so ice gonna be broken?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by xskateXX, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. Requake Dedicated Player

    Yes, ice needs a look at it.
    But you don't spam RG. Just once for ticks, then spam boulder.
    And no WT and RG ticks aren't like nature ticks for example, but it's on par as your boulder/RG do good burst damage as well. They could make Ice armor give us a defense buff for example. That way it is actually beneficial in survivabilty (like rage has selfheals, earth can split among his pet for example, idk what fire could do perhaps some minor heals too or a health buff). and makes us actually feel like tank powers more without using a specific power for it as an 'advanced mechanic' how dc likes to put it nowadays. Look at gadget regenerating power now (as troll) and celest can actually give minor heals in dps role. These should in no way outscale an actual tank/healer/troll but be an addition to the group perhaps
  2. Sir Arcanium New Player

    I'm not sure but I was pretty sure the last time I read the descriptions for the powers all you needed was any chill effect to boost the dmg of ice boulder and frost snipe. It was only Snowball that required 3 or more chill effects to do max dmg. How the powers actually work, I couldn't say. I don't know if the dmg continues to scale up with more chill effects or not. As far as AoE dmg goes though I rather like snowball if you have the 3 or more chill effects. Though there isn't a lot of reason to use the power, both Boulder and Snowball have about the same cool down and power cost. Which is really bad when you don't have multiple targets to even hit with snowball...
  3. savageprime New Player

    True. 3 effects for snowball. It also benefits against rooted enemies. Snipe works with chill effects period. Boulder hits like a truck for no dang reason lol.
  4. xskateXX Well-Known Player

    i will :D
    btw reso gale damage split is horrible after 4 mobs the damage gonna be like 400 which is crap
    thats why ice boulder is good aoe power
    its splitting very well balanced
  5. Black Prime New Player

    I think no one can complain about ice. Reflect in dps role. Enough said.
  6. Black Prime New Player

    Then you are losing damage. A shield that does crazy damage, and i dont believe it splits. :)
  7. Radium Devoted Player

    Again, Range.

    To make Reflection completely worth it you need to be up close. When you're using range you won't get that initial tick and a small chance of getting the other hits to proc.
  8. spack2k Steadfast Player

    how is that ? while u have icearmor all ur spells do more dmg ? chill effect ? or am i wrong ?

    only the 50% modifier will be replaced by 60% max damage tactical mod...

    god some ppl play their powers and know **** about...
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  9. Joykiller Dedicated Player

    Ice Armor is still a huge benefit for those not able to use mods.
  10. Mad9 New Player

    lol, sure, yea, ice is gonna be broken if that's how one calls a power broken. A mod that gives a 60 percent damage modifier will render every other modifier useless. If you so love the ice armour so much just don't use the mod.

    I hope most of you ice people stop cribbing and put an end to stupid threads about ice armour.
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  11. savageprime New Player

    Stick to power topics you have knowledge on cause you completely missed what the questions are in regards to IA and the mod.
  12. Mad9 New Player

    I have been playing this game for a long time and there is rarely any power that I have not played. I know enough about every powerset to comment on them and this thread is pure stupid.
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  13. Radium Devoted Player

    It does, for me its just personal prefrence though.

    And lets face it, with WM in play the difference between damage is going to be hardly noticable.
  14. savageprime New Player

    You can judge this thread sure but the question of if max damage overrides IA is a legit question that has sorta been answered by some guys on test I talk with but no official thread from a Dev I have seen stating such. Now unless you have said thread please provide it but if not don't try and discourage anyone else from searching for information. If this was a nerf cry thread which is afaisnt rules than fine call it stupid but many here are wondering how IA and max damage will interact.
  15. xskateXX Well-Known Player

    yea but its ruin the benefiet ice had on other powers
  16. spack2k Steadfast Player

    icebash alone is already benefit enough compared to other powers since ice benefits most from grp buffs( they dont buff anything but take everything), now imagine icebash gives 60% modifier aswell
  17. savageprime New Player

    For now OP just say Max Damage is going to override Ice Armor Radium stated so if thats the case than we will most likely be taking reflect out of standard loadouts and replacing with gale. We will become less efficient. Look out trolls lol.
  18. Mad9 New Player

    Get on test and check it out yourself. Why should a Dev start a thread when nothing is broken and nothing needs fixing?
    Your search for what information? It's a flat 60% modifier and that's what it will do when powers with lesser modifier are used. What special interaction are you looking for with Ice Armour?

    It's not all that complex if you use some common sense and logic.
  19. Ciphey Well-Known Player

    Ice Armor is a 50% modifier... (with a slight increase to ice bash, but with WM doesn't really matter)
    Max Dmg is a 60% modifier...
    Why have ice Armor? It's basically going to be useless for DPS.
  20. Ljubinka Well-Known Player

    Try it if u already didnt. I mean, look, over a course of a full raid the dmg loss from not getting those ticks from reflection and wintry tempest is big :/ most of the t6 content will not punish u for going mid-close range.