Dual Trolling Raids

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Rob, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. Rob New Player

    Edited per Request: A thank you to all who positively contributed.

    Lot of atrocious advice on the boards lately about playing the controller role. Pretty sure a thread like this was created long ago, anyway...........

    Optimal Weapon = Hand Blasters. Spam Hold, Tap or Hold, Hold ranged. Clip the Tap or second Hold with Power Dump. Should be every three seconds or so. If both Trolls are doing this, Power will NOT be an issue the entire raid.

    Understand that your weapon will do more damage than your powers, PI or no PI. It isn't even close. Using your powers for damage is completely irresponsible.

    1. Whoever has the highest Vit is responsible for throwing PoT every 20 seconds. PoT stays up for roughly 25 secs, I SUGGEST 20 to be safe and to get a potential double PoT tick immediately following the 5th Tick in the cycle. If you have the highest Vit and are throwing your PoT any sooner than that, you are seriously wasting power. Yes, there are two exceptions to the rule. 1. when you need to CC, (nexus robots, FoS 3 gold guys) but one cast of it should do the trick, things should go down quickly if you are doing your job so you won't have to recast. 2. a teammate that has been picked up, as soon as they pop back up, throw PoT again, especially the other troller and healers.

    2. One troll should debuff defense, the other debuffs damage out or healing (only two bosses that I can think of in PvE need a heal debuff.) These debuffs last 8-10 seconds. If the PoT troller thinks that they have PoT and do not need to debuff, they are hurting the raid. Split the debuff duties up so A. BOTH can get back to the weapon clip power dump spam B. one troller isn't stressed for power because they have to put up both debuffs every 10 seconds compared to throwing one PoT every 18. To simplify, during the PoT cycle of 20 seconds, PoT troller has cast one power while second troll has cast 4. The troll that has cast 4 won't be able to help recharge, hence, both trolls will be stressed for power and so will the raid.

    I've played every troller class. Currently Quantum. Doesn't matter what power I am, my loadout contains these at all times.
    1. PoT = Tachyon Burst - Excellent CC, hits two targets and doesn't split damage. See above WHEN to cast.
    2. Temporal Extortion - Power Dump, use to clip my quickest weapon combo that will do the most damage. Used every 3 seconds.
    3. Personal Shield - Time Bubble- 15 second cool down. I use this as a timing mechanism when to throw PoT again. Currently shields you for 100% of your Dom and 100% of your Resto. For me ATM, that's 2235. This also saves the healer from having to burst heal me MOST of the time, hence, saving power. I will switch this out for Quantum Tunneling in bigger rooms for faster pick ups, namely, last boss of Nexus.
    4. Defense Debuff - Singularity - Cast every 8-10 seconds on the biggest guy in the room.
    5. PvE - Damage Out Debuff - AWave/ PvP - Heal Debuff - Gravity Bomb - Same as above, split these duties up unless solo trolling.
    6. Group Shield - Event Horizon, if I go back to Gadgets, WoP. Group Shield now returns power back like WoP, and gives you a shield to boot.
    7. Soders are now in my Utility Belt - Personal Dampening Field IV. Stay alive.

    As stated earlier, IF you can set up PI for yourself without stressing the group for power or being irresponsible with your own power, do it. For Quantum, the benefit isn't always there. At 1325 might, Singularity cast on a target hits for average 120, affected with the PI, 180. Who cares? Clearly, 60 damage every 10 seconds, 600 damage every minute, and 36,000 damage every hour if you are perfect with it is not going to make or break the raid. You wasting your power will.
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  2. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    this being one of them
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  3. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    "what you should already know" would be a good title to this

    not bad info but hardly a guide, would get better response over in powers
  4. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    You left out get weapon counter to blue for faster power regen. I'm seeing a lot of people complaining about controllers lately and its probably the influx of new controllers from other roles that switched to try quantum. I haven't really seen any issue's with players and I pug a lot. Some groups use more power than others and you just have to adjust.

