Server Downtime - March 19, 2014 - Game Update 35!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. NewAgeHLDPS New Player

    oh last question from me, in eastern time DCU will be back up at what 1pm?
  2. No Aywok New Player

    153 was my magic number. :)

    I shoulda changed my style before the game went down; 7/8 on HIVE Defender no longer means anything.
  3. Herculine New Player

    I currently have 18 characters that need auras. I have to agree with the majority that it would be better for both players and SOE alike if you simply put the auras in the Marketplace. There you would have guaranteed sales from those of us who prefer to know exactly what we're spending our money on whereas the current scheme appears to actually be discouraging players from spending money on a random chance to only possibly get what they want.
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  4. The Klepto New Player

    The grind is slowly losing it's purpose... I'm saddened by that : (

    On the other hand. Good update.
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  5. The Klepto New Player

    Yes... BUT the update will most likely be available soon but we won't be able to get back on until 12:30 -1 eastern if things go smoothly.
  6. NewAgeHLDPS New Player

    yup i agree, I'd be pee'd if i spent $20 just to get a purple aura lol
  7. NewAgeHLDPS New Player

    gd gd, ill keep a look out and start the DL asap so its done before servers are even back up.
  8. The Klepto New Player

    Exactly what I do. Glad I can help
  9. Random Redshirt Well-Known Player

    Putting the rare auras into a limited time pack with gambling as a factor to getting those auras is pretty low. A move straight out of the Cryptic/PWE playbook.

    What is it with these companies and not wanting to actually utilize their marketplace, and instead wanting to dump everything into a chance box? It's ridiculous, and the money I might have spent on it, will now NOT BE SPENT in protest.

    What point is there to having a Marketplace, if you won't put things people will actually buy into it?
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  10. Ange1OfLife New Player

    DCUO is becoming more and more dull to me, yea they are releasing a new update and you think there would be more enthusiasm about a new aura and yay -_- a bundle pack. :mad: Mepps and Devs you're kidding me right.. Last year I spent approximately 240 bucks and yea I got a ton of replays, but not one single plasmic aura. So lesson learned, I think when Final Fantasy comes around, I think they will better suited to get 240 bucks from me right devs, because the level of unfairness on DCUO has reached unbelievable heights. I've played this for 3 years and earned all the skill points I did, wasn't easy grinded to get them. See the leveling up factor just easy as ever. People now can get to cr 103 overnight it seems, but ok we'll give that one. Kept playing but spend barely anything anymore because replaying Assault and Battery for 93 rings became a waste of time when some ppl has 6-7-8 of them (Talk about random), Also found out how those ppl get so quote on quote (LUCKY) won't say here. New dlc amazon fury, also not enthused about that, I mean whats the point. It'll be like this. New gear ppl go crazy to get them, biased set up in new plans drop rate whether expert T6 plans, certain supposedly rare items will more go to specific people and the unfortunate 99% of gamers can just sit and watch and continue to complain. So I'll hit them where it hurts. ( MONEY TALKS$$$$. I'll take no lie the well over 5000.00 for the year that Dc got from me 2013, lord knows 2012 and spend that money on a GAME THAT ACTUALLY READS WHAT THE GAMERS SAY...:mad:
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  11. Liko Well-Known Player

  12. Jacob DeVeraux New Player

    if anything i'm tired of the engored combat rating expectations from people who replayed their way up to t5.9 in a single day. it makes those of us who don't reply on replay badges look like idiots cause we can't do raids or sometimes even instances with a group in lfg because of the crazy expectations. The plus side of that though is people who do rush to get the armor usually are elitists who don't know their roles.
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  13. Redscreen5 New Player

    Then if there are 3 new auras are you putting older ones into the mix ? You guys need to seriously reassess your business image if these things continue, believe me it doesn't look good.
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  14. The Klepto New Player

    The community will win there more of them than people who can rise to the challenges of getting better instead of making a non valid complaint.

    "Learn the source before it's trusted"
    Unfortunately they'll take 20 people commenting and posting on the same issue and fix it without video.

    But other than that is a well know comic game which everybody is drawn to regardless the problems that's why it'll always be a love hate relationship with everybody who plays this game.
  15. Ange1OfLife New Player

    DC devs are having a deer in a light kinda experience, whereas they see what we're saying but just stares at us with the dumbfounded look and nothing changes
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  16. Jacob DeVeraux New Player

    they've been doing that for a long time. Everything from the matchmaking system (not LFG which would solve the problem of bottlenecking CR so people can actually do harder content) and the Deserter Penalty have been ranted and raved about for years because people want them fixed. Not really anything new. Hence on of the reasons I'm actually contemplating buying the DLC's and canceling my legendary status
  17. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    If you were using Charged Double Throw for its damage output, you are going to have to find a new weapon.
  18. 0paque New Player

    I understand every ones frustrations, but as many have said, these guys need to make money, too. You're all on here flipping about the auras, but did you ever stop to think that maybe they have some kind of plan in place?

    For starters, we don't know the actual drop ratio for the rare auras in the Booster Bundle; it could be 1/100 or 1/3, so for you all to be losing your minds about it is kind of unnecessary. For all you know, you could go for one and get it your first shot. Realistically, that's probably not the case, but I can guarantee that at least one out of you will get it in your first try.

    Secondly, everyone's saying about putting the Rare Auras for sale on MP. While I also agree, here's why they might not be doing it; they might be saving the Power-Specific Auras for that. Think about it: take a chance at these SUPER rare Auras, or, buy one that specifically fits your Power Type on the MP. Save your Market Cash and buy a Bundle for a shot at a Nimbus, or save up and buy a Fire Aura!

    But, before everyone gets all excited about that, again, let's be realistic; you'll all ***** and moan about the prices they charge for those anyways, demand they come with the Weapon Packs, and continually gripe no matter what the devs try to do to appease us.
  19. Redscreen5 New Player

    Please atleast apply some common ground
    If there's no mention of "aura" would the bundles sell ? No.

    The USP is the aura not the items that are assosiated with the bundle.

    Unless your willing to explain to me how from since beta 5 vault tickets are going to benefit my game playing experience go ahead.
  20. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    Replay badges have honestly ruined this game...

    Do what I do though, lie about your CR. Your actions will speak louder than your CR can. Back when I was nature when OC first came out people after like 3 days were only wanting CR 98+ for Wave. I went in there at CR 92 or 93 was top DPS against a HL, and Gadgets DPS. I'm not a scoreboard chaser but those issues are the precise reasons why I'm forced to lie about my CR in PUG groups.

    Long story short they never doubted me because I was able to perform, I'm sure I was inspected but nobody ever said anything so to these elitist groups just lie you don't really have a choice.
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