Casual Solo Player's Guide from CR 30 to CR 84

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Arenis, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Excellent guide!

    I know a lot of people shy away from the "Can't Stop" CC mission, but I think you should re-evaluate it after GU31. With the additional zoom out steps, it's really easy now. You earn 20 MoTs in about 1 min. Even if you go 2-3 rounds, it goes by faster than the infiltrators. Another note on this mission is the villain side doesn't have the same lag because of population... it bugs less. On the hero side, you often have to nab 11 to get credit for 8.

    At T3, the Monarch/Deathstroke solo is just as quick as STAR Labs. The villains don't have this luxury at the same point in the game.
  2. Arenis New Player

    Yeah, the Monarch Playing Card is my favourite Solo for T3 other than Star Labs (the Riddler's voice really takes up a lot of time... :( ). I haven't tried the CC Can't Stop Mission since the Fix you mentioned, maybe I should go try it out and if its playable now, it should be added to the Guide.
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  3. Arenis New Player

    There, done with Section 4, the Guide is FINISHED! :)

    Hopefully that will help people new to Modding, especially those trying to get to CR 70 that have no experience with Mods. And I hope the Posts are now more readable (or cute...) with various colors :p

    BTW Shadowdragon, I went back to try the Can't Stop mission again last evening, and I must say it has become a lot easier. That said, it still seems a terrible Drag. It took me about 8-10 minutes to complete all 8, and though it was a short time it felt very long and was terribly unenjoyable ^^;; especially when the one you are chasing crosses path with another running NPC that looks the same, or when it heads off the field and you risk running into lampposts onto buildings etc and losing him. Not to mention irritating "Whatever you're doing, I think it's working!" then in a while he just despawns. UGH.

    Still I look forward to Flash no longer zapping me into "Running" mode, though in any case, I doubt I'll be dropping by Central City in future.
  4. Vulmyss Dedicated Player

    Central city is a giant pain. I can never find groups for it(when I was at the cr for it) and the quests gave entirely too little mot.
  5. Vulmyss Dedicated Player

    Oh and man I noticed a couple of things, I don't think you added them, but you may have.
    Firstly, rings and necklaces, do they still drop from lock boxes? Haven't seen any, ever. Where they DO drop is in the vault, so if you didn't say that, you should mention it.
    Secondly, with t4, you can get to 80 Unmodded, perhaps even 81, I forget. Just need some more gear besides tier gear.
  6. Arenis New Player

    Thank you, totally slipped my mind! :) Added mention of Vault Drops of Accessories in 2.0 now.
    AFAIK, they still drop from Promethium Lockboxes. I had 2 Necks drop from those when I was T3.

    Hmm, because of the prohibitive 50,000 MoT cost from T4, I wouldn't suggest going after the full set. Not when I can easily hit CR 84 with 1 piece of T4, Type I and II mods in T3.5 (Corrections/Biohazard set), and CR 74-78 Accessories
  7. PortgasD Well-Known Player

    Absolutely amazing guide! I have been following it closely and with the help of raids it makes the whole process clear and enjoyable. Thank you!!
  8. Sevanity New Player

    Thank you so much for this...

    Somebody give this guy a job!
  9. Defibrillate New Player

    Great job at this man. I just want to ask if there are any accessible raids or alerts for Hands of Trigon? I've been wanting to get a new DLC pack that has T5. I don't have a problem in looking for raid groups too. So should I still buy Hands of Trigon(since they drop level 85) or go for Origin Crisis instead?
  10. Superbeasteh New Player

    By far the best constribution i've seen here on the forums. i salute you sir for the hours you must've spent to create this. You have no idea how helpful especially the math and calculations have been for me. o7
  11. Defibrillate New Player

    I guess all he needs to update is the PVP gear suggestion for playing PVE solo since the PVP gears aren't working in PVE instances anymore. :)
  12. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    So I have Home turf DLC and Sons of trigon... I know SoT is going to be impossible for me to get to without getting other DLC but I just got it for Celestial.

    Will I be able to get to any of the Home Turf Content without buying other DLCs?
  13. IdontDps Committed Player

    ht is t4 so mod your ht gear with 4s and you'll be 84 then farm raven
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  14. Prindacerk Committed Player

    This is an excellent guide. However, I do think it would benefit from an update with the recent changes. PvP gear in PvE is not valid anymore. And I believe T3 gear value is lesser than 30k marks now. So maybe some revision is in order.
  15. neuroaxon New Player

    I just recached lvl 30 for the 1st time last night. My question, since the PvP gear is not valid for PvE anymore, which do you suggest I purchase? My CR is 31 currently, and only have 84 MoTs. Should I just do dailies to earn more MoTs?
  16. Prindacerk Committed Player

    The guide is mostly valid. So I would follow the South Gotham approach after reaching level 30. However, since you cannot use PvP, I would advise getting the 1 MoT gear from the vendor with whom you have reached the renown. If you haven't reached it (you will be close to one of it), check which one is the closest to 1000. And do that faction's solo mission and get the renown. Reason why you get those gears is so that you can do South Gotham easier. And you already have 84 MoT. You can spend 8 of it (only if you don't have any level 34 gear) for this.

    Then you can start buying T1. Get the high value items first (guide mentions them in order). By the time you get 3 of the top items, you should reach CR 43. Then go after T2 solo missions (I would start with Catwoman's mission as more gear drops more in that mission). And start saving marks for the other stuff mentioned in the guide.
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  17. neuroaxon New Player

    So I checked my Renown and I'm at Sentinels of Magic = 360; STAR Labs = 640; WayneTech = 460. Not even close to 1000. Stupid question, how do I gain more Renown? Are those dailies I find around Watchtower? I tried one mission in South Gotham and got killed, pretty badly. Thanks again for you help :)
  18. Prindacerk Committed Player

    Huh. I was nearly 800 in my faction when I reached level 30. Wonder why you missed out. Anyway, while you are close to Star Labs renown, the number of Tier 1 missions are mostly Sentinels of Magic (out of 5 missions, 3 are Magic missions). So try and do the following missions.
    • Science Police Headquarters
    • Mannheim's Chinese Theater
    • Lair of the Spectre
    Each one will give you 125 points. You need 640 in total. So you can reach that in 2 days (without replay badges) by doing each one twice (once a day). It won't give you that much MoT. But after doing it 6 times, you will have 6 MoT (so you only need 2 from your 84 MoT) and necessary renown for Sentinel of Magic. Then you can go to the Magic Wing and buy the gear.
  19. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

    First off thank you for putting this together; awesome as I am someone like this now. In Grad school and maybe play 5-10 hours a week. 16 weeks to go!

    I didn't see it in here; but need to ask. Does anyone have a guide to up your skills points? For most of my 3 characters they are around 35ish. I keep going through the feats, but seems like an endless tasks..
  20. thirty six Loyal Player

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