DLC 11: drop rate ridiculous

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by rolando nacanna, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. rolando nacanna Well-Known Player

    Hello everyone.
    start this topic because I think it's time to talk seriously about drop ratio for the new DLC.

    I think many people will agree with me ...
    In WOL 1 (A&B) it's ridiculous that in a day if you reset the raid you can have the whole gear.
    now is the opposite...since dlc 11 is out i ran about 25 raids with 3 toons and guess what...only 1 stupid piece of gear.in the lockdown raid it's very very crazy take recovery kits,FE,collections,white generator mods ecc...and no piece of gear.even paradox was not like this.

    the best solution for me is...

    in 1 raid every toon must have guaranteed at least 1 piece of gear.after that it's all luck.
    c'mon devs it will take months to finish the styles.

    i repeat,i don't want it like A&B but the drop ratio in the new raids is incredible low.

    PS:the raids are ok,funny enough,but the alerts(LH ALERT) takes too much time to finish.
  2. RandJ New Player

    It's just a way for them to make money and make the DLC last longer, since the drop gear is so low I think I'm not gonna reset it anymore, rather replay A&B and get a ring to add to my OP piece collection than replay the **** out of DLC 11 raids and get marks
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  3. Notangie New Player

    kAISER007, please tell us next week's lotto numbers.

    In case you weren't here for it, there was a thread from the future predicting this very thread would plague the forums. It has come true a couple times already. We were not given information stating whether or not the drop rate would be adjusted, only that the drop rate would be a source of contention in the community.
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  4. Radium Devoted Player

    You have to be insanely unlucky. I think I've ran 4-5 raids with 5 pieces dropping.
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  5. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Imo I think the drop rates are on, if we run all 3 raids every dsy I can see getting atleast 6 body pieces rings and neck. Then again maybe i'm just getting lucky
  6. rolando nacanna Well-Known Player

    :(...it's not just me.my leaguemates are complaining too.i think that you are very lucky:p.
    BTW...i think they need to adjust the drop rate like...
    necro totally ramdom like it's now.
    op4 about 35% chance to get one piece of gear(gear!!!,not rings,necklace ecc...)
    and lockdown 50% chance to drop one piece of gear and a 10% to get the golden piece.

    if they not fix i think i will stop reset raids too.it's a non sense thing.
    the better loot must be in the hardest raid no?
  7. Gucciana Committed Player

    i agree the loot tables are bad theres no reason some random undergeared person who isnt that great gets more gear than those who carried him
  8. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    Seeing how little the stat difference between vendor and drops are, its not that bad for me.
    For example DPS gear wise health and defence are the same on both sets, so the increasement to surviving and beating content is also the same.

    Only thing for me the raid gear improves is how fast I can burn enemies down, but in the end completed raid is the primary goal, speedruns later.
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  9. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    The fact that the gear is unnatuned solo loot, and there's a vendor that sells a complete armor set (jewelry included) with weapons of your choice with very near similar stats to the raid gear, I see absolutely no reason that the adjustment should be made.
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  10. ZEUSofGODS Dedicated Player

    No.... In a&b 95% of the gear was for another role..... Now that the gear is unattuned... They have to change the drop rate... What the rush anyway... We have 3 mths till the next dlc..... Calm down and take it slow... U will get it... But the gimme gimmie mentality is the reason u are in this situation... Before it was "I ran a&b100 times looking for troll legs and all I ever get is every other role... QQ... We need unattuned drops...QQ..." Now here we are.... We got what we wanted but still the QQ!!!!
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  11. StopItJohnJohn New Player

    Ppl want to be fully geared from day one..
    But i start to see a picture in this game.
    "If we are enough that complain, we get the same as the people that work "hard" for it"

    The devs sadly mostly listen to "these" people.

    To make it clear.
    I like the challenge in High HP bosses! I like it takes time to get top 94/97 gear. I like theres and "X factor" called Luck in some raids feats.

    Thats all for me about this subject.

    Enjoy kids. or at least stop complaining
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  12. Zim New Player

    It's not that bad. My only issue is the complete randomness that the gear drops are dropping. You could run two different raids in a row and get two of the same pieces of gear.
  13. Stamen Dedicated Player

    I'm fine with the drop rate.
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  14. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    I haven't even been through any of the raids yet. The pug life is hard my friends.
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  15. Yui Loyal Player

    The drop rate is fair.

    Remember that the loot you get is UNATTUNED.

    They made them rare to get in the new DLC because if they didn't, everyone would have full 94 gear from the raids on day 1 of the DLC, and that would be bad for both players and the game. The players would be bored so fast of the new content, which leads to them unsubscribing till the new DLC.

    This could lead to the game earning less profit from the players, which means that players might get less content in the future. And less content means less profits, which could eventually lead to the game shutting down for good.
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  16. ermike Committed Player

    But the gear that I get is the best in the game. If it dropped more frequently what goal would u hope to achieve by running the raids. We already are gearing up twice as fast with symbols of power only requiring half the normal amount and the game literally raining MOF. Stop complaining. . This doesnt need to be A@B with 3 raids that drop gear. Loot table fine except Lockdown should have at least 1 guaranteed drop to improve replayability compared to the other 2 easier raids.
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  17. TheyCallMeMighty New Player

    The past two days I've run the raids maybe 10-ish times (it's my weekend) and I've seen five pieces drop - back, waist, waist, utility belt, utility belt - everything else has been marks. My last two-three runs were loot-less. Definitely not getting the at least one piece per run you guys are talking about, not close.

    That said, I think it's fine. I can buy vendor gear that's almost the same stats, and I can buy the styles of the drops - if I'm not mistaken - from a vendor ala DLC 9 Vestments gear.

    Also, TBH, I enjoy these raids, getting loot is kind of just gravy. I mean, most runs I get to the end and go, "oh yeah, what'd I get in here this run?" I dunno why or how, but that's different than my approach to the last three raids we've gotten. These raids are just fun, and carried enough on difficulty/stuff to do to make them not feel like I'm running the same objective through three different reskins. Necro with thecasual Gates-mode tank'n'spank screw-off fest that works well for blowing off steam with the league, Artifact with its gorgeous boss fight scene, and Lockdown, with it's no-mercy, this-will-be-a-SM-setting-some-day challenge. Love it, this is probably my favorite DLC. I wish they were all this good. The story, the art, the gameplay, the player rewards, this DLC was worth beating up Amazons all summer for in order to gear up.

    Now if we could just raise that prestige cap. My 30-toon league (about 10-12 active dailies) hit the cap in 30 minutes this past week.
  18. SilverwingsZOE New Player

    everytime the same excuse,really it takes too much time and at the end you get nothing.Takes less time you get your rewards why should people stop to play said "new" content if he probably haves to gear up both roles and alts?

    You get feats done,gear done you can keep on running it just for base items and gain some money by selling them.

    But nope everything has tons and tons of health,annoying switch mechanics and you probably get no rewards,why I should play that?
  19. Yui Loyal Player

    Not all players want to gear up both their roles. And even if they wanted to, they probably have no time or are too lazy to do it.
    Also, not all players have alts. Some players only stick to one character for the same reasons stated above.
    This reminds me. My previous comment is based on the assumption that players only play 1 character by the way.
  20. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Just make last boss a guaranteed drop and i'll be fine.
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