Pay to win? yes

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by FruityLoop, Jul 29, 2014.

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  1. FruityLoop New Player

    So i bought a dlc 2 days ago thinking that all players can access the pvp part of this game and the pve part is limited for the f2p player..pve limited access was fine for me since i'm interested in the pvp part.
    Me and my friends bought the full pvp tier1 set while levelling and doing the story quests..That was cool
    I thought this game was awsome since they are letting any player access the pvp gear and bought the damn dlc..
    Then we discover that only I can buy the tier 2 gear cause the chest cost 1566 dollars..I was like "omg wtf" more than my friends
    Lot of people told me that the best gear that i can get for pvp is free and also Orbit made a video about pvp gear and the prices were lower than 1500..that pushed me to spend money on this game(which i always do when i see games that are good)
    Like i wish i had a time machine and didn't spend any cent on the game now..
    Do i wish to be called a "pay to win" player when i beat someont in pvp? No, thanks.
    Keep the pve part limited to the f2p players and let them pvp.
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  2. Ivy Bird Committed Player

    As soon as you buy a DLC you are premium and can have $2000 at any 1 time so you can afford that gear.
    Purchasing DLCs is not P2W it is Pay to Play. So many people try to use that arguement and they are flat out wrong.
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  3. Caleus New Player

    PvP isn't limited to F2P its just that the cap for F2P is low and the highest piece of gear is about 1970-2000 which you should be able to get if you're Prem, but you should be fine anyways if you bought a DLC.
  4. FruityLoop New Player

    If i don't pay for a dlc I lose a PVP battle vs a player that is premium and has t5 gear. So basically i paid to win. How is this not pay to win?
    If this game is pay to play why is it called free to play?
    By the way it's not about me...i'm premium already and i can buy that gear already
    @captain overdrive: try harder kid
  5. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    Go play legends. Gear doesn't matter there.
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  6. Ivy Bird Committed Player

    This is not a free to play game. DCUO is a game which has free to play aspects.

    P2W is when equipment can be directly purchased for real world cash that is beter than any other gear available in game.
    P2P is when you must purchase expansion packs to continue to play the highest level of the game. It doesn't give you the equipment, it gives the chance to earn it.

    Also gear doesn't make that much of a difference I'm still using the lowest level of PvP gear available and doing pretty good when I can be bothered to PvP.
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  7. Kaizia New Player

    I prefer to be called "pay'd to support a game I enjoy", not "pay to win". If you think about it that way, you may feel a little pride in paying for something and supporting its continued development. Instead of coming off as a self absorbed brat who wants everything on a silver platter.
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  8. owlman New Player

    Go legendary.
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  9. FruityLoop New Player

    1:Wrong, this is a free to play game->follow the link
    it says "Free to play, Your way"
    P2P-> to Play
    For example call of duty, battlefield, need for speed rivals are pay to play

    2:I want to see you pvp with t1 gear vs a t5 geared guy who is using a high dps power cause i'm nature dps and i'm doing nothing compared to the enemies in terms of damage
  10. FruityLoop New Player

    I don't need to do that cause I am premium..I can buy the pvp gear
  11. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    Ok thats the first time I've seen urbandictiinary used like this lol
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  12. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    You have to remember the T5 premium EARNED his gear. He was not handed all his gear for t2-t5.
    The same with PvE. Even if you bought a DLC you still have to EARN the gear.
    You will be surprised how many horrid T5 PvPers their are.
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  13. FameYack Committed Player

    This comment just puts yourself on an even lower level of empathy, if you can't comprehend how wrong is what you just wrote you shouldn't even had started a pointles rant:
    Change your perspective and you will be fine:

    ...You are ranting over $5-$10 which for the amount of fun and entertainment the game brings and the time you are depositing is actually very reasonable

    Pay to Win is not even an Option as for a Conception one gives to the way people can play a game, your friends can Still Play Free; in other words, both concepts are not exclusive, if you chose to play as not premium and Not Support a Game with So Much Free Content, Your Choice; while using the adjective could be admisible at best, you are comparing two entirely different situations therefore in the end is more a matter of appreciation than accuaracy

    You are premium so you can keep progressing, this difference in power will just stay until you aquire your t5 gear,
    however you'll soon realize without Home Turf you will also bet at a disadvantage,

    So should you want to play PVP exclusively Home Turf is a Must, Hand of Fate is recommended and Last Laugh is a nice Add On if you also want to play Legends... otherwise Skip It,

    You won't have acces to the Mods Home Turf offers if you don't invest some time in PVE, since you'll ned to get to T4=70 CR and will also need Marks of Triumph in order to activate boosts

    While it is true you are entitled to your opinion, there is a point in the need of spending money in order to get competitive and you might feel you are being forced to play PVE when you only want PVP, the lousy way in which you are expressing yourself and at your peers, and your arrogant demanor actually helps little to gain the sympathy you are looking for or think you deserve

    As Kaizia stated:

    If you don't enjoy the game, by all means, even if it's free you shouldn't play it

    The restrictions as Free To Play were always clear, you can buy everything you want up to your 1500 cap,
    $5 boosts your expenses to 2000 cap and as for now ever progression/dlc related item is available,
    $20 is what you should consider to invest in order to have a fullfiled experience regarding the mechanichs of PVP
    A mic will cost $15-$100 and you will notice without it you (your time) will be at disadvantage

    But more important than that is the time you should invest on learning how to play, interact with your peers and actually enjoy the game
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  14. Ivy Bird Committed Player

    The actual definition you linked for P2W does not even apply in any way to DCUO:
    "Games that let you buy better gear or allow you to make better items then everyone else at a faster rate and then makes the game largely unbalanced even for people who have skill in the game without paying."

