Leagues recruitment requirements crack me up

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by fozz454, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. Mad9 New Player

    With every tier and DLC, we gear our toons to become stronger and more powerful than before. We get geared and then want to face roll all of that content too.

    Every player, group or league have their own threshold of challenge and what they seek in terms of challenge varies in each setting. This is clearly visible in numerous thread posted by members. Someone complained some time back that T6 Alert takes over an hour to complete and just a day before someone posted a video of having cleared the same in 10 minutes.

    When OC (origin crisis) hit the live server, majority of the population could barely beat the raids while there were some people who could clear them with a four man group. Surprisingly, one guy in that elite group had 60 SP while the rest were maxed out. The idea it that nothing is necessary, some people can be beast without SP and some can't pull it off with all the SP in the world. Also, it simply can't be skill alone because without basic survivability, your skill won't show.

    Similarly, the league requirement is a threshold with which a community of interest measures itself and invites players that match their criteria and whether it seems silly to you, a lot of other players don't find it offensive.

    I am sure that there are enough like minded individuals that share your opinion and I guess those are the people you should join up with if you want to have a league.
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  2. hoaxone Committed Player

    End game leagues don't want people who are slacking on their toons progression.
    Those requirements are low in my eyes.I wouldn't accept someone off those numbers alone.
    Some leagues actually don't like to carry ppl.
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  3. Mad9 New Player

    Well said!!
  4. No Aywok New Player

    Like Felsa above, I had well over 100 SP before I even joined a League (or owned 1 DLC).

    Not seeing how such "low" requirements are anything to complain about; all of that "stuff" happens just by playing the game normally and not skipping content.

    Now a real thread would be, "Why is there not a League interested in someone with 163 SP that will bend over backwards for each and every other member to help?"

    Some of our in-game struggles are real; not "ZOMG?!? 100 SP?!?"
  5. Chungweishan New Player

    I once heard of a league that allegedly asked for a buttload of cash. I guess to prove you're a Legendary player and just happened to know how to make money. Or perhaps they knew no one would do it and made up the requirement for laughs. It was a very competitive PvP-league, so it sort of made sense to find players that were extremely committed to the game.

    Their league, they can do whatever they want.

    Just as long as there are other helpful leagues that don't have such wacky requirements, that's all I care about.
  6. Representative(Platina A) Well-Known Player

    We were few for quite some time until we began to mass invite to serve as a stimulus package. Now we're gradually indoctrinating the recruits we kept after purging the inactive players to our original standards and creeds. Behold the new face of elitism...not restricted by level, gear, or SP. Rather, our requirements are that recruits are philosophically congruent to our ideology.
  7. iSmashly New Player

    Ok so you're just trolling, got it.
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  8. Sapphire Melody Well-Known Player

    Right. So let's see, I'm in a league where most of the people are t5-t6. Let's say we recruit a fresh t1. Would it help him, if we go into t1 content and kill everything for him? What will he learn? Ok, let's say we're really helpfull 3 people buy t1 gear for ~1k mot, help him gearing up, spend much time for content we don't get anything from anymore, since we grinded out our feats there... At some point he's in t4 or t5 and you can't just buy that gear every time you get a new recruit, since you need it for feats, your rent, your league hall. What then?

    The point is, all those 'ridiculous' leagues and requirements are only there to ensure that you AND the league can benefit from each other soon. We had a time without requirements, we helped people through content and 2-3 weeks later these people quit the game without even a word and we had to start over. That's why we put a requirement. We can still figure out a way for individual players to join our league without the requirement.
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  9. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Although I liked your post, started reading some more and well...I lean more towards the side that says it is their league.

    Everyone work grind is different, silly me switched powers last night from HL to rage -ignore the sig- and I became so weak. I had nothing but controller gear on and now I'm just on the grind for MoTs for mogo gear. So feats can wait. I don't like feeling weak at all. :c

    I got off topic...anyways, it does sound out of the world for some, however I can't have much of a say because it's not my league, you understand? =)

    There are a bunch of different leagues out there, at first I thought I liked a league with no requirements, but then later on, I like how leagues set the bar high, 100 SP isn't even a lot to me anyways, I don't know if I'm saying that because I have 80 SP now and I'm almost there or what. I'm not saying that to sound elite or amything, my CR is 92 -I know you guys don't care, hear me out first- When I used to play on US sever I thought me being 92 would make me a top dog. I'll have you know, Paradox Wave gives me nightmares.

