Healers with more Precision...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Whodini, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. Willydon305 Well-Known Player

    The more resto the better…...
  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    did this really need a thread?
  3. Buckley Loyal Player

    Apparently yes or you would not have had any thing to comment on. o_O
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  4. Potent New Player

    When I was healing on my main a couple weeks ago, I had 4 Resto/Prec Mods(shoulders/head and 2 rings) The rings were a resto ring/precision affinity and a prec ring/resto affinity.

    I had about 4-500 Prec, and in Nexus/Wave I was pretty much always right under the DPS in damage out, along with having a good power/heal ratio compared to the other healer(I rarely was top healer, but I would usually do about 300K more damage in a raid than the other healer, with only a few hundred thousand less healing, although my power in is usually 1/2-2/3 the other healer's)

    This was with Electric, as well, I ran Extended Supercharge, I would probably have done much more damage running Core Strength.
  5. Gokaigerbay New Player

    Resto/Precision instead of straight precision is a great alternative.
    100 resto difference is NOTHING. 250precision is a lot.

    You will always get more bang for your stat budget going for hybrid mods over pure.
    Resto vs. Resto/Precision mods is either only 20more resto or 36 precision. Almost double the resto.
    If I could, I would trade 200 of my raw resto stat for 400precision in a heartbeat and still be able to solo heal paradox/nexus with ease.

    With the core strength mod, healers being at the bottom in damage is old-fashioned, if you want to just go full resto, go back to FoS raids.

    In T5 raids, with everyone being full t5/expert modded, I'm doing 33-40% damage of a DPS. 40% is a lot, considering most people are still in FoS-mode and many support roles are still doing 10% or less damage than the DPS. This is why so many groups are hitting reinforcements with full t5 DPS. Cause support roles aren't doing their part in helping to burn down the boss.
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  6. Potent New Player

    Competing with the other Healer for Healing out is just as ineffective as trying to compete with a DPS in Damage as a Healer.

    Healer's should not be competing for who can heal more, this only waste's power in the group, as both of you are trying to heal the smallest amount of health first, causing extra power to be used for nothing.

    If you want to "compete" as a Healer, do it with yourself as you said, by trying not to let people die, etc. As well, you can compete with your DPS, by telling them to take as much damage as possible to see if you can heal them through it(kind of like how some Controller's laugh at you and tell you to try and empty your power bar, when you just put your entire loadout on red, and still have a full bar o_O)
  7. Buckley Loyal Player

    just for interest how many of you run around with 3 sets of gear. I don't see the point of it, I don't PvP and I don't like switching rolls, my healer is a healer and I stay in that role. But that's just me.
  8. Potent New Player

    I have no PVP gear, although I have a set of DPS, Tank, and Healer gear in my inventory.

    I switch powers about once a week to keep things fresh.
  9. Potent New Player

    Do not listen to any player that uses the Superman Avatar.
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  10. Toren New Player

    Looking at some of the responses "know your role" is a dying notion lol.

    2 Healers walk into a raid. 1 healer asks the other healer, "what's your precision?"

    Some of you "healers" should switch your role. :(
  11. Willydon305 Well-Known Player

    Wise words from the ****, I mean the tez...
  12. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I have 3 sets, my healer, mt dps and my healer pvp gear. I have 134 sps and I am duel spec. I can go from healer to dps just by switching gear. I have my powers set up for both roles. I keep my pvp gear in the bank because I only pvp once a week.
  13. Toren New Player

    You are correct, forgive my over simplification.
  14. Buckley Loyal Player

    Do you heal or dps in pvp, because then there would be 4 sets of gear for on person that all need mods witch all equal a lot of work. Its hard to think that that much work could be fun.
  15. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I only heal in pvp.
  16. REEEPR New Player

    This guy is thinking outside the box. I do the same thing. Assuming a certain role shouldn't try certain things is a stale and old way of thinking. If you are good at your role already and want to try and add icing to your cake then by all means experiment away. On paper vs in action tends to bring seperate results.

    The groups you play with have an effect on this as well. Good groups leave you with a little wiggle room to customize your playstyle. Not so ggod groups will see you net better benefits using a strong standard setup. Group strength and weakness is probably the most important factor in this discussion. @OP, i assume you have a good group you run with or these thoughts never would have crossed your mind.

    Without thinking outside the box there'd be no exceptional loadouts that do exceptional things. My "Battle bug" nature healer loadout wouldn't exsist and i'd never be that cool healer who did massive healing while landing unexpected spots on the scorecard damage wise.

    If precision is calling out to you OP, answer the call my man. No fear.
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  17. Twilight Man New Player

    Being a Healer with one maxed out skill for healing is great, especially when you have a Tank and DPS watching your back.

    Being a Healer with a high healing skill who also has the ability to defend himself and deal damage is the path I take. Depending on other players has burnt me several times.

    So personally I add mixed mods. Resto+Prec, Resto+Pow, Resto+Health and even Resto+Might.

    I'm a healer who uses his DPS stance pretty often as well depending on the situation. For instance I want to run a Tier 2 Solo Challange...thats DPS stance time for quicker killing and no damage penalty.

    If you're a player comfortable with having one good stat while the other stats lack a little, I'd say go full Restoration.
    If you're a player planning to do more than heal every time you play, I'd say invest in some mixed mods.
  18. Twilight Man New Player

    I keep two sets of gear at all times. One I'm wearing and one I could be wearing.

    This has been my style since long before they added more inventory space. The day we're blessed with the privilege to store our custom gear set ups for multiple scenarios, is the day I become an even more dangerous man in DCUO
  19. Zeikial Committed Player

    rest prec, is the best bang for your dollar, fully t5 modded healer with resto prec will still yield 3400+resto, if you cannot heal any instance with 3400+ resto, 3600 is not going to help. Having 500+ precision with 3400 resto and core strength mod is a bigger help for the team regardless. The problem comes with individual players who do not know when to heal and when to do damage, as a healer you main focus is to heal, your damage will come as your building your combo to help with regenerating you own power, you shouldn't not loose focus on the healing. And in t5 raids most likely you will still be at the bottom, but being at the bottom with 400+ thousand damage is better than being at the bottom with 100+ thousand damage
  20. Toren New Player

    Ok.. should the other roles take the same liberties? Should the tank spec for dps cuz he has enough health.. trollers too? It's fine for lower content but not end game. I do not want to run a T5 raid where everyone is partially spec'd for their role. That's madness.

    Have any of you healers recommending Prec over Resto ever played a team sport?