Are the DCUO Devs going in the right direction?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Radioactive Spider, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. Feenicks New Player

    The third type are those who realize this is a game, enjoy playing the game, and actually truly like the direction it's going.

    Then there's the fourth type who feel the game universe revolves around their super awesomeness and rant and rage if their ideas are not formost.

    Then there's the fifth type who......

    My point is you really can't broad brush everybody like that. There really ain't no type here.
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  2. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    At the end of 2012 I didn't know if there would be a DCUO at the end of 2013. The Last laugh, and Hand of Fate had been the only new content in 6 months. I felt the developers were spinning their wheels to be honest with you. Not out of a lack of creative juices, but it felt like the game wasn't evolving.

    Into 2013, Home turf, like it or not, was a boost in the arm. By the end of 2013, the game seems to have caught a second wind. I'm excited about this year and next.
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  3. Radioactive Spider New Player

    point i was trying to make is that type 1 person will always support devs regardless of direction because they are always happy no matter what (yes man). type 2 person will support to a certain extent because they want to see good change happen (uproar). the devs cater a lot to the yes man. clearly type 1 have no idea what they are talking about.
  4. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    My answer is wrong direction. Basically taking a 3 year formula and flushed it, starting after OC. We've left the grinding stage and entered the gimme stage. It became clear during OC that many people weren't as beast as they thought. Not wanting to admit that, or adapt their playing style, they demanded the game adapt to them. This is the outcome. If anything is considered strong it must be nerfed. If anything is considered hard it must be nerfed. If anything takes skill that someone doesn't have, it must be balanced. Someone who has played the game for 2 months needs to be on the sane level as someone who has been playing for 3 years or it must be changed.

    Definitely the wrong direction. We will see soon.
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  5. Fruity Reaper New Player

    I personally like the direction its going in and look forward to the next steps, AnB raid, damage and other stats being reduced are among the things pointing to more balance.

    This is one of the only games where the powers that be actively interact with the player base and genuinely listen (not always to the right people) but things that the players ask for do make it into the game.

    Been here 2+ years and will be here as long as they have the servers up.
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  6. Little Sister New Player

    I'll always want more customization of course. But maybe we'll get there one day. I think as Controllers, we should be able to choose which of our moves debuff, and I think all moves should give a little bit of power out. Then get rid of the Instant Power move. Then we wouldn't be so "cookie cutter" and we can be more unique.

    I'll also always want more hair options. The hair we have feels like it's from a free Flash game for kids on

    I'm definitely excited about the new upcoming stuff though. I'm excited to see Melee weapons no longer do more damage at range than Ranged weapons. I'm excited to see the jump cancelling fixes and to see in the long run how that may help DPS burn a little slower and use a little less power, putting some ease on Controllers.

    I'm very excited for DLC 10 + 11.

    All in all, I'm very pleased with the direction the game has gone, and is going.
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  7. jessiejames4211 New Player

    no I hate the direction its going I enjoyed oc
  8. Feenicks New Player

    I do not know of any poster here who fits in your type 1 category.
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  9. Radioactive Spider New Player

    i agree 100%. if there is no hard content, who will stick around to play Disney type video games? i thought most of us are grown here and want to play Die Hard With A Vengeance like Bruce Willis.
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  10. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    ^^^ :)
  11. Feenicks New Player

    Support? Or saying I'm in that category?
  12. Radioactive Spider New Player

    there are many type 1s the devs listen to, hence why there has always been a huge uproar after every introduced change/feature. they are usually the ones who say "good job devs, i really like this" in-support without looking at a better option. type 2 would find the in's and out's of said feature and comment passionately about it, yet be left in the dust.
  13. Mick Nugget New Player

    I'm not proud of the fact that I'm completely indifferent about the direction this game is going.

    I like to make informed decisions about stuff and therefore know exactly where I stand, even with recreational activities like videogames lol. Fact is, I just don't have enough info to go on.

    Depending on what they do, it could be just fine or better, or going straight down the toilet.

    Either way, they are not answering any questions with enough specificity for anyone make an informed enough assessment of what is actually going to happen yet.
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  14. 478874 Dedicated Player

    If things don't turn out right, there are plenty of other great games coming out in the next 12 months, so I am not concerned. The chicken-little syndrome around here is staggering. Sometimes it seems like folks enjoy arguing about and bashing the game more than they enjoy playing it.
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  15. Feenicks New Player

    Did you consider that the ones who said "Good job, devs" actually felt it was a good job? You're painting those as just a bunch of bobble heads who will just nod and nod regardless of what the Devs do. I have yet to meet one of those folks.
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  16. Fruity Reaper New Player

    So anyone who genuinely likes the things they do is type 1 so therefore a yes man who's opinion is invalid?

    I think you are putting it far too black and white my friend, come over to the grey areas where the rest of us live ;)
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  17. BLK Well-Known Player

    sHOUToUT the homie giggles for always saying the right thing:p

  18. Radioactive Spider New Player

    its more or less about Easily Satisfied vs the Hard To Satisfy crowd. most of the hard to satisfy crowd leave in the end, which is why there are so many yes men around.
  19. WL Corpsman New Player

    I agree completely. Problem is its to little to late. The original spirit of the game is gone. The original spirit of the forums is gone. Sad that its update 35 and balancing is becoming a priority. Soe promised a game based on skill, not what power you are or what weapon you use. Its a mmo but SOE hands the new crowd a bone, and completely forgot about the end game veterans.

    2.Broken mechanics
    3.The Flavor of the Month dynamic (both powers and weapons)
    4.Lack of new content and long periods of time without releasing new content
    5.Rehashed content calling it new
    6.Poor drop rates or manipulating drop rates
    7.Not addressing the community promptly on the forums who had legitimate issues

    The above list has destroyed the game. Sad really, the game has so much potential as a comic book based action mmo. Could have completely monopolized the console MMO market, with the right direction. Sons of Trigons showed some renewed life with completely new content, but still little glitches trumped that, If they decided to make any other future products, i really hope they used the mistake made on DCUO and learn what not to do again.

    I hope better direction is taken, but its a little to late for the veterans of Pay to play model who quite frankly built the early community.
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  20. Feenicks New Player

    Easily pleased does not make you a Yes man! You seem to be having a disconnect there.
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