PvP Community

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Cuddle, Nov 10, 2013.

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  1. Giggles Loyal Player

    Ok the tiny amount of PvE is my opinion, however after just recently leveling a new character for my wife and getting her up to T4 on that character, I can tell you it is extremely easy. That's why I say it requires a tiny bit of effort, but to each their own I suppose.

    See I don't think core strength gives Tanks and Healers that much damage anymore now that we can all Debuff. I understand why they added it and Debuffs. Now despite the RPS system we are all sitting at 100% base damage with the ability to Debuff one another. Core strength is no longer a problem. It is nicely balanced now. I have no problems with Tanks, my counter role having it, and I have no issues with Healers doing more damage.

    Technically, the fact that we can strip a DPS' shields means that can in fact be debuffed. Just saying. However, a DPS % Debuff couldn't hurt.

    Are you not playing the game when you hit "e" to pick up each node? Are you not playing when you are flyng in search of the next node? The answer is yes, like t5 raids, they aren't fun but we have to put in the time if we want the rewards. :)

    That's assuming you can even find other roles on the villain side. You should know better than anyone else as a villain outer issei a pretty dead. To expect people torque up with the right roles to try to win is ridiculous. You just proved how absurd that was with your last comment. You see, you can still que up with your perfect team to give you an advantage, and those who do not have the rolladex you and I have can actually sacrifice a power on their tray in order to stand a chance against a team like you described. That again was the whole reason for them being added. To give everyone a fair shot at winning, and it no longer be about who has the better team set up role wise, but instead who has the better team from a skill perspective. Thanks for proving my point. ;)

    You also proved you are trying to force people to search for perfect teams instead of just playing to have fun, which is exactly why "competitive PvP" is as dead as it is, no one enjoys cookie cutter PvP, except the few of you who keep trying to force it down everyone else's throats because no one wants to play your little games. If you all want it so bad, write each other's names down and go play with each other, your problem would be solved. :)

    They only removed it from TDM to appease the vocal minority. I highly doubt they will remove it entirely from Arena as 5v5 and 8v8 TDM are usually the less populated maps in this game, which ironically is where the vocal minority is. Competitive PvP has always been a niche. Just because it is dying a slow miserable death does not mean PvP is dying. It simply means that old and tired cookie mentality is finally almost dead. Which is a good thing, at least in my opinion.

    We can also earn PvP marks in legends in the new season, FYI. :)
  2. Giggles Loyal Player

    I saw the sarcasm, however, unlike weapons, plans, consumables, the HT trinkets and PvP Debuffs are not luck based. They are all available to everyone. You can run solos, duos, alerts to pay for HT items. It's extremely easy. You don't even need to raid to pay for those. Obviously raids are the quickest way, but you guys keep acting like it is the only way, and for that reason you are wrong. However, they already said they would be limiting PvE items in PvP so it won't be an issue for long. :)
  3. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Until I can use a single debuff and Debuff all DPS, there is not a DPS debuff.

    I have to carry 3 moves to debuff DPS? that's absurd, they carry 1 for healers, or 1 for tanks, or 1 for troller, they can choose to take all of them, but it's a choice they make.

    If i want to set up to debuff DPS... nope I have to have 3! you call that balance?
  4. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    if it's not fun, it shoudln't be in the game. The idea of having us "just put in the time" is a terrible look for a VIDEO GAME.
  5. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Hmm, I could easily respond to this with "stop QQing, suck it up and find a healer, troller, and tank. Or better yet queue up for legends, problem solved." It would be a very Giggles-esque response.

    However, I think I'm finally getting some insight into you. You don't actually like roles do you? I mean, it's kind of absurd to be complaining that healer/tank/troller is cookie cutter when 90% of MMOs use this format. It's also pretty obvious that premades have an advantage over pugs, which is how it should be since it encourages teamwork / social interaction. Perhaps what you need is a Group Queue and Solo Queue like guild wars (Solo Queue meaning you have to solo queue in case that wasn't obvious).
  6. Poetic Play Committed Player

    Their response to why it was being removed was because no one was actually getting knocked-out in TDM matches and/or taking too long for knock-outs to happen, thus slowing the pace down. They said it would be removed from TDM but kept in more objective based matches since HT (in their opinion) is works better in objective type Arenas.

    The reason I say PvP is "dying" is because, in my experiences, ques are taking longer and longer for months now. My PvP ranking is not high, so my matches should theoretically pop faster than people who have higher ratings. Those are just my experiences and I don't try to speak for any majority, just what I've personally seen and my opinions. XD

    In all reality, we are all the "vocal" minority simply because the forum users are the minority of the game in general. So whether I say PvP is dying, or you say PvP is thriving, we're both vocal minorities. We don't have the info Devs have to see how many out of the population are actually frequently queing to PvP. I personally don't believe the Devs use our little qualms with each other on here as their deciding factors in decisions often. I think they use their hard data. So by all these changes that are coming that are reverting PvP somewhat back a step (lockouts being removed, marks being gained in Legends, and Home Turf trinkets being removed in TDM type Arenas), I believe that shows that their data is showing that these are all issues causing PvP to be less popular since their implementation. I think all of it is for the better, and apparently so do the Devs.

    Btw, I've only heard of the trinkets being removed from TDM. Nothing about mods, are they talking about removing those as well?

