Celestial Powerset Guide/Discussion

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Kristyana, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. thelostczarnian New Player

    ive tried ma vs hb in t5. maybe it will be different with celestial combos but wasnt work that great for quantum for sure. beast for new dlc content though with smoke bomb.
  2. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Yeah, the reason I say HB is pooey for Celestial is there is not a situation where I'll be using the weapon attacks that much. I'll weave in a tap or quick hold here and there in between power uses, doing Solar Flame will be less dps than just tapping and continuing on to the next power.

    Retribution is at ~1850 dps with my stats, Solar Flame is about 1700. So i'll want to move strait to retribution skipping the chance to do any good attacks with HB, i'd rather just throw a tap and clip. So since I'm just tapping why not go with the weapons that are better for that?

    Of course this is for how I play Celestial. It is not the only way to play Celestial. There's actually some interesting might powers, I doubt it'll be ideal but I'm sure someone out there will come up with a full might loadout and HB may be a solid option.
  3. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    A bit soon for a guide.
  4. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Couldn't read the first sentence could ya :p Like kryst said, it's a skeleton, more of a spot for discussion.
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  5. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    Hehe i did read the whole OP still is a bit soon for a guide, for discussions; wasnt there a thread in the powers sub forum? Anyways, hope the thread becomes constructive and helpful :)
  6. thelostczarnian New Player

    hmmm brawling might work better for this experiment but havent seen it in the 87 cr flavor but its (brawling) taps and holds do more damage for sure. if it comes down to just taps i would recommend rifle of course but you already mentioned that possibility
  7. BLK Well-Known Player

    really really want to see a healing load out :(
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  8. Clip New Player

    Dont quote me on that but i think if u clip brawling while hold range attack the enemy will receive no damage, while with martial art it is possible to clip it away
  9. iEarth New Player

    Does anyone know how many Marks of Reality it will cost for the new item level 86 gear being released with the Sons of Trigon DLC?
  10. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    not at all celestial related, but ti's the same prices as the manta gear basically, but a required cr of 95 to purchase.
  11. iEarth New Player

    So for the full set of gear it will cost a total of 400 Marks of Reality?
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  12. Roomba Dedicated Player

    You're in the wrong thread.
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  13. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

    Can wait to make my new person today... after the 3 hour download it seems with my home network!
  14. Fighter Well-Known Player

    Can someone explain the need for dominance as a healer. Is it related to the shields? I know Ice tanks shields use %100 dominance and %100 restoration. Is that the same for shields across the board?!
  15. FeelsGood New Player

  16. Elusian Crowd Control

    Nah all fine :)

    Maybe just RDJ or RWD, I like last more since it describes the powers what all those shorten letters do instead of what you do with it.
  17. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Actually healer shields are 125% resto no dominance... but all in all they are still stronger than the standard shields even for an ice tank (outside of reflection). With 3800 resto that 125% makes it a shield at 4750, where most ice tank shields are <3k more in the 2.5k range.

    FOr dominance IIRC a while back they put an element of dominance in the healing equation. I don't know exactly how it factors that, but it's there.
  18. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Well if this is a build discussion, let's have it. I have been trying the following:

    Blessed (7): Smite, Cleanse, Bless, Admonish, Bendediction, Divine Light, Retribution
    Cursed (8): Haunt, Curse, Death Mark, Defile, Blight, Malediction, Plague, Wither

    ST Range Loadout: Smite, Retribution, Defile, DL, Cleanse, Blessing

    Basically start off with DL>P and Cleanse>Curse ("Cl>Cu"). then SH RW DJ. Bless there for "oh ****". Refresh Curse as need be, it stays on there for a long while. In slower attacking raids like PW, I will probably use Mal here instead of Cleanse.

    AOE Range Loadout: Same as above, except swap out Plague for DL.

    Start off P>DL (assuming mobs are gathered and in a good position... thanks tanks), then retribution and smite until P>DL needs to be refreshed (probably after a cycle of R, S, R, then refresh P>DL). Throw in a Bless>DM as one target gets low to blow him the heck up.

    Melee loadout: Admonish, Retribution, Plague (or DL if it is ST), Cleanse, Death Mark, (blank)

    This is where I'm especially iffy.

    Start with DMB for that awesome shield. Cl>Cu if it's single target. I have been doing PDL, AB, and RW, repeat. Thinking about adding Wither to get that dmg aura on target for begger pulls.

    I don't think I miss Cs>WotP or vice versa too much.

    I am not saying this is the best, but I have been functional with this however. Please scrutinize or offer alternatives.

    EDIT: And of course, props to Elusian for the heads up on RWDJ
  19. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    sometimes i hate this community

    brand new healer power is released and no one even wants to talk about how to heal with it so far

    • Like x 7
  20. Anti Bezz New Player

    Use that one healing power that heals people and you should be good.
    Hope that helps Soul :):p