geared to their level.
    L337 players should understand that they have content that lower level players are locked out of. If you don't like the fact that the game that there is an attempt to make the game balanced so that all players can enjoy it, then I suggest running content that is set to your level and/or content that lower level players are locked out of.
    The goal of the game is so that all players have fun and not just those that have spent thousands of hours and/or countless dollars to level/rank/gear/farm up their characters ... oh, yeah, and to make as much money doing it as possible during the process as well as keeping the game community robust enough that the game continues to running.

    Prestige. The mechanic is obviously for you to run with lower level players because they DO get more prestige. The point is that you run with your lower-level league-mates so that your league gets more prestige because the lower-level players are generating more prestige.
    Does Superman get more prestige from saving a cat from a tree or saving a crashing airliner? Seriously. Just calm down and think about it. I know relatively, it takes Superman about as much effort for either, but the point is that doing something that is really easy shouldn't generate as much prestige as something that is a challenge.

    Mentorship. I think what you are really looking for is some sort of mentorship reward, because, seriously, IF you were doing it to be a HERO then you wouldn't want/need any kind of monetary reward (unless, of course, you were Booster Gold, but to me that smacks of a hired gun or a mercenary).
    Honestly, I'm against allowing higher level characters into lower-level content and having them steam-roll over things while the other players are trying to complete something that is meant to be some-what challenging at their level.
    But, I will begrudgingly suggest that the DEVs set-up some kind of Mentorship system that rewards higher level players for helping lower level characters. I'm not going to outline this or go into more detail. I'm not paid to work on this game, the idea is a big enough help on it's own.

    They let you make powerful characters because that is what players want to do ... players want to make their characters more powerful. The balancing part is to let the players power up their characters without breaking the game balance and the game balance has been broke and way too very-tip-of-the-end-game heavy. Don't worry, your character is still powerful in the very-tip-of-the-end-game-stuff and when you participate against/with people that are on par with your character all characters are involved are at the maximum level of ability and/or maximum balanced levels.
    But I guess some players want no challenge at all and that new and/or lower level players should suffer from game imbalance to the point that the game because frustrating and no fun to play, right?

    Prestige per week limit. Obviously, this allows the content to continue over-time, so that some leagues don't rush to the end and have nothing to do while others struggle to even reach the prestige cap.
    I think that the league system is OP as it is. It gives far too great of a reward to leagues with more members.
    It also means that potentially higher level players will work with lower level players over a longer period of time. I think one of the main components of the prestige system was to get long-running and high-level players to interact with newer lower-level players. This keeps lower level players from feeling isolated from the game.
    I think it is a shame when higher-level players tell players in the leveling-content that they are just in a tutorial and that the real game doesn't start until level 30. There is a lot of good content in the leveling-content that fans of comics could be enjoying instead of rushing through because other players are labeling it with a negative nomenclature.
    The Brainiac Ship is the only tutorial. The Watchtower/Hall of Doom tours simply are run-around with some outdated information and no real explanation of anything. There is NO tutorial on roles.
    I am personally glad that there is a prestige limit.

    I have no problem with the other limits. Spend it when/before you reach the cap and the cap is not an issue. Most of the time there is no real reason other than vanity to hold onto it longer.

    Seriously, they can't do ANYHTING about the EULA-breaking characters standing around in-game selling in-game cash for real world money and that is a cyber-security risk to any player that gets involved with it!
    The caps are in place to thwart hacking. That is their effort in fighting hacking.
    At least the DEVS are taking some steps to protect the game from some level of cheating if not cyber-security issues.

    But, yeah, we all have are own priorities and I whole-heartedly glad to see people expressing theirs .... well, most of the time.
  6. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    I'm looking forward to the LEGENDS PVE stuff! Thanks!

    Access to all LEGENDS characters (except for the specialty ones that are no purchasable) through in-game currency is a great way to motivate some players to become All Access members. Yeah, well, and reward All Access members for being All Access by giving them another way to gain things form the Market Place without having to use SOE bucks.

