Blue Lantern

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Vulmyss, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. Cloud_9 New Player

    As it stands, the game is unbalanced. Not enough tank powers means that tanks are outnumbered by healers and Controllers have a better chance of not running into a tank. The last set of powers were released one after the other, and it's logical to want to fix theBalance problem as soon as possible.

    Is DLC9 confirmed to have a power? No. What are the odds of it not having one? Slim to none.
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  2. Happy Cat Well-Known Player

    One thing I found interesting was that if you read the transcript he did say that there would be a new lantern powerset "that is not really a color at all" which would mean black seeing how black is not truly a color.
  3. Statman New Player

    I'm pretty sure that was actually in reference to 'exhausting' the Lantern Corps by the end of War of the Light part 3, not in reference to actual playable powers. I'd have to watch the video to double check, but as far as I can remember, there was zero reference to the playable powerset that should be coming in War of the Light.
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  4. Vulmyss Dedicated Player

    Can we have a quote from that said mod who gave that quote, happy cat?
  5. Happy Cat Well-Known Player

    Jens said it, let me find the article
  6. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    On day ONE that the Sons of Trigon DLC was added to the PC test server.... someone posted a screenshot of the folder where the files are located. Sorry can't recall in what thread that was posted.

    But if you play PC... get the PC test client and look thought the game folders.
  7. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    I've been going through the files and I can't seem to find it :( I wonder what other goodies are in here though
  8. Al Mandrake New Player

    just my opinion but I would most likely foresee them doing a new Tank power with Blue and Red lanterns byhaving some powers that channels Defense/Shields to the group( Hope for their safety for Blues, Rage at their being assaulted for Reds). That is of course going by the idea they will do Blue/Reds like they did Green/Yellows, exact same powers just different looks. If they wanted to truly do the Lanterns justice they would make each have its own set of powers, Blues doing the above mentioned channeling of their Hope to protect others and Reds using Rage to channel a % of others' damage to themselves while boosting their own Def. Keep in mind these are just generalized ideas and no I have not fully thought out how they would work.
  9. Happy Cat Well-Known Player

    it was from SOE live, still looking , just a little too buzzed on hydrocodone right now to focus.
  10. Elusian Crowd Control

    Yep that was it. It was a hint to the request if there is a chance to see Black and/or White Lanterns in the game too. Nothing close to be related of smth with a powerset. Just the usual fantasy and wishes of ppl that turned those speculation into hard facts as so often in the past of wild dcuo speculations.
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  11. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Of course... this is pure speculations at this point. Nothing official has been announced. But the clues do suggest more Lantern powers are coming.

    We know that here are Blue Lantern files in the PC test version right now.

    We know that there are files for.... for example Blue Light Power Accrobat.

    I did not see any Green Lantern or Yellow Lantern NPCs that was accorbat. Alll of the NPCs are flyers that I know of.

    The only Lantern Accrobats or Speedster that I have seen so far were players.

    How about you??? Did you see any NPCs Lantern that were accrobats??? or Speedster???

    I cant recall if Spytle sayd that it would be a new power when the absence of color would be introduced. Will let you guess what the absence of color means.

    There will be 3 DLC for War of the Light.

    And we pretty much know that it will end with Blackest Night at this point.

    So three DLCs.....

    DLC 1) Blue and Red (Tank)

    DLC 2) Pink and Indigo (Troll)

    DLC 3) Black and White (the absence of color) ;) (Heal)

    So by the end of the War of the light.... we could have all the Lantern powers covered.

    What about the Orange power you say??? Larfleeze is pretty much the Orange Lantern Corps all by himself. And due to the nature of the Orange Power.... I kind of doubt that players should have acces to the Orange power. But who knows.

    Of course at this point.... this is pure speculation. Or an educated guess if you will.

    All we can do is wait and see what WILL really happen.
  12. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Sorry.... cant recall the thread where this was posted. If I see it again I will let you know.
  13. thenewkidd New Player

    So, since the next power set is "Water" that means the next power for tank is "Blue Lantern"

    Oh wait....

    On a serious note... Speculate all you want, we won't know until it's announced.
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  14. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    So basically you just reworded exactly what I said. :rolleyes:
  15. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    It's actually a gear piece in the GearGroup folder where all the files are kept for the pieces of gear that drop in the game. Every piece of gear in the game has six separate files to account for the six different body types available to us, which is exactly what the Blue Lantern files have. They're most likely not anything to do with NPCs.
  16. Zrusa New Player

    *raises hand* I got a question.
  17. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    You are jumping to conclusions. I have seen these files, they are gear files in the gear folder where all the files for gear drops are kept. NPC files are in a completely different folder and so far there is nothing about NPC Blue Lanterns in the files as of yet.
  18. Statman New Player

    All I was saying is putting it one way comes with connotations, the way Spytle said it doesn't necessarily carry those same connotations (the way I interpret it). I'm not denying there are other hints of things though.

    As for absence of colour, it could be a reference to the whole black and white being a tone, not a colour, I dunno. That's the only thing I made out of that comment, lol.

    Everything to do with DLC9's power is speculation, there is no hard evidence of what the power is, etc. Files on test server I wouldn't call 'hard' evidence, as I'm sure there's many files on things 'in progress' that slip into the test server files, they're just not activated. I mean, I've seen screenshots of many powers that seemingly may never come to anything, Ballistics, Atomic, etc despite having been something in Alpha and Beta versions of the game. For all we know, the "Blue Light Power Acrobat" could be the beginnings of future Legends characters, or it could something going into the character creator (this might be indicated by where it's located, I'm not sure, haven't seen this info!).

    We definitely need to wait to see what's announced though, I think speculating sometimes does more harm than good, lol.
  19. thenewkidd New Player

    Yes, The short little fat kid in the back jumping up and down saying "me, me, me"... your question?
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  20. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I can clarify the whole colour thing Jens was talking about. When it comes to the spectrum of light (I'm talking real world, not just DC) colours work differently than they do in, for example, paint. If you combine all the primary colours in light then they combine to make white. Darkness is the complete absence of light.
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