Spreading misinformation.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by David Ivanenko, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. David Ivanenko Committed Player

    What are the most um... "silly" things you've seen other players spreading around?

    I my case, on a PUG group about to run LD, I was going to DPS but queued on both my healer and DPS roles (As I always do, so other players know I can switch to support in case one goes down).
    As soon as I did this the healer asked if I was going to heal, so I said "Nah, I always queue on both my available roles". And this was the healer's response:
    - "If you do that, you will lower your stats and your critical attacks, so you won't do as much damage or heals as if you queued for a single role" (Or something along those lines).
    After telling him/her that that wasn't true, the healer just didn't believed us and left the group, probably still thinking that we were wrong and continuing spewing false info around.

    So, as I asked before. What other myths, or false information have you seen other players talking about?
    Which by the way, could be added to the loading screen tips or a FAQ/Tips and Tricks section on the menu.
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  2. nuclearbomb Well-Known Player

    People saying Dom affects aggro
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  3. kawe Loyal Player

    Reminds me of a guy in OP5 I was trolling... "Tank, lunge the adds, that will give you more aggro than the pull."
    I was about to lol... but didn't feel like getting into a conversation about that yet again.
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  4. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    Gear doesn't matter in PvP. (Yet everyone's farming it?)

    Your stats are affected by people you're teamed up with and against.
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  5. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    "Everyone has to melee to make my POT more effective"
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  6. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    My favorite:

    {insert power type here} is OP. It needs a nerf.
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  7. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    Player 1:"We're getting hope in the next DLC."
    Player 2: "No we're not"
    Player 1: "Yeah we are they confirmed it on the forums."
    Me: |:
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  8. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    "PvP is broken because I got beasted by a level 10 even though I grinded for my gear!"
    "Blue/Indigo/Orange/Whatever Lantern powers confirmed!"
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  9. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    "dcuo is dying"
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  10. Rocky Well-Known Player

    You need to be the lowest in the group to get OP head/rings/neck
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  11. Sbel Devoted Player

    "You get more marks for walking in, instead of queueing."
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  12. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Only cr111 can complete the new raids, and you need 109 for the alerts.
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  13. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    My favorite is "set the loot to to epic/legendary to increase our chances for the neck/ring/helm of op
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  14. Chewy Stuff Well-Known Player

    Not too bad and logic leads me to believe it's misinformation. You guys can confirm if I am wrong to doubt this:

    "It's better to mod your gear Dom&X than Health&X for DPS stance cause it makes the chance of your cc working on ads... especially in high end content... My nature DPS be stunning like a beast!"

    .... I doubt my 98 dom bumped up to 400 dom would make a diff for cc as DPS role in instances that require 1800+ dom for tanks/trolls... besides my Dreadful Blast seems to knock up ads despite my 98 dom...
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  15. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    "My PvP stats are getting debuffed depending on who I am going against"
    "Batman is overpowered"
    "[Insert power that is not working as intended] is working as intended"
    "Stop having such high dominance you are stealing aggro!!!"
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  16. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    Someone was arguing with me once that POT lasted 25 seconds. Kept saying that POT ends when the lightning bolt disappears. Told him it was 20 seconds.
    Yeah...I'm a troll nerd lol.
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  17. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I thought it was 22. I've never stopwatched it though.

    My favorite recently is if you destroy the pillars in Paradox counter clockwise, you get better loot.
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  18. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Not so much information but rather an opinion:

    "The best gear should always drop in raids at random. OMG I AM SICK OF GETTING NOTHING IN ALL MY RUNS. MARKS AGAIN OMG".
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  19. Wildboy Committed Player

    "To get the Captain Cold Hood/Cyborg Blasters you need to kill Captain Cold/Cyborg First/Last"
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  20. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    One I heard on the forums recently, the perfectly imperfect feat or whatever it's called is programmed so that the majority of players in the game will never receive it.
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