    And yes! That is a good thing for me that marks and lockouts are being reverted to how they were before. I love gear+skill > skill not being a factor in PvP and that will probably be the Season 2 highlight for me! :)
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  7. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Well technically trollers do have a damage debuff. I seem to recall that it removes the damage bonus in pvp and reduces damage output by 7% (?) in pve. I do get your point though, debuffs are class-specific instead of role-specific.
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  8. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    You know how nice a shield block on those PVE gear dps would be like they can do to me with just a healer debuff.
  9. Sarien Well-Known Player

    I quoted this only to keep you from being able to change it. They didn't add the cooldowns because of the "cost". It only cost, if you just flat out bought the mats every time. The plans were available for everyone. The mats were all easily had in open world farming. Just as easy as you say running raids to power home turf nonsense is. Just as easy as you say access to mods are. Easier really. They changed it because the constant everybody debuffing everybody else / chugging serums game wasn't fun, and wasn't what the game was supposed to be. HINT. HINT.

    I don't think you even bother to think about your particular brand of nonsense that you write.
  10. Letum New Player

    This might not be about the pre-made, "competitive", PvP scene but I would definitely like to see more content added to open world PvP. GW2 did this perfectly;)
  11. Poetic Play Committed Player

    Territory Wars! Leagues/Factions battle to claim the various districts through-out Metro and Gotham.
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  12. Letum New Player

    Yes! Devs listen to us, we pull better ideas out of our bums than anything you could come close to dreaming about:p
  13. Letum New Player

    But really that would be amazing >->.
  14. Eminence Dedicated Player

    Im not trying to come off as a fan boy, BUT they do listen...
    It takes time for them to add things that we suggest, but atleast they add it. I'm sure they have a lot of ideas for open world pvp, but with pvp being a small part of the game, it'll be awhile til they add something like you had in mind. If you feel like you have a good idea, start a thread and see what others think about it.

    Anyone that feels deeply about removing movement debuffs from 4s, 5s and 8v8 arenas, should start a thread on that specific topic.
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  15. Giggles Loyal Player

    They added the cool downs because the few did we're able to spam each match had an unfair advantage over those who could not afford or have the means to match a batch for every match. So what they did by giving everyone Debuffs balanced it all. No longer are Healers subjected to a single Controller wiping the floor with them, now they can fight back and Debuff a Controller, as can any other role. Again if this was a one way street I would agree with you, but the fact we all have access to the same Debuffs, and have the same potential as far being debuffed by our opponents it's a non issue. The only issue is that a small vocal minority is complaining because they are either A) having trouble adapting (Your case) or B) They are upset that premade vs premade PvP is not popular anymore, therefore they are trying to get it changed so people have to have the "right team" set up to compete ( Karasawas case).

    If you guys don't like it, go use scrimmage with like minded people. The only people with issues, is the same handful of people who were against them in the first place. You are pretty funny. It was never a problem being debuffed Hanuman, it was the fact everyone could cleanse and completely avoid the debiffs that messed it all up. Hence why cleanses aren't as powerful as debuffs, again it's about skill now, not role superiority, you ice tank, you. ;)
  16. Giggles Loyal Player

    See I don't know, I queue and I get a pop within 2 minutes. The only thing I can think of effecting your queue times is the time you play at. But like you said, we will not know, we just have our own queue times to go by.

    I do definitely agree with you no one dying in TDM for removing HT and I am not opposed to that either. I feel no one dying in 5's is the reason for those matches and competitive PvP dying.

    I definitely agree as well that season 2 will be great. Between the legends and lockout changes, the PvP gear finally being superior to PvE gear again, and soon PvE gear being limited in PvP will be great. They said nothing about the mods being removed though. I do remember saying they were adding some kind of PvP only mods that were comparable to expert. I just can't remember where. :)
  17. Giggles Loyal Player

    That's just it though, while we have no trouble with that, the majority of the community does. Hence why they pug. You can't force people to play a specific way and expect them to have fun. Again just because you like it does not mean others do. Your ability to create and play a team in a perfect role set up was not hindered. So I see no reason why you are against the Debuffs other than you are having trouble adding to the new strategies being created by everyone utilizing the new tools given to us.

    I could easily call your logic of needing certain team make ups to PvP a "crutch", since you need specific roles to support you, but again to each their own, which is exactly why the system is working fine the way it is. You can play the way you prefer as can everyone else. Your argument about 90% of MMOs is flawed only because this is the most unique MMO in existence when it comes to PvP, so again more choices are always better than less choices. Just because "all the cool kids are doing it" doesn't mean you have to as well. I for one am happy DCUO is taking their MMO in an entirely different direction. It is what sets our game apart from the rest. :)
  18. Giggles Loyal Player

    Actually if you turned of your selective reading for a second, he said that you all say you ignore me, yet you continue to respond to me. If you choose to ignore me, that is your business, however I have said many times before. When you ask for changes that I feel would hurt the game, I will respond accordingly.

    In your particular case, you feel because people do not actively premade, changes should be made to force people to want to premade. I totally disagree with that logic, simply because people aren't going to premade and PvP if they don't feel like it. Period. :)
  19. Giggles Loyal Player

    Like you said it is a choice. To expect to be able to Debuff and fight off a mob of equal level players is absurd. You carry the Debuffs you feel you will need to fight back. Example, I normally carry the Tank Debuff and play in Troller role. So I can effectively Debuff 2 classes, not just one. As a healer I carry the Controller debuff and fight in healer role. As a Tank I carry the Healer Debuff and fight in Tank role. I hardly ever use DPS role, I will only use it when asked by my team. I just don't think it's a good role for PvP personally.

    If you as a Healer carried the Controller Debuff, you too could Debuff 2 out of 3 possible enemies, to Debuff the 4th you just need to block and counter, no biggie. Like you said you choose your load out, so plan accordingly. Nobody can Debuff everyone at any given time, unless you make some huge sacrifices, which of course is not needed, but to each their own. :)

    In short, no one role is the answer to fighting against all roles. Just plan accordingly and be prepared to adapt on the fly. :)
  20. Letum New Player

    Thanks for the prompt ;3.

    There is my proof.
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