why don't the devs just make how to YouTube videos?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SKAVANGER408, May 21, 2014.

  1. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Make the videos for each role/Power and tell all the new people after they hit level 30 to check out their YouTube channel.

    If the devs can't find time to make them sine their so busy with DLC's than they can have a contest. Winner gets a limited edition item or station cash.

    These video have to be better then those how to spend your money videos.

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  2. Radium Devoted Player

    I believe that was the plan with the Mobile Mainframe, so whenever that thing actually drops it should be part of it.
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  3. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    I hope it doesn't fall in the "soon" category.
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  4. Tharkis The Pretty Kitty Princess

    See, asking for the devs to make content like this is EXACTLY the wrong thing to be donig. This is the sort of content that we, the players, should be generating for other players. Gaming communities have responsibilities too, and things like this are OUR responsibility. A community doesn't just 'happen'

    If the devs were to make some videos, you know the first thing people would do? complain "Why did they waste time making those when they could be working on content/bugs/ whatever?!?!?!?!"
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  5. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    And that's why you should read the whole thing.

    Btw they should cancel FNL too huh?
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  6. Gunny New Player

    Probably should be player-made videos and be submitted in a contest.

    No offense to the devs, but when devs WORK to make this game for a paycheck, and PLAYERS play this game out of pure amusement, its truely amazing how complex players can develop a strategy in the set of rules devs provide.

    Devs may know how the game was designed to run, but players only know how it ACTUALLY runs. Its a huge advantage and I think a video made out of pure enjoyment and a genuine interest to help others and to beat out any videos others can create.... I think will be far more powerful and useful to anything the devs can provide strictly due to the above reasons.
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  7. Couzintony New Player

    We as a community do have a responsibility...
    If you are in khandaq and the troll isn't throwing pot... Don't kick... Help him!!

    Too many ppl have been at end game for too long n they seem to forget that we were all noobs once...
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  8. DCUOPoe Level 30

    I can't get no love

  9. Drakonicus New Player

    Horse and Water.
  10. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Because until walk-ins get removed finally people will be more concerned about fast leveling rather than learning the game. And until then, this is basically the state of the game:


    Once they are removed though and players are actually running the content I don't see why they can't take player submitted tutorials.
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  11. SKAVANGER408 New Player

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  12. SirMuttonChops New Player

    I don't know what you're talking about. I ALWAYS help people that are willing to listen.
  13. Couzintony New Player

    I never said you didn't help ppl...
    I said "Too many ppl" it's up to you if you are in that group... Lolz
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  14. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    I agree, but you know this thread just gave me an idea perhaps we can get devs interested in. There are hundreds of player made video and written guides on just about every aspect of the game.

    So why not make a contest about it, give out some station cash and have fun? They could do a series of FNL shows where they showcased the winners by category of the best guides. They could choose the ones they feel are most accurate, then have people vote on the very best one and show it on FNL.

    Categories could include best guide by basic role ( healing, controlling, tanking, dpsing) best guide by power (celestial, sorcery, etc)
    best guide by content (alerts, raids, solos, duos) best gearing guides, best pvp guides( arenas, legends)

    They could then put up a guide section on the main dcuo website and use those for the mobile app. They should also add a button on the in-game interface that linked to guides, since lots of people don't even know the forums exists.

    This would save them a lot of time and money and flak they would get from doing guides/tutorials themselves.

    I also think they should devide the Powers forum into subsections dedicated to each power, weapon etc. because it's a chore to find exactly what you want.
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  15. Archangel Rafael New Player

    I think text tutorials with static graphic would be more effective. I can't stand watching a slowass 10 minute youtube video to explain something really simple that I could have read in text in a few seconds.

    example : have you seen the "intro to legends characters" videos? Takes them 5-7 slow, narrated mintues to explain a legends characters' moves. In text it would take me all of 30 seconds to read the whole thing. Plus it'd be better organized and indexed. If I just want to know what 1 move does I can quickly read that rather scrubbing the play-head looking for what I want in a tube vid.

    Simple text/graphic tutorials could be hosted right here on dcuniverseonline.com.

    Simpler. Much more cost effective. Central location for all DCUO info. Much more efficient way to learn the mechanics. Wastes much less of my (player's) time.
  16. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    I think having both would be much better than just one. One can choose what guide to read or watch so it won't affect others if there are both.

    Besides, remember there is a rather large amount of people who just despise reading for some strange reason and videos are the only way they'll absorb that information.

    The more the better i say . :)
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  17. Archangel Rafael New Player

    I care not for the petty, self inflicted travails of illiterate-by-choice morons. People who can't be bothered to read probably can't be bothered to learn to play in any case, be it videos or text. It's a game based on comic books fer chrissakes.
  18. Poo New Player

    I will post the 1st video explaining how Dom definitely affect Aggro!

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  19. SKAVANGER408 New Player


    Back to the topic, maybe the devs can chime in on this thread.
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    that is far beyond soon, thats more like Yamato in naruto forgotten
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