Riddle me this

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Why so serious?, May 9, 2013.

  1. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    Dyslexic cow who?
  2. CheckmateEnjoi New Player

    you win post yours
  3. Loadingscreens Committed Player

    whats green but tastes like an apple?
  4. Loadingscreens Committed Player

    A green Apple?
  5. Loadingscreens Committed Player

    Yes your correct. your very smart and handsome. good job!
  6. Loadingscreens Committed Player

    ty ily
  7. Loadingscreens Committed Player

    ily too
  8. TheLoneLantern New Player

    I'm stupid, i thought it was 'ewe,' but i guess there aren't any blue or gray sheep...
  9. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    The riddle that stumped the Sphynx in Roger Zelazney's Amber series (second series):

    What's red and green and goes round and round?
  10. melvinpox Devoted Player

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  11. Jew63088 New Player

  12. The 14th Doctor Dedicated Player

    What is as light as a feather, but even the world’s strongest man couldn’t hold it for more than a minute?
  13. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    A drop of water?

    Edit: or snowflake?
  14. Mesmer New Player

    Your breath, even though the world record is five minutes (according to Penn and Teller).

    Not sure if it's been posted, but here's my riddle.

    Is it legal for a man to marry his widow's sister?
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  15. The 14th Doctor Dedicated Player

  16. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    It's actually upwards into 20min + marks. Penn & Teller uses the 5min "record" perhaps because it was the record at the time when they created the act or for practicality because Penn has to fill the time for the act. And most people could never hold their breath that long anyways.

    In order for her to be a widow, her husband (the man in question) would have to had died. All bets are off if the sister is Carlynn Carnage, I think she likes dead things.:eek:
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  17. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    Here's a brain twister for you:

    There is a man laying dead, completely dead, on the side of a road.
    There is a rock laying next to him.
    There are no signs of physical injury at all on him.
    There are no signs of violent death around him.
    However, the rock IS what killed him.
    Who is the man?
    What is the rock?
  18. The 14th Doctor Dedicated Player

    The man is dead, so you should be asking who he was. He was the murder victim.
    The rock is the murderer. Or murder weapon. Or just the think that killed him, making it a murderer despite being an abiotic object.
    • Like x 1
  19. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    Clever, but, not quite
  20. TheWhiteFace New Player

    Riddle me this: Potassium, what you say when someone does/says something nice for you/to you, and what you say to someone when you or a person leaves.

    This stumped me for days until I figured it out. I was taring through books and articles on the internet. Until I had this revelation of sorts... I highly doubt any of you will figure this out. It may take you guys centuries- I honestly don't know. However what I do know is that you guys have probably suspected this entire paragraph to be sarcastic.