Nature and Weapon Mastery....

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by CrappyHeals, May 8, 2014.

  1. JDaPrietz New Player

    made a nature toon just yesterday, it's about time I play nature, so I can understand all this ^ :)
  2. RoyalServant New Player

    My observation with the people claiming they do well with Nature is that they aren't on topic.

    Nature, by itself, is a decent power set. No ones claiming it isn't. But when fully utilizing WM it IS the most restricted power set. (Unwarranted)

    If you want to claim otherwise, list the power restrictions of each DPS power set and we'll all see who' speaks truth.

    Also, to those claiming harvest refreshing DoTs would make it OP. 2 things:

    - Harvest existed prior to WM. Nature wasn't OP.
    - Your logic that not having to recast makes it OP is bias. Case in point, harvest doesn't refresh swarm. Other power sets don't have to recast their pet yet nature does.

    So why are you OK with natures pet that it has to recast being restricted but you're ok with other powers having DoTs that are unrestricted because they have to recast them?

    Bottom line is that nature wasn't viable with serpents call, carnage and voracious plant alone before and it's unjust to be forced to do so now.
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  3. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    @Kraptastic, don't argue with them, they want nature to be #1 anything else wouldn't suit them. I can't believe they are saying nature is a bottom tier power. It's #1, but it's not at the bottom either. I don't think the devs should have taken the WM buff from nature or sorcery because of the awesome mechanic. As far as that video go, anyone that lose by 2mil in that alert with any power imo is a bad dps, so I don't understand what that is even proving
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  4. PrimeSwitch Active Player

    Wow awesome post this right here!
  5. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Ok how about this if you were to use a loadout with no poisons or swam to get the WM bonus you would basically be using Serpent call for the pi and voracious. Now with sorc i could use a very similar loadout of Shards for the pi and trans. Now shards and serpent are close in burst damage but with shards being a little better, then you have the dots from them both. 4 ticks from both but serpents dots are 20's and shards dots are 130-200+. So rite there if you used a WM friendly loadout i would have no problem beating you just for the simple facts that shards has a nice aoe dot and thats me only using 2 powers.

    Then if you want to get into it and use dots on boss fights i can easily surpass what you can do cause i have the same amount of dots and more if i really wanted to depending on how long the fight lasted. Plus on top of that i still get the WM bonus and and trans is GUARANTEED to hit 3k+ every time cause of the crit bonus where voracious is going to hit around 2k and no where near all the time and is not a guaranteed number. Then say we're fighting the boss with the lions and theres more then 2 targets voracious is going to split terribly and trans is not cause of the WM bonus.

    Thats just a simple and quick comparison and i don't use the fury cause the WM far surpasses what the fury can do.
  6. kraptastic Well-Known Player

    every second wm . Lol comprehension is your friend. Try to read understand and then reply. Or maybe ask. Otherwise you just look like an a hole.
  7. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    If any power was op before WM it was nature, in fact the op was saying how he beat rage dps in the raids, even in nexus. Swarm is the 2nd hardest hitting pet in the game, having swarm up is almost like an extra 2 dots, so why wouldn't it be a recast, not counting swarm do dmg the entire time the power is down. If anyone think have 2-3 dots goin while spamming the same 2 powers 1 single burst and the other aoe is balanced, your mind is set already
  8. Skylez New Player

    Tbh if Nature doesn't get the WM Bonus, I really don't mind it. MY loadout is still good haha. :p

    Well, I have Wolf > Serpent Call> Carnage> Rampage Or Swarm > Vor. Plants> Harvest :eek:
    I use Wolf for my ticks, :) then go on to regular form cast harvest, :confused: then into serpent,:cool: then vor. plants then use impaling. :D I use Carnage within the rotation. :rolleyes:

    Otherwise with or without Wm I still love the way Nature is. ;)
  9. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    So you didn't answer me did you use nature on test when it got the full benefits from WM??? If not then everything you say your just a guess with no prof
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  10. PrimeSwitch Active Player

    I said I wouldn't respond to you but you also ssid you would stop posting at this point your coming off more as trolling the thread. As for the other dps unless odyssey lowered its standard in players I'm a say hes a solid dps but what the heck I'll spot him another mil and he still fell by 900k.
  11. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I could beat a rage if he was at range but rage melee no way. And now with the WM bonus rage picked up its range game a lot.
  12. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    @Crappy. Sorcery is the FoTM right now, because the burst with the dots is nice(IMO ice is stronger). @ equally geared/skilled dps one with nature other sorcery, yea sorcery will win, but when I say nature is ok I mean compared to the rest of the powers, not just what the top 3 is in anyone's opinion. Anyway when I use nature I use the pre-wm loadout. Most who are trying to get the WM crit bonus loadout is going to lose bad
  13. PrimeSwitch Active Player

    Again coming from a guy who didn't know what powers couldn't be used with wm.
    Now your coning off as trolling with no legit reasons to your back and you'll see how dot stacking falls to wm bonus and how we don't have wm bonus artillery to keep up with those that do
  14. PrimeSwitch Active Player

    Again you prove another point using wm bonus we will fail bad and good against what electric earth fire etc...those powers are in revamp and powers like fire will get eventually revisted.
    So as that happens nature will continue to fall.
  15. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    @Prime. Just because someone is in a good league don't make them good. Maybe that player just started dpsing because he couldn't find work as a healer. Anyone who dps and get doubled using WM is not a good dps(if they are equally geared). I'm not saying I won't loose with nature, but your not gonna beat me by a 500-1,000,000 with no wipes
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  16. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Numerous powers are better then nature not just 3. Iv'e posted so many times what powers are better and many examples of why but people like you just keep ignoring them and making excuses. No one can back up any claims that says nature is ok you all just say "i'm doing fine with it" which does not prove anything.
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  17. PrimeSwitch Active Player

    Ok lets use ivy vid he fell by 400k against an avg rage dps but wait he needed a job also?
    You've proven some points in favor of nature needing the wm bonus and yet your still combating against.
    I don't want nature to be op I want balance there are 4 powers that can top nature with earth electric revamps around the corner. Again continue to fall.
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  18. PrimeSwitch Active Player

    This is exactly it, no evidence to their claim.
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  19. PrimeSwitch Active Player

    Were you on test with nature and wm bonus was still up?
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  20. PrimeSwitch Active Player

    @pitbull. Your silence tells me no, see I was I didn't see the op your talking about. Instead I was more closer to rage and other powers it felt like wait wait for it BALANCE!