Leagues recruitment requirements crack me up

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by fozz454, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. fozz454 New Player

    Example of recruiting chat. Lookin for cr100+ players with 100+ sp for league send pst if interested.

    Really if you absolutely have no need of a league have probably figured out the whole game and seen all there is to offer at present time you can join one of these many leagues that post this on the message boards and in game chat. I'm not sure if I created this in the right place but thought it was so ridiculous I had to ask what you think.

    I have 6 characters over a 100 cr and have pugged them all I realize league halls are coming but I'd rather miss out than join one of these silly leagues. I can't even fathom the thinking of some of these people who set these outlandish requirements. The reason I mention it is because of the sheer amount of leagues requesting the same. I truly find it hilarious.
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  2. kav Committed Player

    Depends. A hundred CR combined with a hundred SP or higher is not that much, quite honestly. Of course there are a lot of *********'s giving random requirements to look elite, but in fact aren't.

    Here an example of why, in an old league, chosen to only take people in the league who are Tier 5 (then; SP didn't matter) ready: All of the league members at that time were at least CR 86 or higher and thus were able to accompany any run we do. Now it would be kinda hinderous for someone to join who, for example, is CR 46. Of course we have helped a lot of people getting their stats up however we hated to not be able to make a promise that we or anyone in that league will run old content with them. Not because we couldn't be damned but either being busy with raids, alerts or duos in Tier 5. They would slowly feel isolated and not like a part of the league.

    That's why we decided it is best to at least be Tier 5 ready back then. I know other leagues just do it for no particular reason and they should be avoided.
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  3. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    That will probably get worse as League halls and proficiencies are acquired. I'm sure a league with all proficiencies may have some outlandish requirements.
  4. kav Committed Player

    They will, most likely. I admire leagues who take any sould and give them a shot in helping out and/or running any content they'd like to do.

    BTW: I can also see the new LFG strategy: LFG Tank CR108/180SP+, Must have all proficiencies.
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  5. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    Not sure what's so wrong about a league wanting to focus on end-game content?

    100sp is actually a fairly low requirement considering how much you need for weapon mastery.

    The league I'm in doesn't have a cr or sp requirement, but I can easily see where members trying to level up would feel out of place.. We set aside days for feats, pvp ect. But honestly it's probably just a better experience being in a league that better fits your needs.
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  6. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    100 CR and 100 SP is asking for too much 3 years into the game and around 9 months to be able to get to that CR?

    In our case, we're an end game league looking to do the highest end game content. If you're below that CR, you wont run much with us, so i'd rather not waste your time. We dont really have a SP requirement, but 100 should really the baseline for anyone that is at T6 content (I have a thing about CR exceeding SP), especially with all the "gimme" feats available now.

    Leagues can do whatever they want. If you want to form a league with people with CRs from 50-106 and SP from 0-190, then youre free to. I dont think its really fair to call leagues recruiting what they want, based on what are really easily completed requirements "outlandish" however.
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  7. fozz454 New Player

    I honestly understand the 86cr explanation and respect the reasoning behind it. Although what loyalty does someone have for a league who only will accept you after you've struggled through the hardest parts of this game. Where was that league when I needed pointers on how to play my role. I just think if you have past all the hardships and not had help from a league you become a little jaded and find these 100+ really silly.

    The 86cr isn't as bad as 100cr requirements because the raids get ridiculously hard and 90 gear is really expensive so you really are helping. Can't say it's the same loyalty you would get if you show someone the ropes and not carry but give pointers and advice in the early stages of the game. There is a lot of things I found out on my first toon accidentally that would had made it much easier such as Gotham Wastelands being one of many.
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  8. fozz454 New Player

    Do you really need over 100sp for that T6 alert? Again if I can pug it who needs a league is pretty much my point. Sure I'll build up my skill points without any advice or help pug to 100cr without a league why would I need one after.
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  9. Mad9 New Player

    Usually, people prefer to play with like minded players. End gaming leagues expect geared players which also have adequate Skill Points.
    What you call expensive gear means nothing to the player base which has maxed out on all possible currencies.

    Please understand that a league is not supposed to act as your crutch to get your geared up. A league is simply a community of people who play together at the same level.

    That said, 100 CR and 100 SP is not at all outlandish, in fact, in my opinion, I would not ever want to play with players below 150 SP or something. In my league, not even a single player has less than 160 SP.

