Healers its happening again

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tazzaxe, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. LordStrongsword New Player

    I felt that way since day 1 of the roleless buff. I felt that people should learn and play their support role instead of doing damage only. When people make a toon, it says what role the chosen power type is, however people want to just do damage, instead of caring about the team. It's pathetic that people cheat the queues by queuing as both roles and then refuse to change to their assigned role, which interferes with people who turn off the role optional alerts off. We should go back to the old days with this; encourage people to play support roles
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  2. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I have had no trouble getting into the new alerts as a healer. The only thing that ticks me off is people requesting for solo healers for the new t6 raids. Yes I can solo heal, but it is unfair to all the other healers, and it just shows that the content isn't challenging enough still.
  3. Vyltran Loyal Player

    They still living on Themyscira... paradise, trees.. amazons ... you know, comfortable live.. not many adds as Intergang & Breach.. trying to prove themselves their almighty skills how to keep adds on them..

    I would probably excuse, i don't mind running alert again.. lol, it's just a game.
  4. Biester New Player

    It is basically an alternate way of running with the 2-1-1 setup but more effective with a tank instead of a healer because of the tank's ability to cc and grab aggro. I tank and prefer the extra dps over a healer but I don't mind running with any setup.

    Most of the healers in my league have hybrid healer/dps specced armories and can do massive amounts of damage out while healing. Even my hybrid tank spec can't keep up with some of the better healer hybrids in the league. People are figuring out new ways to play the game with different setups to make the instances faster. It's evolution
  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    i joined after the new forum and never seen a thread about tanks being excluded only small mentions in threads
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    and i can see it soon being remove outside of random queueing
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  7. SuperBatz New Player

    All support roles are welcome. Support role friendly gaming. Support...well you get the idea
  8. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Back before TD most felt it was a waste of time to have a tank. 2 dps a troll and a healer, just burn it down and keep going. Tanks got the screws put to them. Currently in SB I can almost do it 2 dps a troll and a healer. I was very very close in SB. Not because I wanted to do it but because I didnt make the group and it was friends I was helping. Hell I was locked. Eventually someone dropped off. In ICW its very possible and I've done it. Thats not good for tanks. In ICW many of us now are seeing where we're hired on as a healer but are requested to change to dps.

    Saying "Well the shoes on the other foot. How do you like it?" That's a bit immature, 2 wrongs dont make a right.

    And yes I've solo healed the new raids successfully, not because I requested it. My league told me what they wanted and I went and did it. Would it be easier if there was 2 healers? Yep. Did my league leader say your flying solo? Yep.
  9. TheRealDeathern New Player

    So what would stop you? There are numerous options now that were not available when the buff was introduced that far exceed what the buff does. You do far more damage, have supply drops, can call in back ups, have white mods, crafted mods, utility belts, orbital strikes, league hall buffs, utility belts, generator mods, better gear, can swap roles on the fly with armories, and have weapon mastery too. When you take into account your friends do too, that is a whole lot more potential then when the buff came out.

    The buff is a excuse to exclude people.
  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    lets take your league out the the equation, a league is a group of likeminded people, try pugging it, and a group of people with who are on different pages of how the raid goes tells 2 roles they have to solo what they do, if they are gear and or learning the raid youll get removed from it
  11. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I went in with a buddy who plays only healers...the DPS was all about him being a healer and we needing the burn...

    My friend who is a very good DPS...said...you know I don't DPS much but ok...he did more than twice the damage than the DPS that complained he was a healer and he still was able to keep that DPS alive with heals...thanks in part to his battle healing loadout in DPS stance...I find it interesting that the DPS had the nerve to make such a recommendation...I was right there with the DPS as a tank...he had me by only 10K....I asked the DPS how he felt about being so low on the DPS...the controller had more DPS than him....
  12. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    People need to stop catering to bad DPS. If you feel that the burn isn't fast enough, its not your support roles fault, you just have a bad DPS. Seriously nothing takes long in this DLC with people that know what they're doing, this kind of thing will keep happening until bad DPS are forced to get good.

