Nature and Weapon Mastery....

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by CrappyHeals, May 8, 2014.

  1. Agla New Player

    Nature dps is not a shame. It is as long as you guys keep comparing nature to the best 4 dps powersets: rage, mental, ice and sorcery.
    Yet nature is pretty much on line with the rest tbh.

    Anyway i agree that the synergy between nature and weapon mastery is poorly implemented and should be looked at.
  2. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    You can add gadgets, earth and probably electricity to the list of powers that outshine nature to.
  3. The God New Player

    And Light, don't forget Light. In my opinion they should just upgrade your dots so using them won't weaken your dmg. Because as Sorcery dps, I was using Fury, and it wasn't disadvantegous for me at all, so it does work in his case.
  4. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Yea light is prob better to i just haven't got around to really put it to the test yet. I just did gadgets and i was quite impressed with it. Theres definitely some other powers that have a slight edge over it but its still strong, better than nature thats for sure lol

    And those combos in that vid look really good! I'm gonna have to try them when i get to light.
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  5. The God New Player

    Yeah, at least when it comes to melee, chainsaw is incredibly good. First hit is I think the strongest aoe we have(up to 4k with pi!), and ram after it is incredibly fast, Claw-Ram is like 3 times slower and weaker. About the nature, as I said, dots should be upgraded so this awesome mechanic is actually awesome. Because as it is now, they aren't.
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  6. Agla New Player

    I think you guys are ranking nature a bit too low now...

  7. The God New Player

    Is Anton using dots though? If he is, then yeah, better than expected.
  8. B3astinevery1 New Player

    ^ and this is why any person with any common sense should leave this thread, awesome post?? really, he cleary never used Nature, he said harvest was here before WM and wasnt OP LOL, as soon as they added the ability to re- apply by only using harvest nature DPS were crushing. Besides its also funny you say certian people in the thread dont have credability etc b/c you dont know em LOL all crappy is basing anything on is if he does good with it or if his friends beats him, all we are suggesting is the devs have done a good job with nature and its balanced. Stop saying "my frans are rage and they beat me", nobody puts any stock in you doin good damage. And the whole "the poeple you play with are weak" argument is laughable being as it can be used againt your same argument. The fact is nature is the only power you can re apply 3 dots with with a single cast, and myself and many others all agree, if you cant at least keep up with any powerset you are jus a bad DPS, as it appears many of you are
  9. B3astinevery1 New Player

    just as he has no evidence there are powers better tahn nature, jus becasue him and his firneds cant get down with nature dont mean nature is the problem LOL
  10. The God New Player

  11. Agla New Player

    Yes, all 3 of them + harvest + carnage + voracious plants.
  12. B3astinevery1 New Player

    one last thing before i leave this horrible thread, the reason poeple arent being constroctive crappy is all on you

    You make a thread more or less crying in natures "defense" that it needs help b/c in your testing you found you arent good with it

    some others agree, some say they have been doing fine with it

    instead of you inquiring on rotation or asking question, you and you army say the peoploe they are playing with are terrible, its funny really, b/c i have some villian friends that say you are terrible, then i read this, and cant disagree with them, you are no more wrong when you say its bad cuz you cant handle it than poeple are on here saying its fine b/c they do fine with it, and a player of your caliber has NO right to suggest maybe they are playing with bad people
  13. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Actually i'm basing it off of what i can do with nature vs what i can do with other powers. Also i conducted tests running with people who where other powers with all equal skill points, gear and even the same WM combo. and those people are players i run with everyday and we all know where each other stands dps wise with a variety of powers so its easy to base dps off of.

    Maybe if you read some of the things i have posted you would have some more insight on the subject, but your just another one of these dudes that just thinks your the best and know it all. And if you can't see the advantages other powers have over nature your then your one thats not a good player.
  14. B3astinevery1 New Player

    add another horrible post for crappy, LOL, and i could say the same thing if you dont see the advantage of being able to re apply 3 super strong dots with a single cast of 1 burst power, so you get a burst hit from harvest and it re applies all dots. Like you said if you cant see that advantage your a bad player. And again, ill steal one of your lines, maybe you and all your test buddies are just horrible?
  15. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    lol i'm terrible.. i really doubt anyone who's ever played with me would say that lol. I mean i put videos on the internet if you watch them you can see that im not.

    Its kinda hard to take anyone like you serious..look what you have in your sig "Never been out dps'd" lol someones full of them self. If you where honestly good you wouldn't be advertising it.
  16. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    If you read the full post a few pages back maybe you would understand.

    You really have no idea what your talking about or haven't played any other powers but rage since WM dropped. The benefits other powers get are huge. If you really were the great player you say you are you would see that, but your just that dude who goes to whatever power is the best at the moment. I bet as soon as the raids come out and rage isn't the strongest power any more you'll be switching to another one. Players like you are a joke lol

    If all your going to do is bash people in here get lost. all your doing is filling this thread up with garbage.
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  17. PrimeSwitch Active Player

    Again troll, look at the 3 vids, look at the players in those vids. Then stop being lazy and read the break downs of why nature is struggling.not just against top 4 powers but soon earth electric and last nite went up against 2 gadget dps in separate instances who also put fantastic damage. That list will keep growing.

    Where is your evidence to nature will be op wity wm bonus? Were you on test while it was? I'm say no because your not basing it in fact just on what hear and falsely thing.

    Ive played all powers and have multi toons I know what powers can do its not about playing against weak people, its the lack of damage potential nature has compared to others .

    Again stop read and watch vids. Make a valid point by just say nature can reapply dots and will be op with wm bonus is not enough to back your claim.
    The argument that it wont be is all over this thread and even in the last vid that someone posted that sorcery dps beating nature by 200k he could've used a more optimal damage out wm combo but he wasnt, also sw agsinst the adds is not going to net you more damage as oppose to using sb combo with trans because with two dps they are just going to melt them and sw with not get its max damage off. Either way the sorcery wm still out put our awesome mechanic and if that nature dps tried to us wm forget about it .

    You see how broke that down but no I could just be like you and say nature is op because it can reapply dots, come on!
  18. PrimeSwitch Active Player

    3 super strong dots? Lol seriously this right here alone tells you know nothing of the numbers and the process it takes to start this rotation. Where we don't get to maximize our suppose strong dots. Please stop posting your not nature and your bring false info to this thread please.
    I'm trting to be constructive to your post so please chill.
  19. Agla New Player

    Could you provide eveidence of this on the same alert? Or could you quantify the loss in terms of dps and time?
    I personally don't think you can significantly improve that completion time with 2 dps... considering that one of them is the "bottom-tier" nature :rolleyes:

    That's supposed to be a bigger issue for nature dots tbh.

    Nature is clearly not OP, and i agree there are some powersets that can perform better dps. But it's not even the garbage professed on many posts here.
    It has some points that should be addressed like WM synergy with shapeshifts or swarm.
    I'm just against applying the crit bonus to dots. :)
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  20. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Well Monday is here and no new nature news from the Devs. Spent some time beating up on poor nature players this weekend. Sad to see a power with that kind of restrictions. If it was a dlc power I bet there would be no restrictions. Hopefully this thread gets through.
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