GU 41... in my opinion.

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by PaxDietatem, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. Representative(Platina A) Well-Known Player

    I'll have you all know though that when I used the expression "carried her to T5" I was referring to PvE rather than PvP. Nyema can surely crush any of you forum goers. Per her request, you should arrange to scrimmage her as you will surely lose. Certain veteran players who are "14 time Legends Champions" have opinions, but they should not have any more weight than any who are part of the PvP community. It is evident that the devs are biased towards the opinions of some players though, a they are only human. Some changes they may regret and revisit in later updates as they have in times past. I realize the real PvP community who sighs and groans while reading these updates then immediate go back to the game without participating in the forums will never have their wishes fulfilled as the F2P PS3 Hero lobbyists have everything in the forums under their control as though the were some kind of mafia intent on killing all enjoyment and challenge in the game so that one day their lack of skill and willingness to support the game will be indecipherable from that of the loyal veterans that serve as pillars to the community.

    I again reiterate, the challenge of Nyema has been given. Don't disappoint me. I'm sure I will be though.
  2. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Clutch ate her alive during a duel and then I beat her my first time using bow. With a loadout that wasn't even specced for actualy PvP but rather testing various things. I can't say I really was impressed.

    Also people like Clutch only hold more weight because they back up their posts with evidence. Something many people either don't think is necessary or adamantly refuse to get.
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  3. ThunderlesStorm New Player

    Uhh seriously? I'm on USPS, but I'd like to see some videos from this fight. Saying she is the best ever kind of makes me want to see her get her face smashed in. No offense, but arrogance is super lame.
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  4. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    I've already beaten her, lol.
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  5. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Beaten might be a bit of an understatement.
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  6. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Looks up Nyema on yotutube or google. You can see how greatly she can play PvP. Watch her master spamming TM skill, the lack of counter skill, the complaining skill and countless others.
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  7. ThunderlesStorm New Player

    Well I looked her up... She's op!
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  8. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Someone is going to take this literally you know.
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  9. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Look at the last one to post wins thread.
    this makes me wanna get on pc again lol.
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  10. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Remember, when you do I've got a copy of BL2 waiting for you ;) plus we can run legends together when CC gets fixed :D

    I went on to test earlier and Nyema wasn't on :( messed around with my loadout. I may have found an interesting combo with gadgets. Should be fun.
  11. Pandora Demon New Player

    cool, I'll probably play more arenas when I get legendary...
  12. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    For now I would recommend playing legends so you get used to managing your power better and focusing on counters for survivability. That's going to be one of the hardest things for most people to get used to in season 3.
  13. Vyltran Loyal Player

    Ohh lord... legends is my favourite fight mechanics training center..
  14. MusicNotez New Player

    That post was. Arrogant. If not unintelligent. Mainly for the sole fact that PS players are being overlooked in these ongoing discussions regarding Gu 41. Now, past that fact, I have no idea who Nyema is, but those videos were a bit questionable in the 'skill' area for you to be signing her up for fights against people like Clutch. I've seen what he can do lol. Thats all I've got to say.
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  15. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Well Clutch just sufficiently curb stomped Nyema, so I guess that puts these statements down a notch:
  16. Pandora Demon New Player

    I'll be fine, I already do that stuff already. I usually stay above 50% power in arenas( unless breaking out of a lot of stuff). I'm just waitin' to get legendary because I do not want to go into arenas without home turf mods especially with my load-outs( I will get killed so easily without them; I have a few interruptible powers).
  17. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Yea... Home Turf is being removed from PvP gear in GU41.
  18. Pandora Demon New Player

    Well, must have skipped that while reading changes. Eh, I'll just troll the crap out of people with clipping and break-out-trinkets and maybe sodas( there are ways to make: being countered an advantage). Besides I still am countered by people with HT mods, and it's not a big deal; It also gives me a reason to wait 'till GU41 to do arenas, and not buy legendary before so. Besides I can finally kill people when they use vulnerable powers on me...they can't escape my 35% when I counter theirs first( Evil Laugh)!
  19. Lawlessworlddc New Player

    Idk why you made this post... It'll be overlooked and trolled by forum faithful. Tho i would say you are wrong actually. Good out weigh the bad. I personally hate they are making it similar to legends. I loathe it to be exact. Good thing about pvp right is it diversity of each fight feeling different. Not our fault devs add things, pve things thing make them available for pvp. Or unbalanced powers... Rage. Even celestial if you let them get their powers off, literally like it'll take 3 shots if you let em.
    I also hate the shield change. THIER NOT SHIELDS ANYMORE!! A shield blocks dmg, not just 50% of a wm. Is the shield thing implying legends? Donna, circe, WG, WW, felix, heck even that joker box -_-... Catwoman, never used her but she has something that blocks dmg, idk what it is. All lanterns. Even bane....
  20. Lawlessworlddc New Player

    At least she/he is popular.... At losing... Tank gear not working.