Whats Quantum Troll good at?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by KeyuBaN, Nov 24, 2013.

  1. KeyuBaN New Player

    Okay soo,

    Gadgets - Balanced
    Hard Light - Crowd Control
    Mental - Debuffs
    Quantum - ?

    My guess was that they were good at providing power out, but all controllers are equal in that. Do you guys know what quantum is good at?

    also what is the best weapon for a quantum troll to use. I know that it depends on the player and stuff and what they like, but I honestly like all weapons only really, besides staff. I know that I want a ranged weapon as a troller fersure. I currently am using a shield because I saw others using it, tried it myself, and it's really good for clipping. did I make a good choice? what's your recommendation for a weapon that fits the playstyle of a quantum troll?

    Thank you guys in advance! :)
  2. Meta Flare New Player

    This may sound like a bad answer but everything.

    Has the super shield, has q tunnel and personal shield to pick people up with and has great cc in the form of slowing so enemies can't attack or just freezing them in time.

    Also it makes for a good melee range troll if you switch to it from hard light.
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  3. Meta Flare New Player

    Also....it's very pretty to look at.
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  4. Infinity New Player

    I believe the debate over best troller class comes down to Grandeur vs Quantum Tunneling. Otherwise Mental and Quantum are pretty similar. I don't think the other troller classes excel at anything, more like they are deficient at something. Gadgets has no power giving shield SC, and HL doesn't have ranged debuffs.
  5. Infinity New Player

    And rifle or HB are generally considered the best troller weapons.
  6. Obsisteret Well-Known Player

    This is false. Entrap (defense debuff), Snap Trap (health debuff), Light Blast (health debuff) and Grasping Hand (damage debuff) all work on mid to long range. Even Light Weight (damage debuff) might work on range, but never tried it.
    To OP: I see all the controller powers as equal with all of them shining on certain areas. For me Quantum is by far the best power for mobility and picking people up.
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  7. EPHEMERAL titan New Player

    Gadgets for troll might not be great but man for dps it really is something...you can spam photon single attack..enemies melt..i still remember when my gadget dueled some 30 in the station who thought he was cool because he won some duels in a row..photon..gas attack..drink potion for blue..more photon...another gas attack (it is only a 25% supercharge cost..most effective attack for its cost bar none) in seconds his thousands in health were gone and he was so stunned from the attacks he never even got to swing his weapon...i was lvl 20 i think...very fun duel...too bad it didn't last very long...lol...
  8. ScifiToilet New Player

    quantum tunneling. that alone makes quantum the best troll class.
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  9. mgkaenzo Committed Player

    entrap DEBUFF is exactly the same range as whiptrash until you clip it. Entrap range is prettty much like blight in celestial.
    Then quantum is the best troll, it has group like that gadget don't have, it has QT and one shield where hl only have 1 shield and gadget and mental have like a second shield (not exactly a shield but for PvE it's pretty much like a shield) instead of QT, it also have a +10 vit as hl on bonus tree, also ranged debuff and op CC as gadget. Then for trolling the main things is still power out and debuff so instead the +10 vit it'll not give more power as other powerset and exept the hl defense debuff ( btw you 2 troll so the second would do it ) it doesn't have better debuff. QT is the only thing that really make the difference imo because with a tank CC is useless and even lots of time bad.
  10. Delta795 New Player

    What? Entgrap is roughly 1-1.5 times the distance of whips which is plenty far to keep you outta harms way (it's essentially the same as snaptrap) Grasping hand, light blast and light weight can hit as far as anything else. The only thing we DO NOT have is an aggro dump.

    As far as excelling at anything again WRONG. Mental is fantastic at debuffs & PI's...same for gadgets. HL specializes in power regen (I can regen faster than any other power using brawling and constructs = more power to the group. We are also very good at pulls and CC (I have 2 pulls and lightblast is arguably the best group stun in the game. Quantum being the last controller power is probably the most well rounded. you can debuff from range and have good stuns and an agro dump. It's only deficiency is it DOESN'T do anything great and power costs seem to be too high unless you are Pot...weapon combo...power dump weapon combo. BORING!!!

