To kick or not to kick?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Plum Crazy, Sep 14, 2014.

  1. Plum Crazy Committed Player

    So with this new app comes the question will you kick or not kick? Say a dude gets in your lockdown group full raid gear with OP neck and a jawdropping 75sp would you kick him? What if he was a alt? Just how elitest can we be?
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  2. MiisFit New Player

    I wouldn't kick. I will give everybody a chance. The only reason I would ever kick is if that person does not know how to play their role properly.
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  3. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    I do not care what gear you are wearing or the amount of SP you have.
    As long as you can perform your role to a good level and can work together with the team you could enter A&B with T1 gear for all I care.
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  4. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Only kick them after they've proven they cannot reasonably perform at the level they are supposed to be for the content. If they are a dps, prior to kicking, see if they can switch to support roles that don't require as much SP to perform support role duties. 75sp isn't a lot, but it should still be enough for C grade performance as a DPS or support role. Other group issues can bring that down further, or if the player doesn't have the actual skill or deeper understanding of the power and any PIs, for example.
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  5. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    I wouldn't know anything about the guy other than his name as it appears on the screen, so I guess I wouldn't bother to think about kicking or not kicking.
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  6. FEARtheSPUR Well-Known Player

    Depends on scoreboard.

    If he 109 cr he should be fine.
  7. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    I wouldn't kick him, I don't determine someone's skill off of stats, what I don't approve of in my runs is a bad attitude that doesn't benefit the group and when someone starts playing the blame game + I don't ask for CR nor SP, if you send me a tell saying you want in, I assume you are the required CR or higher to be in.
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  8. DivineSire Dedicated Player

    I don't use apps or inspect..........just slap faces and get treats!!
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  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Y U NOT USPS!!?
  10. areacode8O8 Committed Player

    I never kick and a lot of the times I pay the price for it :( but I will excuse myself if my troll is close to the dps in dmg
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  11. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    :oops: I don't have one, but if I did, I would run with you and you seem to like anime, so I'd talk to you about anime. :)
  12. hehateme New Player

    I thought that was the point of the app, make kicking even easier
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  13. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    It depends on his/her performance. The app is nice to see someone's stats, it doesn't determine whether or not the person knows his/her role.
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  14. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    I won't kick for something stupid like that. If he/she isn't trying then yes, but because of SP no. I only have 96SP and perform on par with others at a CR106 range. I also have my points spread out to get as much prec as possible.
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  15. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I'd probably kick the clown who's wasting my time looking people up on an app.
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  16. sillhouette Well-Known Player

    I will never kick characters for stats or less than optimum performance -- I only kick players based on their cooperation, communication, and attitude. The only time I have ever initiated a votekick was a char who started Smallville in all starter pvp gear running around and 'punching' at enemies, and who never responded to our text or voice chat telling him he needed to use PVE gear in instances.

    But, I am only T5, not top tier, so I am not competing for groups in the elite stratosphere and my stats barely matter. Its rare to do T5 content without a couple of T6s who will in any case consider themselves carrying me, whether my cr is 89 or 99.
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  17. Mister Brees New Player

    The only times I can remember kicking anyone had to do with their mouths more than their stats.
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  18. Plum Crazy Committed Player

    Yup I judge by performance to, however call me old school but when I see someone full raid gear (some with gold neck) with less than 80sp my first reaction is another tier jumping replay badge using noob trying to skip everything and go straight to end game content. To me it shows a lack of actually caring about how and what the game is about, as now it don't take long to reach the puny cr requirement and just jump right in to lockdown and start killing people with bartas red by running around like a idiot
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  19. Malachyte Devoted Player

    Don't even bother with the app, just go by what someone does in the content. I very seldom inspect before the content starts, but if I see something isn't going right, then its time to inspect the player in question.
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  20. ZEUSofGODS Dedicated Player

    Kicking is the last option... If he can que... U should let him in... If he is killing he group... Then u should look at all options.. High skill points don't equal skill... However they do help a lot.. Let people prove themselves be4 kicking...
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