Blue Lanterns

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Flair, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. LucidityKJ Dedicated Player

    But how close do the green lanterns actually have to be? There may not be a green lantern in your solo instance, but there may be a couple right outside the door.

    I know, I see what you're saying, I'm just trying to play Devil's Advocate and think of some ways they may be able to circumvent that.
  2. Cream Corn New Player

    I understand. My idea would actually work. Having both rings and alternating the power between red and blue for tank and DPS. Since you'd need the blue ring to reverse the effects of red. I'm not the most creative person in the world but its a workable idea that also could go with the concept of "war of light".
  3. LucidityKJ Dedicated Player

    I can see that. I'm not entirely fond of the idea of introducing more lantern powers into the game to be honest, and I find it even more offputting to think of players having BOTH available to them. I understand what you're saying, but to be brutally honest the idea makes me shudder.

    No offense intended to you, I just dislike the idea of seeing players being blue AND red lanterns.
  4. Cream Corn New Player

    If it were up to me there would be no more light powers at all. But if we are to have a tank power in the next dlc, which I do hope for, and it has to do with the spectrum, then they'd have to be creative in the way they implement them.
  5. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    I'll ask you Zod since you seem to be the rainbow warrior supreme, will rainbow powers include a Skittles Super Charge?
    If so, will your enemies be able to taste the rainbow as they fall?
  6. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    Of course! What kind of Rainbow power would it be if it didn't have a Skittles Super Charge?
  7. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    Trudat , I'm all for any power that includes tiny delicious fruity snacks.
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  8. SuperiorMouse New Player

    you're absolutely right. Water IS probably going to be the next power.

    le sigh.
  9. isamunore New Player

    I wouldnt go that far. an ability like hard light shield is a classic Dr. Light power. I'm kinda surprised he isnt in the game as a mid boss or something
  10. Cream Corn New Player

    He just died in one of the justice league comics. War of light refers to lanterns not Dr. Light. although it would be nice to explore some of the minor characters, it seems we are stuck with mostly mainstream ones. As a business decision going mainstream appeals to a wider player base so it makes sense.
  11. isamunore New Player

    he died in 52, for the time being this game is still loosely based off events from earth-1
  12. Cream Corn New Player

    This game is a split reality. There a a comic about this game or at least there was. Never read it or paid attention. As far as the 52 universes go I don't even think DC knows what continuity is what anymore.
  13. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    And sometimes canon (and lore) must give way to game play. Good example? Blackest Night. When Ganthet activates the emergency ring protocols for deputizing others until the combined Corps arrive, it's mentioned that there's a 24 hour time limit on being deputized. Now granted, we don't see the passage of time in the open worlds, but I think it's safe to say that most folks have passed that 24 hour time limit (that is,if that's the lore they're basing the Light powers on). ;)

    If DC gives (or has already given) the "OK" for Lantern-based Tank powers using Blue and Red, that probably means they've also given the "OK" on their explanation of how those powers became available, or have even suggested/submitted their own explanation. There's always going to be quibbling and arguing over how closely something follows canon, but if DC gives approval to it then canon is pretty much a moot point.
  14. Cream Corn New Player

    When Hal was kicked out, Sinestro split his ring and deputized Hal with no restrictions other than "you cant use it against me". Everything the guardians do comes with restrictions "for the good of the universe". Knowing the guardians, do you really think they are the ones who authorized all those deputy rings in game? I think not.
  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    if we have the auras colors that match a core, then you will never see that core as a playable character
  16. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

  17. GalaxySoul1 New Player

    Either way i'm switching to the new tank power if they don't fix Earth. Blue lantern powers sound good for tanking as they could construct lots of shields and have a few pulling moves.
  18. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    i for one would love to see red and blue as tank power sets, but given the roles of blue lanterns they seem to be more like controllers, a blue lantern ring can empower a green lantern to immense strength. red fits the role more than perfectly, id love to spit up some vomit on brainiac to draw his aggro :D
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  19. razor Red New Player

  20. razor Red New Player