    I will give you the tunneling is a cool move, but not a game changer. Please stop posting things you obviously have no idea about
  11. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    Battle Drone is getting fixed so the Power out scales from vit. I don't think the shield makes much of a difference. Either way, its nice but the goal of the SC is to provide power and at that rate the healer should be able to spam.

    HL now has ranged debuffs. Entrap is now a defense debuff. Grasping hand is a damage debuff. Light blast is a healing debuff. Still no range PoT tho. I'd like to see Impact become a PoT but who knows if that'd ever happen.

    All troller powers are very well balanced and work almost the same. The main difference would be Power interactions, number of adds that can be controlled and range of powers. I'll concede that Mental can CC more adds than the other powersets(and easier) but the moves that do that would overwrite a DPS and probably shouldn't be used. I think its all preference right now.
  12. Heartsbane Committed Player

    Have you ever played with gadgets? The powers almost have zero cooldowns. A lot of them also have a decent amount of burst damage. Add all of that with the PI's and DoTs and you have a fantastic controlling powerset. Possibly, the most well rounded and versatile controlling power.
  13. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    As for Quantum it is a well balanced set. a quantum player can get an extra 10 vit(same as HL). Quantum has good CC stuns and quick burst power animations. It doesn't have many DoTs(for some that can be appealing so not to worry about overwriting). It has two shields and a shield power SC. I think that Quantum can play melee(time tree is especially good for this) or range(Space tree better for this). Both tree's are viable. It uses PI's in a similar way to mental( applying then capitolizing PI's).

    Example troll loadouts
    Tachyon Burst(PoT will stun two targets if close to each other)
    Singularity(range defense debuff can root and stun 3-5 adds or so if bunched up)
    Temp Exortion(power Dump)
    Al Wave or Warped Reality(A wave is a damage debuff that will knock back adds and apply gravition charge for singularity. Warped Reality is the weapon buff and will apply Graviton Charge and cause stun)
    Quantum Tunneling or Time Bubble(teleport aggro dump or shield)
    Event Horizion(power super charge will apply shield to team)

    Whatever weapon you like to use is the best to use. I will say that for a controller a range weapon is more preferable(we're squishy). HB, Pistols, Bow, Rifle are a good choice for range(fast hit counter to tier 2 power regen). Melee troll weapon at range is pretty much just MA since the shurikens can get your hit counter up fast as well. A melee weapon will give you a 15% damage increase and a 20% control resistance increase. It's shurikens are weaker than flurry shot by the numbers tho. Still its all preference.

    If your going to be using melee powers than a melee weapon would be best.

    If you have any other questions hit me up. I'll try to answer best I can.
  14. Infinity New Player

    Does defib cooldown faster? How do fast cooldowns help for controlling? How do burst damage, PI's, or DoT's help controlling?

    The troller classes instant and PoT work pretty similarly. Gadgets lacks a power giving SC shield and must rely on WoP or Speed Drain. Gadgets does have good ranged debuffs tho.
  15. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    I dislike trolling with Rifle the most. I have trolled with HB, Pistols, Bow and MA and all work well. Bow however has an advantage that you can clip Flurry Shot animation.
  16. Infinity New Player

    Entrap doesn't really have much more range than whips. HL lacks a long range defense debuff. And it encases, which is not ideal for the DPS.
  17. Infinity New Player

    Rifle if good because you can just tap>instant>tap>instant>tap>instant with grenade.
  18. Infinity New Player

    Battle Drone should be buffed to be useful.
  19. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    It is going to be buffed to work off of Vit. Not sure when the devs will roll it out tho.
  20. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    How is mental best for debuffs?

    As for what someone said for mental and quantum having grandeur or Q tunneling. Quantum is better on power points if you want to get both the break out and the other self shield. Which for quantum the break out is a nice, "run away" move for boss specials.
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