Upd43: Slackers begone

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by tukuan, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. SilverwingsZOE New Player

    some feats in PVE can be done in a single run,with a group willing to do certain combos you can do that in a couple of hours,for PVP you can't

    EUPC was plenty of people shouting need x people to farm this and that,it probably took them a week to get most of those feats done at ease.

    Were they causing you any trouble by syncing and giving up a match?Are you going to see them Q'ing and doing nothing just for the marks?I don't think so,probably they are syncing for 1vs1 matches and fetch those styles from vendors,once done you will never see them again till the next season

    A fresh toon can mess with CR100 and 200SP cause the new system
    A fresh toon can make you lose the game
    Hell somebody will probably start to make disposable accounts and grief people on 2vs2 by doing nothing
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  2. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Yea, they actually were. Sab and I would run 2v2s all the time. So because this one jerk couldn't be bothered he managed to ruin the experience for everyone else who may have actually wanted to play the game.
  3. PillowHands Committed Player

    You sir are a genius
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  4. ErnieB Loyal Player

    When you hear people in LFG screaming for someone to queue to PVP and no one bothers to answer at all, don't say we didn't warn you, then again after this the PVP community will be what?, 10.
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  5. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I'd rather actually play the game with people who want to fight as opposed to stand around and get marks. Also when I came back to test GU42 on live to see the final changes I didn't notice any issue queuing. It actually seemed faster than before.
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  6. ErnieB Loyal Player

    yeah, before this, wait until after.
  7. kav Committed Player

    If you, the ones who regularly PvP and in interest of the developers, want non-regulars in PvP then it should be made public for what exactly you will be punished for. Right now this is just a hasty unclear warning which can be interpreted differently. There are way too many scenarios to replace human evaluation through system. It doesn't work nor should be deployed if you cannot guarantee that someone who is not guilty will be punished. Here some examples which happened to me or others I know in PvE/PvP:
    • System shuts down immediately for an emergency update (The game will see that you quit the game, not lost connection)
    • Huge lag spikes which leads to a disconnect or internet intermediate disconnections where Link Death may not trigger and thus make you eligible wrongly to be punished
    • People leaving your game where you will not even receive anything
    I don't understand how these are happy news. Imagine you, a proficient PvP player, want to farm marks, right? So you get 10 games where the opposite teams throws their tendulum and quits the match. You will waste more time yourself, as an eligible player, this way than it was before. Heck, I'd be a tad angry farming marks in a legit way getting that.

    I'm happy that I don't have to farm the extremist maps in PvP anymore (8v8, 5v5). But in my opinion that is a wrong approach to the root of the cause. Some food for thought.
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  8. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Mixed feelings...need more information regarding this to know exactly how I feel about it.
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  9. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I'd rather have a small player base of people that actually want to fight rather than a large plaster base full of people who give up.

    The only bit I'm iffy on is punishing everyone in the match because one person decided to stand there. Seems highly likely someone will use this to grief.
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  10. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    That's really the issue. How are you gonna be able to get through a simple 2v2 if some buttplug decides to chicken-**** out of the match after getting stomped? Let alone the crybaby factor in a larger fight.... Or the raw 'I'm a douchey internet troll' mentality versus 'i can **** up 16 people's playtime at the SAME TIME by throwing this 8v8'.
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  11. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    This is just stupid. Another visit from the "Good Idea Fairy". It'll make PVP a ghost town.
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  12. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    Fighting a losing match isn't fun, it's a waste of time. I dislike wasting time and effort running my head into a wall. I'll fight a good fight, but when it's no contest like it has been recently with HUGE lag issues, I'm not going to continue being a lemming and dying repeatedly for someone's gratification. I'll let the timer count out since the match is pretty much won at that point.
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  13. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    For those that think this is a good idea, it's going to kill any new experimenters with PVP and discourage casual players entirely. The Premade niche of the player community has pretty killed off any desire for people to want to legitimately queue up in 8v8 and 5v5. I don't hold it against players when they see they are outclassed, to want to give up and not be someone's punching bag. The Heuristic matching for ELOs is a joke. All too commonly I see mismatched levels of ability, at least several times a night when I engage in PVP. If the Devs think their tools are solving the problem of matches and can be sensitive enough to "judge' when a player is fighting a proper match, then I am sorry, but I think they are high on drugs.
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  14. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    I've given out wins before to people that "fought the good fight" and didn't give up. I stepped off of nodes and bowed to them, because I respect good sportsmanship and honor. This "no one wins" attitude is going to just make it so I can't even reward good behavior and encourage a player for sticking with it.

    I also don't force people to play 'one way' and this... this smacks of telling people how to play. Honestly reading this GU43 has me so furious my hands are shaking. Congratulations you whining bastards, you've killed PVP entirely.
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  15. PillowHands Committed Player

    I agree. When it comes to 1v1s it's not fun from either end to me. If I can't win whether it's a lag or skill issue, I won't continue. If someone knows they can't win I'd prefer that they quit wasting my time. Random qs are pointless for proving skill anyway. Even when I fight I give 50% effort at most. There's a scrimmage system, so this change isn't even needed.
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  16. Venus Void Dedicated Player

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  17. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Then hand out the feats and separate the mechanics, because your desire for a smaller playerbase affects the rest of the game. Fire is only now starting to recover from the hamstringing that was done to it because of PVP.
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  18. Ge0F0rce Well-Known Player

    Fix the breakout issues and watch people not participating in matches severely decrease. Not sure what to think of this. Banning is slightly extreme. Also fighting in a match where others quit and not getting rewards will be frustrating.
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  19. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    I have done the same to players I have went against who seem to not really have much of a chance. I let them kill me once or twice. What I find funny is that these players who usually quit have the worst sportsmanship attitude. As soon as I let them kill me, I usually get a tie down, a emote and something in versus chat.
    I have experienced far too many quits from players. If the score is down to 1000-200 I can understand someone wanting to quit but if they just quit after one death multiple times [I can name a certain player who does this like its a hobby] If you just quit in a 2v2/4v4 and let your partner/team fend off for themselves multiple times [I can name a handful of these], you decide to go against the team purposely multiple times, that player does not deserve anything less then a ban.
  20. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    In a shadowlands match, enemy just decided to stand outside the forcefield. Fun right?