    I'm not a fan of reply badges, but I think that your system is a good way for families playing together to have a bit better grasp on cyber-security by allowing parents to control replay badges/spending by being able to hold replay badges on their accounts and then spend them on their children playing with other accounts.
    I can see benefits on other levels, but going a family-friendly route on game-play interactions will help DCUO and SOE in the end. I believe other gaming companies have tried the route of family plans in the past. I don't know how these panned out for them, but I do know that a family that games together tends to play games and the goal is to get more people playing, right?

    I think that there is hope yet. The potential was always there.
    Now for some more content that isn't based on the latest comics so that people that used to enjoy the way DC comics were written in the past could enjoy newer game-content ....
  7. Phill Committed Player

    Regarding.............I think it is a shame when higher-level players tell players in the leveling-content that they are just in a tutorial and that the real game doesn't start until level 30. There is a lot of good content in the leveling-content that fans of comics could be enjoying instead of rushing through because other players are labeling it with a negative nomenclature.............. Older players say this to new guys not so that they try to blast through the levels. They say this because you are still learning how to play the game at this point. Believe me, there are tons of things to learn about this game and it takes at least 30 levels of the first toon that you make to figure out some things. Another reason why older players say this is because most players quit at level 30 because they think the game is over
  8. Sphlinkx Active Player

    IT IS NOT DIFFICULT IN ANY WAY. PLEASE understand that you will have FOUR group buffs when the team is close together.
    If the group starts losing a lot of health, group up back to back and I guarantee that you will start healing.

    Many people don't bother to be informed and it is wasting my time -_-
    Would it be possible to have this information in bolded red letters while in the instance?
    • Like x 1
  9. Phill Committed Player

    You must be one of the players that did/does not pay attention. Because the Watchtower does explain quite a bit. I do not know how many times I have helped people with things that are on that watchtower tutorial. The only thing that I see wrong with that one is on the reactor core. There is only one trigger set for two doors. If you do not go through the door with the trigger then that part of the tutorial does not run.
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  10. Phill Committed Player

    LOL..............Don't you just love players that do not read instructions/tips and then complain about things being broken.
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  11. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

    Any chance Nutcracker heads will appear at the seasonal vendor?
  12. Frosty D. New Player

    LOL do you even lift mate. ease up already. He just said what we all believe. If we bust our ***** off getting pvp gear taking a massive beatings along the way. killed for months on end grinding and grinding our way to the top only to be told sorry now there's a noob here with no gear who can kick your ***. Come on guy WTF. Got ta make it fair, who made it fair when I leveled up. No one did I took my licks and said thank you sir may I have another. Why do I bother with gear when they 'level the playing field' anyway.
  13. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    How about the next seasonal have a regular mode meaning not stat clamping at all and another mode were there is stat clamping .
  14. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    I agree and Make it Accessible to All Levels not just 10-up
  15. jakehagen11 New Player

  16. Theta Sigma3 New Player

    Anyone knows if there are going to be 50% discounts on 20th through 23rd ?
  17. Joybird Committed Player

    Thank you for the excellent update. Lots to like in this one.

    However, you've moved the "30" so we can no longer see our role icon. Please fix it.
    • Like x 2
  18. Seth Grey New Player

    HL Construct Combos is sooooo awesome!! Thank you devs!! :D
  19. Color Frequency New Player


    I am quantum Controller Combat Rating 111 my vitalization is 4320 and my power over time gives 383 power per tick. After the update I noticed My tick now gives 372 but in my stats it still says my vitalization is 4320. My armor and mods are all the same I have not changed anything, also I checked my base mods and nothing has changed. Can anyone tell me if there is a patch or glitch of some sort? :cool:
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  20. Veritech Loyal Player

    Not the proper thread for this query.

    Are you in a league? If yes perhaps your hall buff has expired.