    So stop letting bad play reign, stop letting bad players be bad by compensating for there lack of burn. Start playing with good DPS.

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  13. winter13 New Player

    It is not about the difficulty of the content. Look at how many groups fail in lockdown, but still only take a solo healer. The problem is not resto being too high, health pools of bosses, or the difficulty of the content - the real problem is poor dps. That is why most groups take a solo healer, and expect him/her to work miracles.

    I can solo heal anything, but I can't heal dps that stand in aoes every time. Ive actually healed dps through the aoe the first boss puts down when he teleports because they got up before it went away. Even after they were told to stay down, but they were in a scoreboard chase with rhe other dps. The problem with expecting the healer to heal your foolishness, is the healer may not have the power when they really need it.
  14. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Within the next 2 weeks if you play steadily I can pretty much promise your going to run into this. Its happened to me now 3 times. Its not my ability as a healer. 106/6400 is a very capable nature healer.

    I'm currently taking all the "blue" items that I'm getting from these runs and using them on my dps with synths. That has improved my dps a bit.
  15. Bast10n Committed Player

    People are blaming the high health pools... Get real. You think that if the health pools were a little lower people would stop stacking DPS....


    I shouted for Necropolis the other night. As soon as I get invited to the group I'm asked. "Can you solo? (Heal)" I told him I can and the Group Leader says "Great, let's grab another DPS and for more burn." About half way thorough the first boss people start complaining that the bosses have too much health. Spouting off all the same drivel from here on the forums. "It's sad this is the only thing they (Dev's) can do to make things harder..." " "This is really taking away from the enjoyment of the raid..." Etc.

    The burn did seem to be taking much longer than my typical League run, so I decided to check the scorecard. Not only was I solo healing, but I was third in damage. I was out damaging two of the DPS... The next time someone complained about health pools or the burn taking a long time. I pointed out that two of the DPS weren't doing as much damage as the other two. This seemed to go completely ignored.

    When we reached the last room I found it ironic that the tank immediately jumped up on the center pillar. The same one that complained about the the Dev's only being able to make content harder by bloated health pools. People continued to complain about the last boss having too much health while standing in the artifact bubbles. Finally, I had reached my breaking point...

    /group "the bosses don't have too much health. There are two DPS that aren't carrying their weight!"

    I finished the raid with 6 million and third most damage out. The other two DPS finished in 4th and 5th. The fifth DPS beat out the Lead Troll by 10k.

    My point being, people need to stop assuming that more DPS is the solution. Adding a second healer similar to my play style would have been much more beneficial to the group.
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  16. willymchilybily New Player

    had this the other day, dps asks me so I switched to dps, out damaged the dps, tank wispers me "want to kick the dps and find another heal"...Be careful what you ask for DPS people, us healers have been honing our skills at DPS due to T6A1 no heal runs, and you might not like the consequences.

    i doubt no healer runs will be a problem like it was for T6A1. The high health means it takes a long time, but the boss damage is also high so tank will need a few heals, even with 2 dps at twice the burn the risk is at the end of the boss fight they do more 1-shot, AOE, high damage moves and a wipe can easily happen without decent healing. so I imagine people will try it, probably fail, decide to keep running with healers.
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  17. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Ya but lol "My point being, people need to stop assuming that more DPS is the solution. Adding a second healer similar to my play style would have been much more beneficial to the group." .... they woulda made you go dps instead of the 2 healers :p
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  18. winter13 New Player

    Most pug groups will need healers for all of the new content except ICW. That makes me happy :)
  19. Jana Level 30

    Had never logged in since April, had to log in just to give this a +1. This is so trueeee!
  20. Teldon New Player

    As a fire tank that has been here since beta, I know about being excluded. I hate to see it happen to other roles. Thank The Invisible Pink Unicorn I have a great league that does not do this bullcrap. To those of you being asked to change or forced I know your pain.