Weapon Mastery Short Combos Damage Adjusted.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DCUO Post, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. JTaroni97 New Player

    Okay so let me give you a classic example... Weapon Mastery. Implemented to help bad pve players out more than anything, what did it do for pvp? Took all the skill out of it and ruined it for months for myself and many others. Now we have a relatively minor change to pve which helps pvp out and your here complaining. I don't understand it to be honest.
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  2. Sbel Devoted Player

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  3. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    Wrote this elsewhere, it got closed cause, well, there's a million of these threads right now, so I'm reposting my thought here:
    Sorry about posting in a dupe thread Mepps :(

    My 2 cents (and worth just that) everything (because this is the direction its going) should have a PvE variant and a PvP. By "everything" I mean attacks and powers.
    The damage of our weapons in PvE should NOT be reduced because of the PvP community.
    Likewise, nothing in the PvP world should be unbalanced just because people can't get to the top of the scorecard anymore. Which is very important because of that "Be the #1 Damage dealer 55 billion times" feat ... ...

    But just because PvP says we hit too hard, doesn't mean that we're hitting the bosses too hard or hitting the adds too hard, or healing our group too much, or giving back too much power. It just means it was unbalanced in PvP.
    But, again, this isn't worth the time it took to write :p
    Cheers All
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  4. Crimson Jonni New Player

    This, sadly, one handed to dual flurry, and focused blast to solar flame were my favorite combos and i've been using 1h since i got this game. Now i might as well skip the melee aspect of it completely, and range only. At least i'll get to save some sp to use on other things
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  5. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Talk about judging a book on its cover. We don't even know the exact decrease and yet people are acting as if the sky is falling. :rolleyes:
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  6. Eminence Dedicated Player

    I agreed with the haymaker getting nerfed, because it was clearly doing almost 30% more damage than any other tap 2 WM combo. I am confused to why the dual flurry was hit. Those two are not the only 2tapWM combos.
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  7. DialH New Player

    Yup, PvP, which is really a very tiny niche of this game (and don't get me wrong I like PvP) has a gigantic, unreasonable sway over the PvE side. They should be completely separated. Or even just remove pvp if it means continuing to cripple PvE side.
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  8. Eminence Dedicated Player

    The way they "fix" things are pretty dramatic, its only right we have these emotions already.
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  9. Crimson Jonni New Player

    I'm curious as to who this "community" the devs keep consulting are, cause as of late, it seems like someone's been pulling a giggles and pming the devs to adjust things they dont like to their liking.

    That, or few hardcore pvpers speak for the entire community as a whole.

    Also Giggles if you are reading this, tis but a joke, relax
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  10. Sbel Devoted Player

    Because it's the same length or shorter.

  11. Eminence Dedicated Player

    lol you're not getting my point.. YES haymaker needed a nerf, so they squeezed that it.. but dual flurry and haymaker are not the only "Tap Tap Hold Hold" combos.
  12. Eminence Dedicated Player

    This scares me...:(
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  13. Sbel Devoted Player

    Everytime they 'fix' something they nerf it into the ground. Especially weapons!
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  14. Eminence Dedicated Player

    I'm not buying it..but I guess we can only go off of what was said. We all know there wont be any further explanations.
  15. Sbel Devoted Player

    And they're not the only ones being nerfed. Did you not read the patch notes or something?
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  16. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    I could of swore the loft short problem was that the knew launch was not blockable once you purchased WM in the MA tree.

    And the problem with Haymaker was the cc from uppercut, that opened you up to huge damage from a long melee WM combo.

    I don't remember any complaints about the damage but I am so tired from the Lair Battles debate and now this I am just going to turn off the game and rent a movie something depressing that will make cry so I can feel better.
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  17. Eminence Dedicated Player

    Not all of them are.
    Edit; Maybe you should double check?
  18. Sir Arcanium New Player

    Honestly almost everything is about PVP DMG and player health. Things that won't even scratch a T6 boss will one shot a player in PVP so it gets nerfed. The main thing though is PVP is F2P, just about every thing about it you get for free. Especially now with no PVE items working.

    Frankly any attention to PVP is a waste of time and money because it's not their target audience in terms of making money. One time they put out a PVP DLC they went back and made the maps free to play because it messed up the rotation other wise. DCUO is a money making venture and it's frankly stupid that the Dev's spend so much time and effort catering to people who barley pay for the game in some cases.

    Sure a lot of hard core people do go legendary, buy dlcs and such to get more skill points, soda and such. But hardly the amount people spend on replay badges and the like for PVE content.
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  19. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This just missed the hotfix. We should have it in the next one.
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  20. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    Nope, that combo hit hard as hell and the CC makes it hard to block. I'm happy all this got nerfed, now it's really going to be about skill in pvp and not who hits the hardest/can one shot who 1st.
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