Server Hotfix - February 11, 2014

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    A hotfix will be applied to all servers tonight during regular restarts. No additional downtime will be required. Players may notice the following changes:

    R&D Vendors
    · Fixed a bug where players who researched the plans for the Restoration I mod and the Nutri-Soder Cola I were unable to purchase the Precision I and Flex-Soder I plans.

    Brothers in Arms / Family Reunion
    · Fixed an issue in the Speed Force tunnel which could have caused extra enemy bosses to spawn.
    · Fixed an issue with the feat “Paradox Patrol” where more than one group contributing to the KO of any of the target iconics might not get credit if another group did most of the damage.

    · John Stewart’s Baseball Bat Swing has had its cooldown increased to 1.5s.

    War of the Light Part 1

    Rage Powers
    · Severe Punishment and Relentless Anger have had their power cost reduced.
    · Updated the tooltip for Infuriate to properly state this ability has a 35% supercharge cost.
    · Severe Punishment and Relentless Anger can now be properly debuffed.
    · Rage Powers used in Tank role will no longer buff your health for each nearby object. They will continue to work for each nearby character.


    Assault and Battery:
    · Ranx and Mogo have been disciplined for their unruly behavior and preventing players from continuing past the maze into the final boss.

    Strike Team
    · The feat “No One Left Behind" has been updated:
    o The prisoners in the room prior to the final boss room of the Armory or Containment Facility no longer need to be freed for the feat.
    o The description for this feat now matches the requirement that players prevent all of the prisoners from being teleported away during the final boss fight in the Amory or Containment Facility.
    · SpecOps: Bleez - Fixed an issue where Bleez would use the wrong light whip attack.

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  2. iPlow New Player

    Looks like a great hotfix, keep them coming!
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  3. Skylez New Player

  4. Remander Steadfast Player

    Speaking of R&D, the listing of plans in the station highlights irreversibly as you scroll through it, making the plans you have the materials to craft difficult to identify within the list.
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  5. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    Thank you for listening to me Mepps :)
  6. Ragecruz New Player

    Another suggestion is the auras can you please put them back to the slim look they had
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  7. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    This right here needs to be done!
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  8. pyroshade13 Committed Player

    so many changes to rage
  9. HalphLife New Player

    I've noticed that using supersonic in the tunnel leading to the Meta Wing causes you to fall into space (directly across from the Little Bohemia teleporter)

    Not sure if this happens across all movement types.

    Thanks Mepps!
    • Like x 1
  10. Little Sister New Player

    Just an FYI, they are releasing the slim versions in the future.
  11. Tobias1978 New Player

    How about fixing retch and Galling Eruption? Sometimes they don't apply plasma burn effect.
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  12. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    PS3 by any chance? That happened to me a fair bit, until I finally started stopping at the threshold and waiting for the rendering to finish.

    Can't say it's happend since I upgraded to the PS4 though.
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  13. Frankzilla Committed Player

    Speaking of r&d there is like extreme lag when creating item such as turning bits into bytes the process takes extra long between each byte. If possible could you take a look usps3 im a farmer so its a bit of a pain.
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  14. darkeus New Player

    lower the cd of outrage, is to much atm!
  15. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    So that's where the spot is I've been wondering for years where it was.
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  16. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    Keep the auras please, they're better than the auras you can barely see
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  17. The_fair_1 Committed Player

    Please just leave the auras the way they are now and just work on making slim versions. I just hate how the slimmed down version you only saw like half of the aura and the other half you had to work to see now you can see them and they're not bright enough to take out any looks of your character. And any word if you guys are changing violence cool down to match severe punishment? My timing is off on tanking because of that.
  18. xNERFxTHISx New Player

    So how is this going to affect pve if relentless anger is now able to get debuffed ?or is it just pvp , and how does this debuff work on a tank ?just wondering as this is mechanics to rage .... What now i cant pvp ....because you can debuff an ice tank and they are still op....
  19. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    I like it, can we get love for electricity and earth In a home fix in 2014, pretty please?
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  20. light FX Steadfast Player

    hmmm seems a lil strange that we waited 5 months for dlc9 and the rage power and there has been how many hotfixes 2 that power now? And I am BEGGING u 2 please make dlc10 a challenge, waiting 5 months for a dlc with 1 raid and 2 alerts and feats that my league finished in a week is not a challenge, most people I know are already bored with dlc9, please please please make harder content!
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