    Anyways, again, it might sound crazy to some, however it's their league, they can have whatever requirements they please as long their not hurting anyone. :)

    Have fun gaming! :)
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  10. Zim New Player

    We're gonna start having people give up their 1st born, ALONG with at least 100cr 100+sp.
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  11. GuyverVII Well-Known Player

    Tbh I would love to run a league to help low levels learn how to play, if only they knew how to chat /group /league /tell /r It's not that hard it it? :(
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  12. Deranya Dedicated Player

    It will get worse before it gets better.
    Leagues have had weird recruitment messages out lately and now with the update they will either see that they have to do more or they will change their messages to "we will take anyone". I fear for those players that are new to the game and that will only get taken in because they don't know much. Give it a month after the new DLC and it might go back to a kind of normality again.

    Personally, we have never changed how we recruit and we won't do so with the update out now. Whether theprestige will move up slow or fast won't matter, cause we said from the start that we are here to play a game and not work a job.
  13. myandria Item Storage

    What will be interesting is to see how leagues handle the maintenance of their league bases, especially with all the restrictions that will be in place. I have my drink and snacks ready for the upcoming recruiting show. I can see it now.. "Looking for League, must have all Proficiencies." Oh wait, Proficiencies only last 30 days.... LMAO!
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  14. Twilight Man New Player

    My league has 0 requirements and just a few guidelines.
    Like not ganking unless provoked, etc.

    The kinda folks I like to play the game with are hard to find, but now and then they pop up.

    Shouting stat/role requirements is not something you will ever see me doing for my league.
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  15. WalterlightOmega Committed Player

    and must have prec/might 6.3 and 6.3 mods for role
  16. Akroma New Player

    LOL @ OP

    100cr and 100sp is now considered too much to ask for apparently 3+ years into the game. i just made an alt and got to that within a couple weeks with minimal effort. should be noted that this the requirement exactly for my league and it is considered relatively low for high end t6 leagues. try to join higher end pvp leagues and they want a minimum of 150sp.
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  17. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Lol, I hope that was sarcasm.

    As for the topic, sure "it's their league" but it doesn't make the requirements any less ridiculous. Their is a reason people mocking shout for 106cr for Kahndaq.

    And my league is a zero restriction league.

    I too, wonder if there is be a shift in the way Leagues are handled. I can see plenty of end game players not wanting to be in "end game leagues" because of this or that problem.
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  18. Roland Deschain New Player

    100cr and 100 aren't that low but neither high

    my main is 103 has 146 sp, i've been neglecting long grind and pvp feats and i've created it by the time home turf got released, before that i had another toon which is now gathering dust

    all in all i'm not a compulsive sp grinder and i would have met those requirements in little time, so as an average player regarding sp i can tell you those requests are not that crazy
    to tell the truth i have a second toon that i use when i feel like beating stuff instead of giving power around, and with him i got 90 full raid gear and 109 sp, and i log him 1 or 2 times a week, mostly for raids, so believe meif i tell you that those requirements are nothing really difficult to achieve
    they are way harder to reach if you miss dlc, missing the feats hand out of AF1 i know that (AF1 has more sp in it than any other previous dlc in the game)
    if i had to make some serious requests about sp on dps, i'd ask for at least 112 sp (2WM trees + all crit innates + fast movement)
  19. thefrogshateme New Player

    The CR isn't to low IMO because cr is easy to increase. 100 SP is extremely low. I shouldn't have to help you get SP when we play the same amount of time and I have alot and you don't. I'd rather have people With high SP and the CR requirement to run new content.
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  20. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    The people that run leagues want players of equal skill and stat level to themselves. They don't want new members to be playing completely different content to them, they don't want players that are going to "hold them back", and they don't want players that are going to be held back as all of these things will make it more likely for them to leave.

    They want players that are as dedicated and interested in the game as they are, who want to play the game the same way they do, because that's the whole point of joining a league in the first place.

    Aside from all of that, these "requirements" are only a rough estimate to help give a general idea of the person behind the character. Numerous times we have invited US or PS players to our league despite the fact that their newly created characters were not even level 30, because we already knew that they had the skill and dedication that matched our own.

    People that run leagues don't have time to personally interview each and every person that is interested in joining, to spend time running content with all of them, hanging out with them and trying to decide if they're a good fit. Like any interview process you first have to submit your application, and the app submissions will be narrowed by some base requirements.

    If you're interested in playing with people of all levels, running all the content and willing to have people join for a short time before disappearing from the game forever - awesome! Not going to stop you from doing that. But don't try to criticise people for choosing not to play that way.
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