    You cannot buy gear in DC or make gear in DC at any different rate of speed for cash.

    Pay to Play definition (from your link):
    "An online game in which you must pay in order to play."

    In order to play DC at the top levels you must either PAY a subscription or PAY for the DLCs. WoW allows you to play for free upto a certain point, does that make it F2P? Nope.

    If you are having dificulties in using the combat system in PvP then I can't really help you there, but I can tell you that there are ways to be absolutely horrific in PvP with Nature.

    All in all your post have come across as fairly offensive and insulting with a strong undercurrent of demanding that the game be changed to suit you. I am not excusing anybody who insulted you, but their actions do not give you the right to act the same way to them or others.
  15. FruityLoop New Player

    1-My perspective? Tell that to the "captain overdrive" who conveniently deleted the 2 posts after provoking me..His perspective is right and mine is wrong..yeah it's always me the one on the other side
    2- I paid €9 cause i thought the pvp part of the game was fun..then i discovered i can get better gear to beat other people who don't have it
    I paid €29 to a game(pvp) which gives me nothing more than free to play players are able to get(spending more time of course) just because I thought the game was good and i need to support people that makes games like that.
    3- As i said i was supporting the game till i found about the gear limit on pvp which i'm able to get now cause i was fooled by the shop's front page and people who told me it was the best gear you can get in the game
    4-Yes i can, my 7 friends can't.
    5- Competitive is a big word here..What competition do you expect to get when skilled F2P players leave the game when they discover they can't pvp competitively
    Have fun pubstomping the noob players while the real competition goes away ..After that you'll be able to say you are the best player in the server
    My team is competitive and we were 1st in the Smi*e 1st italian tournament and 2nd in all other tournaments..You can say we had competitive fights cause there weren't any restrictions on f2p players. Here you can't use the competitive word.
    6: yeah say that to captain overdrive.. he is not arrogant
    7: They were never clear..I searched stuff about this game before even downloading it
    this video says it's not pay2w

    This one where "Orbit" shows the prices of pvp gear which doesn't go over 1500

    Did i get fooled? yes..In the shop you can't see the tier 2 gear till you buy full t1.

    Conclusion: After reading all of you posts i understand that you want this game to die pushing away potential buyers who would never pay for a pay2win game making the community smaller and smaller.
    Look at the EU server for example..not the amount of people you expect to see in a mmo
    Play villain..How many enemies do you see in the map? 2 people in pvp mode infront of little bohemia police station all day..that's it
    You are the ones not supporting the longevity of the game defending this p2w system.
  16. FruityLoop New Player

    1: It says "games that let you buy better gear". If i don't pay dc doesn't let me buy better gear. On the other hand if i pay(which i did) it let me buy better gear
    2:The videos on my previous post says otherwise(orbit's video)
    3:eek:k WoW.. Their website clearly says "Free to play starter pack till level 20". So IT IS free to play till level 20. The website says it and they are not trying to fool me. When i go to play that game i know i'll have to stop at 20 or start paying money.
    4:I want to see you with t1 gear vs my league friend's t5 gear who is using rage..You are indirectly calling me noob
    5:If this is offensive you don't even know what is offensive. I didn't use any offensive words..I just tried to make a constructive post to point out facts and make the devs wake up then a guy comes here to offend me? yeah right i'm not a girl
  17. TDSK Committed Player

    This isn't even close to P2W. Even if you buy the DLC's, that doesn't automatically make your better. You still need to get the marks and in-game cash to buy the gear. P2W would be if you could pay say, $5 IRL and get a god-mode trinket that kills everybody with 1-hit, gives you a 1 Mil Damage Absorption shield that lasts for 1 minute, and heals you and your entire team to full Health and Power.

    Free to Play, Your Way is talking about the business model, not how you actually play the game. It means do you want to play Free to Play, Premium, or Legendary?

    As a Free-to-Play player, you're going to hit a point where you cannot buy anything else without using real-life money. If you could get everything in the game, or at least a good chunk of it, without paying anything, they wouldn't make nearly as much money. Also, you can still buy everything else in there except for the Chest and Weapons.
  18. Ice Clown New Player

    this game is one of those mix pay2win and play2win game.

    you need to buy the dlcs to make ur toon stronger with sp/mods/trinkets/mods/etc. but u also need to play to get those. so yeah ur kinda right on the pay2win part, but u still need to play this game to get all those overpowered upgrades
  19. FruityLoop New Player

    This part doesn't really matter at all..If you pay you unlock premium stuff that other people can't get. Doesn't matter if you have to farm or not, it's still pay2get stronger things..Stronger gear= win which translates to P2W
    And it's not a's just part of being premium. PvP gear isn't a DLC

    ps: smite was never freemium. I play since closed beta.
  20. Kroye Loyal Player

    So now there are cash-cap threads popping up in the pvp sub-forum?
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