Celebrate #Batman75 With New Video Series!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    It's a big celebration that DC Entertainment has been talking about for months:


    Actually, Wonder Woman first appeared in 1941, so you'll have to wait until 2016 for such a celebration.
  2. Doc Whiskey New Player

    In a word, no. The fact is, from a strictly business perspective, Batman is a far more lucrative IP than Superman. They're sticking Batman in the next Superman movie because alone, Superman just isn't as big of a draw.

    Man of Steel B.O. total: $668 million
    Iron Man 3 B.O. total: $1.2 billion
    Batman: The Dark Knight/TDKR B.O. totals: $1 billion each
    Captain America: Winter Soldier B.O. total (still in theaters): $712 million
    Amazing Spider Man 2 B.O. total (still in theaters): $706 million

    Also, there were comics before Superman, and plenty after, so the idea that you wouldn't have any other heroes without Superman is laughable.
    Celebrating Batman isn't about bias, it's about business. When you operate a game, or any other business, you have budgeting, and in this case, licensing constraints, so you have to pick when and on what you will spend extra resources on. The most lucrative DC character, hands down, is Batman, so it makes sense to spend those resources to celebrate the character that draws the most attention.

    It isn't anything against Superman, and I agree that they could have done something to mark Supe's anniversary. The verdict is still out on whether the team actually does anything memorable for Batman's 75th anniversary other than a couple of Legends reskins and some videos. We should all hope there's more, as the bigger the celebration, the more attention it draws, and the more new and former players it may draw in for the event.
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  3. OliverQueen1963 New Player

    Enjoyed these, thanks for posting them.
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  4. Benn 10 Committed Player

    These were very awesome!!!
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  5. FlexVibrant Well-Known Player

    That's because Superman has the personality of dried oatmeal.
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  6. Zenith Well-Known Player

    These are superb, I want to make videos of this quality when I grow up. :cool:

    I wonder what happened to the fourth video where the mystery unknown Batman legends skin is revealed plus there's exciting news about a new Batman cowl that will be available to all players...

    So future Batman may return eh?
  7. VillNess Well-Known Player

    I liked these videos, made me like batman a bit more. (Just a bit, The Joker still wins)
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  8. MrMigraine Devoted Player

  9. BRG New Player

    They did mention in the last FNL episode that they dropped the ball on superman's 75th and are making sure they don't it this time with batman's.
  10. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Unfortunately, the 75th Anniversary of Superman was last year.
  11. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    The tendency of some players to assume and blithely assert, on the basis of no evidence whatever beyond their imagination, malice and/or indifference by the devs as the explanation for anything and everything, is unfortunate.

    (At least in this case the devs aren't being accused of personally conspiring against a player and/or their friends.)
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  12. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    Great videos. And a return of Future Batman. More DLCs after the trilogy maybe?
  13. RitzyDitzy New Player

    There won't be a celebration across the board comics, movies, cartoons, and games DC continually likes to kick a dead horse and focus on Batman.
  14. RitzyDitzy New Player

    I can tell by your response you have never read anything Superman related.
  15. RitzyDitzy New Player

    You should look up comics history and then you would understand Superman's impact, he made the superhero genre popular basically. Batman and Wonder Woman were created because of his popularity.
  16. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    With out superman tho there would be no superhero genre .... We can say all we want there could have been another but simple fact is there wasn't superman was the first "super hero" in comics... He paved the way for all heroes after him he revolutionized the industry... People might love/hate/ or are indifferent on him but nothing changes the fact that superman started it all
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  17. Hayley Dark New Player

    Batman was, is, and will always be my IDOL.... Greatest Hero ever...:D:D:D
  18. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Here's the issue with your assertion: every movie in your above list was a sequel except for Man of Steel - and sequels generally make more money than the originals even if they are worse movies. Let's look at how the first installment of each of those series did:

    Man of Steel: $668 million
    Iron Man: $585 million
    Batman Begins: $374 million
    Captain America The First Avenger: $370 million
    Amazing Spider-Man: $757 million

    Only Spidey's franchise seems to support your point.

    Superman is a hugely lucrative IP for both DC and WB. The fact that they're adding Batman to the next DCCU movie has much more to do with setting up a Justice League movie than it does with Superman 'not being much of a draw'.

    As you've implied, it's all about the money - and Batman + Superman will almost certainly make them more money than Batman or Superman alone.
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  19. Green Lantern New Player

    I guess I'm the only one who hates what WB is doing to the Man of Steel series. I actually really enjoyed the first one. I was looking forward to a sequel with Doomsday or something.

    Then I get Batfleck and what I suspect is going to be a rushed, thrown together JL team.

    I'm usually pretty darn balanced in my love for Marvel and DC, but when it comes to the Cinematic Universes, make mine Marvel.
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  20. Dene Devoted Player

    noone in this game likes her imo :( - she DID kinda get a dlc though.. which was cool