    No biggie to me its just a game and getting uptight ain't gonna make it more fun. Controlling's pretty simple most people that may need to see something like this probably won't even look and if they do they should find it under they're powers guide section.
  5. TheDark Devoted Player

    PoT actually last 25 seconds. You can get the double tick on or after 20.
  6. StickJoNeS New Player

    Man I hate duel trolling...would rather solo everything because people seem to think the healing debuff is actually for PvE....I never use the healing debuff unless i feel like ghosting ads for fun...Healing debuff is mainly for PvP...Just think people, trolling is not very hard. This game itself is not very hard...only idiots and newbs kill this game.
  7. Rob New Player

    Sorry, I see no support to develop your theory. Cheers.
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  8. Rob New Player

    Indeed. Coach high school football. When I tell kids to split 3 feet, they split 2, if I tell them 4, they split to the desired 3 feet. Same logic applied when I am suggesting when to throw PoT. I say 18, it will probably be thrown at 20. Keep up the good work Dark.
  9. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    The post after mine support my fact.
  10. Rob New Player

    Agreed with everything. But, I made this post with Nexus and Paradox Pugs in mind. You don't have time to Pew Pew and get your hit counter into the blue.
  11. Rob New Player

    Sadly, they don't, hence the post.
  12. Shadow Vlad New Player

    Sorry I stopped at Optimal weapon: Handblasters.
  13. Rob New Player

    Both posts pretty much pointless, other than to advance your status as a forum celebrity.
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  14. Rob New Player

    Test it yourself Vlad. Give your opinion.
  15. Shadow Vlad New Player

    I've used every weapon and "optimal" is different for most players depending on their playstyle thats all. Props to you for trying to help people though.
  16. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    He's not helping people he telling them they have to use Hb and giving a "close enough" number for pot. Do you know what happens when you throw pot at 18? You make people wait another 5 seconds before getting a tick. Meaning the tick went from every 5 seconds to then 8 seconds.
  17. xXMDKXx New Player

    Wow what great advise. First many weapons are good for trolling. I prefer shield and MA. I say this because you can range and time your power dumps and also clip the ranged hold moves ( they also do more damge for range and block break immediately). Second Power over time is so critical I see so many trollers neglect this. I am no expert on the double tick but what I do is on the third tick throw POT again then on the fourth tick throw it again then throw it again as soon as possible . This is to reset the cycle or just let the last cycle follow out. On modding make sure you put something on the crit power stuff it makes a huge difference. When it comes to using powers I suggest A POT a debuff (preferably the defense )Stick jones is correct outside of PVP heal and damage debuffs are not needed but they all stun for long periods.Also your powerdump and a power recharge like word of power. Dont be using powers to chase the damage board you will actually hurt yourself more. When power dumping I believe all troller classes receive a precision buff use that to an advantage.
  18. Rob New Player

    Celebrity Forum Poster, read the above post I made to Dark, than respond. At no point did I say you must use hand blasters. I briefly touch upon why I use them, but that escaped you. Clearly, reading comprehension, inference, and now, math are not your strong suits. I'm sure you will get by with your charm and forum status. I'll get off your case because finally you gave a reason why you feel my original post is trash. You get a double tick of PoT at 20 seconds when cast refreshing the effect, the second at 25, the third at 30 and so forth and so forth.
  19. Rob New Player

    Totally agree with you in that sense. Didn't mean to offend anybody with suggesting that HB's are optimal. In my opinion, they hit the hardest, especially when they fix charged blast, they are quick and easily clippable, in a pinch, and if you have the time, pulse beam gets you into the blue rather quickly. No other weapons can do all of that. Shield is decent, but hits no where near as hard as fast, pistols aren't even in the conversation, rifle, maybe, but I'll take hold tap of HB's over Rifles's grenade. I've always hated rifle with Gadgets for the animation of GG. Brawling..........maybe if I were HL and running gates.
  20. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    It's called overriding. If you throw pot at the 18 second mark the last time pot ticked was at 15 seconds. You throwing it out overrides the other pot which then needs 5 seconds. 3+5=8 you are effective slowing down the power. Even if you are saying that people will round it off it is very counter productive to the community for you to start a guide saying 18. Go to a dummy and spam pot, guarantee you will never get power back until you are out and can't override yourself. Bash me all you want, your not helping the controller community or your argument.