Friday Night Legends: Episode 23!

Discussion in 'Friday Night Legends' started by Mepps, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    I want Al to be Al.
    You're completely entitled to voice your opinion.
    I voiced mine.
  2. BigAl Devoted Player

    Thank you, sir. :D
  3. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    Thank you too. :)

    Like I said. Great show.
  4. BigAl Devoted Player

    We had two goals going in.
    1. Win and look good, because you're on live streaming (no one wants to look bad and lose).
    2. Provide viewers with a good show and have fun.
  5. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    lol I was pretty much done...but IMHO, I think #2 should only be anyone's concern.

    Had you guys been the ones that lost (because, let's face it, there's always going to be a winner and a loser), I still would've thought that you guys were a solid league and did a great job, just like I think that Who Cares presented themselves really well.

    Sure. Nobody likes to look bad, and I suppose if you do you face the wrath of much of the community.
    Not me, though.
    I'm just looking for the guys that like to have a good time.
  6. tukuan Devoted Player

    Not really complaining, IRL my name gets beaten up all the time so I mostly found it amusing that everytime the names were pronounced differently. I suspect the Jens does this quasi-intentionally as part of the schtick to get us to comment..
  7. SuperiorMouse New Player

    congratulations to both groups. you both did very well. :) it was a very compelling set of matches!
  8. BigAl Devoted Player

    Lol, I never said you had to reply. :p

    We wanted to have a good time more than anything, but seriously, no one wants to lose. I wouldn't have been horribly upset with a league loss (as long as I looked good;)). Its natural human behavior to be competitive and want to win. :)

    Yea, I'm starting to think the same thing. Just to get a rise out of people.
  9. Sore Steadfast Player

    I just caught the replay. Great show. I very much enjoyed it. Was the second match DPS/Heal vs. Troll/Heal or were they both DPS/Heal?
  10. Daemonic Visions Committed Player

    Me and Dread were Ice, both went in as Tank, we "discussed" if we needed a DPS, but never came to an answer, so both went in as Tank role and each of us held the node while we had Bow whose a Troller, and Bad as a Healer. I admit was a nice set up against think was 1 Healer 2 Trollers and 1 DPS. Well, to me it seemed that was what we were up against.

    I think the DPS was a healer type as well because my healer debuff seemed to place a red shield on them, the true healer would run off when I debuffed them, so mainly I was always up against dps or troller types, it made things easier being in my role.

    I mainly had BadTank (Healer) with me, they would focus on him, but enough to beat him and I would beat them being in low health, and when Spytle said there was a double kill on the other node, if you could have seen the chat, you'd see my name pretty often, and that troller/dps double kill came from me and was able to lock in a few blue points before they came back to challenge me.

    BadTank and me were fresh 84's for this FNL, I think I was able to afford to mod mine more, but we held out well. Was nice to dent in the new gear and get to shine as well, things like this makes me want to PvP more.
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  11. BigAl Devoted Player

    I told ya, I do better in tank role, but can't reveal my secrets. ;)
    I think the dps could have been a tank class, as well. I have noticed sometimes that my healer debuff will work on some tanks....odd.
    BT used to pvp, but stopped for quite a long time. And anytime you wanna pvp and I'm know where to find me. :)
  12. Sore Steadfast Player

    Great info! I said the second match but meant the first, 2v2.
  13. Daemonic Visions Committed Player

    Deathlolli is Earth Tank and Mr Magic is Sorc, Think the other side was Healer/DPS. Lolli said he'd get them close to death but not enough before they could pop a soda or something else. Deathlolli said he was kicking himself in that match for misjudging one of the guys in there thinking he was another power, so him and magic had no debuffs to help them out. It was a nice warm up to get our fet wet to know what we were up against, we became more prepared for the other 2 battles. :)
  14. Breakforce Loyal Player

    Who was that Canadian chap that they were making fun of how he pronounces the letter Z?

    Always gotta watch out for my fellow countrymen.

    In a recent Splinter Cell science lecture, he was explaining to us the story of Pavlov's dogs. Apparently, when the dogs rang the bell, Pavlov would bring them food.

    It was golden.
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  15. Daemonic Visions Committed Player

    That be Bow Sting. Him and Lolli and few others are Maple Northerners.

    They were talking about doing a thicker Canadian accent after they heard that comment too, about him being English or something, detailing how Brits and Candians have unique different accents lol..
  16. BigAl Devoted Player

    I think it was troll/heals. Got more than we expected at first, but I think we recovered fine.
    Hindsight, we may have wanted a different speaker. Bow is a great guy, but he doesn't have the lively personality that Jens/Mepps can play off. On a sad note, he said I can't do it next time....I may be too pushy asking for weapon back styles and be such a pain that they won't invite us back. :(
  17. Breakforce Loyal Player

    Hahaha cool!

    I can hide my accent reasonably well . Although a couple of beers in, and yeah it comes right out, (and contrary to popular belief, we do not say aboot, it is actually more along the lines of aboat)

    I am pretty sure The Revengencers are pretty well banned from being on any future FNL......... for obvious reasons.

    But if we do, I really want Splinter Cell to speak for us.
  18. Rumour Committed Player

    @Breakforce, they were making fun of Waterfall, not me. That would also explain why Waterfall was a great player, us Canucks are awesome. :p Also we're not afraid of the dark! :eek:

    I apologize to everyone for my dull personality, I didn't prepare anything for the event. I was tempted in breaking out my Canadian Chinese accent, but decided not to. :D

    @BigAl you're fired! :mad:

    If FR makes another appearance on FNL, the viewers will have a choice of Bill Clinton, Nick Cage, or Dracula as a rep for Freedom Reborn. :eek:
  19. Breakforce Loyal Player

    Of course we aren't. We don't even get sun at all for four straight months, so I think we are used to it by now.

    I mean, I think we can all agree that being in the light is much more comfortable. And sure everyone gets the heebie jeebies when someone suddenly shuts the lights out. Who wouldn't let out a girlish scream when that happens?

    But afraid? No way!
  20. tukuan Devoted Player

    I had thought it was Waterfall when he was spelling Cazwik's name to get thrown into the nightclub. WF, Gonosz and myself are all Canadian although Gonosz lives in the UK.

    FYI I am a little afraid of the dark....