What happened to the Controller role revamp

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Heavens Sword, Aug 16, 2014.

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  1. Archangel Rafael New Player

    True story. If I remember right, every power a controller used reinitiated the PoT tick.

    I believe (not real sure) but I think PoTs stacked - or you got a tick for each controller in group.

    I definitely thought it was better this way. Restoring power was not a responsibility of a controller. It was a passive effect that just happened because they were doing their real job : Crowd Control
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  2. Red McCarthyism New Player

    I'd love to see every power cause a power dump. I'd also like to see a power dump that would hit a full raid group... also aoe debuffs... and if debuffs hit 25% that would just be great too...
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  3. Octantis New Player

    Yeah, of course that'd be your response ...

    Didn't really give an opinion at all, so I fail to see how I'm "wrong."
  4. Fentonian Well-Known Player

    It was just before last Christmas that all controllers sick of their T5 drudgery were given hope for the future!!!

    9 months later – hey we got to stun some manhunters one time.

    Perhaps if the term “controller” was changed to Defensive Power Specialists…..we might actually get some love :)

    Nah……………….that would just be silly, wouldn’t it????
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  5. CowHideEmpire New Player

    Either make the controlling aspect worthwhile or make the power healing aspect more fun. It'd be nice if they did something to the role that'd make me regret deleting my 103/150 troll, as it is I'm glad she's dead and no one can ask me to troll anymore, such a boring role.
  6. Octantis New Player

    Give Tanks less ability to CC, and make restoring blue bars as dynamic and unique as restoring green bars. Really, is it too much to ask? lol
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  7. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    Stop being so selfish, controllers! DPS role needs some love too!
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  8. Fentonian Well-Known Player

    Our bad :(

    Stunning some manhunters should have been enough reward for all of us………………….. for at least a couple of years ;)
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  9. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Would there be an issue if a controller had the option to assign a specific type of debuff to more powers then what is presently assigned?

    Ex. Add a defense debuff to Mass Levitation

    Being a controller is limiting because the de-bufs have already been assigned and cannot be changed by the player.

    Note: I still believe there should be one de-buff for the qualifying powers.
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  10. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    I'm a controller and and I approve! Pressing only two or three buttons here and there is boring.

    Give me your power, battery.
  11. Revoemag Committed Player

    The thing is , if you've ever played as a controlling controller then you would realize how much fun it is and you'd never want to go back to being a battery and giving all that power away to someone else so they can have fun with it.
  12. ermike Committed Player

    I dont get these posts. Controllers job is to keep power bars full.. healers job is to keep our health bar full. CC is just not needed with the strength of tank pulls. Adds that aggro dump usually cannot be controlled anyway. In a raid where two average trolls can keep the whole group full debuff the bosses. But this whole I gotta control the battlefield concept is ridiculous lol.. what game are u guys playing. Yes there are scenarios like A&B where the stuns are important but truly that only lasted until tanks just brought everything in. Is it cool when quantum trolls stun everything. . Sure, but absolutely not needed in any content in this game.
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  13. Heavens Sword Dedicated Player

    More debuffs would be interesting, maybe group debuffs and stronger single target debuffs
  14. Ice Lantern New Player

    Same reason as to why healers can't control who they heal, it have been too much work for the devs to put that functionality into the game without cutting into what used to be the fast pace of the game.
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  15. Minnion Devoted Player

    Because controllers were originally intended to be able to focus on CC and debuffs(Thus why they only have two ways of restoring power vs. the bag of tricks they have for CC and debuffing.) It was because of players like you that Trolls became known as "Batteries".

    The problem is that:
    1.Since the Devs made the misstep of making power restoration unique to Controllers it has lead the community to pigeonhole them into the role of battery.(Imagine if for instance it was the tank that was the only one who could restore power...)
    2.A lack of things that players want controlled.(Most of the time the players just want to burn down or skip trash mobs, and consider CC a waste of power that they could have been used for burning the mobs)

    Simply put DPS want more power because even with the power they save using WM they still burn through their bars and still want to keep burning up power.(And DPS that are self sufficiant in terms of power management simply regard trolls as a waste of space.)

    Healers and Tanks still need as much power as ever to do their job.(You know what would be an awesome change? Tanks getting power back from taking damage, but then again anyone that sees the troll as nothing but a battery would be inclined to exclude trolls in favor of someone "useful" since apparently CC and debuffs aren't "useful" enough... and Tanks are apparently supposed to take care of that.)

    It's kind of a catch 22.
    Many players are so stuck in the mindset of controllers being batteries that once they don't need someone to top off their blue bar they are ready to declare controllers as useless. On the other-hand I really wouldn't mind being able to live up to my rolls name while still being useful even if I'm not a "battery" anymore.
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  16. Minnion Devoted Player

    What about with AoE heals? That allows you some control by running up and placing the AoE on where people need the healing.
  17. Ice Lantern New Player

    But that's it though. The game doesn't allow you to target teammates. Personally, I wish trollers had something like a Sol Well/Galling Eruption type AOE for power. Actually, nevermind I do know. The game simply isn't played the way it was envisioned by the original devs, especially the controller role.
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  18. BumblingB I got better.

    I asked the question and the answer was Weapon Mastery.
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  19. Octantis New Player

    I figured it had more to do with the PS controller's limited targeting potential. It's easier to target who you want with a mouse, but no easy way to do it with a game pad. Didn't think it had anything to do with laziness.
  20. Ice Lantern New Player

    I wasn't implying laziness. They could have used the D-Pad (in conjunction with other buttons) to cycle through teammates but it wouldn't go well with the pace of the game.
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