DLC 11: drop rate ridiculous

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by rolando nacanna, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. Chilog Well-Known Player

    I haven't gotten any good pieces of gear from the raids. I've done the alerts daily and I'm at full 93 with 3 pieces of 94. It seems to me that the raids don't reward as much as the alert does. I have run the raids only about 5 or 6 times. Replay the alerts instead :p
  2. AJPro Committed Player

    I would like both types of marks to drop, just mof just adds complexity to feeling cheated by no gear
  3. Perseus Chase Committed Player

    I dont know if it just luck or not......but I've already got 4 pieces of 94 gears and a trinket from running the raids 5 times.
    Only 1 piece to go for complete 93 gear (although already have the style, so guess I dont really have to complete it.
  4. AtrocitusOmega Committed Player

    I reset the artifact raid and on the last boss i received 0 loot no marks, no gear, no damage component, not even a soder cola turbo. Not to mention that on the other boss fights i received only resto 6.3 generators and i'm a dps/troll. To have to spend 87 replays and get nothing from a boss is terrible.