    You sound like you are new to the game and need to understand that people are free to play whichever why they want. Quit your rant and raise your game.
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  10. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    No, it shows dedication. 100 SP is NOTHING and is about half of what is currently available. I would much rather take in someone that has more SP because I know they put time in.

    It takes zero effort to get 100 CR and it takes extremely little to get 100. I like to know someone I bring in is at least putting effort into his toon.

    Requiring someone to have 100 SP is setting the bar extremely low.
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  11. Mad9 New Player

    The t6 alert is passe. The t6 raids loom on the horizon and you will see them drop in the next 8 days. To beat any content efficiently, gear, SP and skill all of them matter and none alone is a factor for success.

    To some people SP is important to have a powerful character. I introduced a friend to DCUO and helped him level to end game and simply doing the basic feats over a week's time got him to 100 SP without much effort. I used to play on EUPS originally and believe me when I first started my character on EUPC, I got my character to 100 SP in about three days time.

    Before weapon mastery, the innate tree was different and I guess support roles could max out role innates in about 120 SP except DPS which needed a minimum of 153 SP to get all DPS innates. In my opinion, if you do not have the role innates for your toon, you won't be as effective as you possibly can be. For a DPS role, high SP is a necessity if the DPS really wants to be competitive.

    I geared and leveled my toon to end game content without any league. Could I have continued to PUG content? Yes, I can but I prefer not to and have found a league which has like minded mature individuals who like to play together. The same applies to you. Feel free to PUG or find a community of people who think like you and play at your level.
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  12. Fel1x90 New Player

    You are joking right? 100 sp and that's the reason why you don't want to join their leagues? 100 sp are so easy to get, you can get them in your sleep.
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  13. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    T6 alert? That's really your standard? That content is a joke, and has never done anything to challenge leagues. I bet its always an enjoyable experience to pug SM right lmao

    Learning your role or learning the game in general is only one reason to join a league. Joining a league is all about surrounding yourself with like minded individuals who have similar goals.

    Just because people choose to have standards above the bare minimum doesn't make them ridiculous...
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  14. SupermanPrime New Player

    Really don't get why anyone would give a rats a$$ what other people want to do with they're own leagues, so what if a league has a 10,000 cr requirement or whatever lol...if you don't like it, don't bother with it and look for a different one, no big deal. I mean are we to the point now in dcuo where we now criticize players for what they want to do in they're own leagues. lol
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  15. fozz454 New Player

    I have 6 characters that meet those requirements and have no trouble pugging the end content. I have some grinding to do if I want to catch up to your sp but then again why to face roll T6 like it was a T2 mission. Why even play a game that holds no challenge. I could just make another character but even that wears thin. With all do respect and no insult the only reason to continue to improve would be to exclude and or to boast. This isn't why I play but if some people do well that's their choice.

    I really thought it was a silly requirement kind of like being admitted to a movie when the final credits are running and posted what I thought. It doesn't make me mad or do I think it should be removed I just felt it was ridiculous so I posted my thoughts on a forum that caters to the subject.
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  16. Sbel Devoted Player

    When I see requirements like that all I hear is "we don't want to help people. We won't help you with anything, ever." Who would join a league like that? What's the point of a league if your leaguemates will never help? I might as well just make a league of one and pug everything.
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  17. TheLoneLantern New Player

    Seeing as how I got to endgame content and over 140 skill points before I ever joined a league, I would say that you really shouldn't care what requirements those leagues have.

    From my experience, new and/or low level/skillpoint toons only want to join leagues in order to get carried. There are plenty of those 1000+ plus leagues that take anyone, however the majority of these players wanting leagues only set their sights at the top leagues. For obvious reasons, of course...

    There isn't anything wrong with not wanting to farm skill points, but don't expect leagues to accept you or be on many players friend's list.

    Usually if you can prove you're very good, leagues will overlook certain requirements you may not fill.
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  18. Representative(Platina A) Well-Known Player

    The best league requirements I've seen are as follows:

    • No Hero alts
    • Only Mains Can Join
    • Remain active and progressive in PvE and PvP
    • No suicide Squad
    • No PvE phase
    • Honesty, Loyalty, and Respect (Mandatory within the league but optional when dealing with outsiders)
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  19. Tracmar Well-Known Player

    just 1 year in the game
    7 toons over 102
    sp over 150

    Yes I have a life too

    Entirely possible
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  20. iSmashly New Player

    A league of 1 I assume.
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