Ability To See Stats In Groups

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Arcaver, Aug 17, 2014.

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  1. Feenicks New Player

    You have a misconception then. You haven't earned the "right" to know anything about me ingame. That includes seeing my stats that you feel you are entitled to see.
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Is that snide little remark all you have to say? Why did you even posting anything..let me not get another 1 week ban just after comin off one...
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  3. Incredible Wrecker New Player

    Not yours but I am my groups. And isn't the point to have fun and FINISH content? You sir are silly.
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  4. Feenicks New Player

    I do have fun and finish content. And without having to reveal my stats.
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  5. Incredible Wrecker New Player

    Nothing snide good lady. Good for you and good luck with that LOL
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    people love callin you a lier if you can 1 up their ego
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  7. Incredible Wrecker New Player

    Never said you didn't. I was just pointing out how flawed and illogical your statement was.
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  8. Feenicks New Player

    You actually failed to do that. But that's ok. My point still stands.
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  9. Incredible Wrecker New Player

    You mean liar ma'am? I just don't see what the deal is about this. By my logic if you are being truthful no reason to hide.
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  10. Incredible Wrecker New Player

    You point was "they're mine so you can't see them!" You point stands on sand by the beach. Actually you have no point other than that childish answer LOL.
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  11. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    Please. Just stop.
    And what is your point? "Pft, this noob aint got nothin on me, only 3k vita? Kick."
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  12. Feenicks New Player

    Ok. I give up.
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  13. Twisted Titan Committed Player

    I don't have agree with you and the same applies to you in regard to my opinion. I stated my preference and that is that.
  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Let me share a conversation about those stats

    I had 110 skill points before I played nexus or dox, because I knew I needed them. It wasn't hard.

    thefrogshateme said: ↑
    “I had 110 skill points before I played nexus or dox, because I knew I needed them. It wasn't hard.”
    Odd i had 88sp when i cleared it ..pre nerf solo healing.. And 38sp on my 90cr post nerf (solo healer) so either its because you lacked the skill, or sp doesnt play as big as a part you think... I believe its the latter but i like to see how would you respond to this

    “You were probably high enough cr... I could go in there now with 10 sp and beat it.....”

    I was 89cr at the time.. This was before synthetic mods and i was/is premium, so i ask again which is it? Did you lack the skill or sp doesnt matter that much

    the solowing said: ↑
    “I was 89cr at the time.. This was before synthetic mods and i was/is premium, so i ask again which is it? Did you lack the skill or sp doesnt matter that much”

    You're acting like a believe you.

    I didnt expect you would because you are caught up in the numbers ive given you, and completely ruling out player skill...

    I messaged him after show him my cr 91 39 sp with the wave eo feat i solo healed on

    you brought your skill point wtf

    This guy wouldve denied me an attempt at even normal wave if i shout that cr or sp. and even with proof because the numbers didnt make sense to him he denies even that, and that run wAs pugged. So i perfer to keep my cr hidden for fair performance judgement

    Edit: sorry about they mistakes like i said im posting mobile
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  15. FameYack Committed Player

    I invite all those who think SP and CR make a Huge difference to run any content with only 50 SP in spent and Strategos Armor and then explain us how everything they attempted to run was impossible, from Kandhaq to Nexus to Lockdown,

    Why strategos? :confused:
    Let's bring Scion or Parallax to prove one and for all how impossible it is to perform without gear and sp :cool:
  16. thelight420 New Player

    You say opinion I say logic. Tomato and Potato. Same thing right? Just admit you are wrong and I will respect you. I feel like I am having a discussion with a tree. Don't be a tree.
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  17. Xang New Player

    What you think should be a good CR or SP level might not be the same for other people. I could think that if you are running T6 content the mini amount of Resto you should have is 2500 while you could think it should be 3500. Basing your group off of states alone is just bad form, I've seen people with WAY better stats than me do some GOD AWEFUL dmg out, healing out, power out, and couldn't hold aggro. I've said this many times but it is a combo of things that make a player good or back, stats are one of the pieces but its only one piece to a bigger puzzle.
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  18. Juxes Committed Player

    I said before in this thread, Im a troll myself and I do make the exception, its just the op never specified if he wanted just Vit to pop up or ALL STATS to be displayed.

    The sheer fact that if it was optional and if I had it hidden would definitely ensure my fate.
    And you know why ? Because they would think I'm lying about my Vit
  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    lol your sig is so contradictive to what you say but i laughed from it
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  20. Sixfiguredice Well-Known Player

    Seeing a person skill points outside of league can I have it? Seeing a characters full list of stats hell no! Let them atleast have that for there own uniqueness. I'm mostly a chill person but the stupidity of the people trying to run most recent content getting on my nerves. I'm beginning to get kick happy like some. What you want my Dps spot in said raid or support role? Why your not benefiting anyone with those 60 skill points your just a burden. We need to crack down on this stuff so we can once again have an enjoyable experience while playing. That's the reason people jump raids and excuse themselves early why should we have to carry said person or persons. Take one or a couple days and work on your ****!!!
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