The Unicorn Agenda - Update

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Zicorahk, Feb 28, 2014.

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  1. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    It's half Unicorn. Close enough
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  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    There's just something about this pic that just made my day. :D
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  3. Gant Well-Known Player

    We all do. :)
  4. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    That is just a lie. You all always blame ME, lol. :p
  5. Minnion Devoted Player

    True... I mean imagine the fits players would throw if there was an alicorn trinket... So sad that among the complainers on these forums are always those who figure "I know how to spend the development dollars better than the Devs." and consider any investment into developing anything that they themselves don't want a waste of resources... (Seems they are such big fans of the blame game that they like to blame the additon of features they don't personally use as the reason the changes they want haven't been made...)

    That aside I'm still hoping for that unicorn head to mount on the wall of my lair... And possibly another unicorn trinket that summons a toy unicorn that I can throw at people... Then I could be like:

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  6. Michael Grid Well-Known Player

    As far as the creation of the trinket being a waste of time.... no, its not. If anything, it shows the flexibility of the devs and the appreciation they have for a player base that are fun, whimsical, and loyal players. Odyssey got a feat named after them in OC. The Revengencers got a specialty trinket made. Those are COOL things the devs are doing. Don't ruin it.
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  7. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    So when's the party happening on the USPS at The Superman Statue?
  8. FUBAR New Player

    I blame myself
  9. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    I mean they are going to make new items here and there anyway. There's multiple sets of dice, a swim floaty, giant pumpkins and toy helicopters and blimps that don't do anything but follow you around. No one complained when those came out. I don't really see the difference in them adding a unicorn trinket. Lots of items are just for fun! :)
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  10. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    This is the word that these guys out here complaining do not understand.
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  11. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

  12. Mr.Me New Player

    Umm that's the second time I've seen you use this gif in support of unicorns, but apparently no one bothered to mention that those are ponies not unicorns... just saying.

    A major issue with this game seems to be imo at least, that the people on the council are big into the phantasy genre, and when asked what they think about things they default to what is done in phantasy genre games as their standard. Forceing this game into a rule set that is very limited compared to what the Super Hero genre actually has to offer.

    I mean congrats you guys are getting your trinket, but do you think some time in the near future that you guys could maybe focus on what is beneficial for the community as a whole instead of cherry picking things you miss from WoW, ect... As members of the council you guys have an obligation to represent the community as a whole not just the groups you prefer. If being impartial is a problem then perhaps there should be some adjustments made to the council.
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  13. Weapon meX New Player

    i can't wait till they release the awesome!!!

    I do think it will come, it fits into the whole White Lantern thing...sooo we might be shooting multi spectrum light soon!!
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  14. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    Any idea? Are you hosting this thing?
  15. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I'd rather have people on the council who know how to play the game and understand the issues that affect all players not just a group that pushes for trinkets they want or for feats named for there buddies . It a safe bet that this kind of stuff will go on were important issues that affect the community are forgotten or just pushed aside for silly stupid stuff that doesn't help make the game a better experience for all players .
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  16. Weapon meX New Player

    This is all DCUO Community driven, and i am glad to hear the good news. Maybe in the near future i can hold an event related to unicorn trinkets, but we will have to wait and see. I'f they are sell-able or trade-able then its ON!! like cheech and chong, for an event.

    Congrats to everyone who supported the unicorn agenda. You showed everyone what constant; united player demand and social media together, can do, to make your voices/texts heard and get results.
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  17. JRsoFLY_123 Committed Player

    Not to bring negativity, but why exactly are you guys so content on a unicorn trinket in the game right now?
  18. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    Okay thanks :)
  19. Collector New Player

    Personally I think the issue is a lot bigger than just this Unicorn Trinket, I think it is just a catalyst about the real problems at DCUO.

    Because honestly what I really want to know is how someone who has obviously never read a DC comic in her life (maybe looked at one, but never read it) and also obviously never played video games, let alone an MMO, gets a job as the creative director for an MMO Video Game based on Comics?

    Yeah ok she is pretty hot (question answered)
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  20. Trexlight Devoted Player

    I wont speak for the other people on the council, I'll speak for me. You have your information crossed wired somewhere or got fed incorreect information. Some members on the council liked the idea as a fun lil gesture and off shoot. This isnt something the Council came up with, this was an idea that stemmed from the League the Revengencers. I first heard of this Last year at SOE and after hanging with some of the members and getting to know fellow players, I joined and supported this "Unicorn Agenda". The things we discuss on amongst the Council cannot be shared cause we are under an NDA but rest assured, there isnt a thread on Unicorns from us or the Devs.

    The topics we discuss are for the community and help to inform Devs feedback or concerns from the community. If you dont like this little fun item, then you can destroy it when you get it, Unicorns dont respond well to negativity.
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